Chapter 339
Lin Youchang and the three of them are three dragon-level demon cultivators who are supporting the outside, belonging to the magic sword lineage, and Lin Youchang himself is still a ghost emissary, but who would have thought that when he came in for support, the moment he stepped into the lobby, the heavens blacken.

When they came back to their senses, they found a huge knife light appeared in front of their eyes, and the fear and coercion instantly enveloped the three of them, making them a little dull.

"What the hell is this?" Lin Youchang opened his eyes wide, and the figure of the six-armed Martial God had already occupied his entire pupil.


At the same time as the saber slashed over, the ghost energy in his body had already dissipated, and a red-skinned evil ghost emerged from his neck, while the other two demon cultivators had released their true energy.

"Let's have fun with the Six-Armed God of War." Chen Mo grinned, the ghost domain barrier stopped in front of Chen Mo's eyes, and at the same time slowly faded, the gray ghostly aura began to spread throughout Qingfeng Villa.

"Stop it, if you keep fighting like this, you will die." The voice of the blood demon patriarch reached Li Shou's ears.

"Hurry up, as long as we kill this celestial being in front of us, my family will be safe." A smile appeared on Li Shou's pale face, and there was a hint of relief. His future actually has no future.

He was already dead when Qingfeng Villa was destroyed.

His future is already doomed. "Since I'm going to die eventually, it's good to be able to resist Tianwaitian." Li Shou turned to look at the tall ghost behind him, with a wry smile on his face.

"Yo, the winner hasn't been decided yet." Chen Mo grinned, Li Shou obviously had another huge force in his body, which helped Li Qingfeng suppress Baili Rentu, otherwise, a Li Qingfeng would have Really can't deal with Baili Rentu.

"Boy, don't make mistakes. My power beyond the sky is something you can't afford to provoke." Baili Rentu's face darkened, and now he is already in a state of being suppressed. If he joins this person again, Life is absolutely not guaranteed.

"It's not that I didn't participate in the second Tianzhu Mountain battle, do you think I was scared by Chen Xianzhi?" Chen Mo just grinned, but thought so in his heart.

Not only the second battle of Tianzhu Mountain, but also the third Tianzhu Mountain battle between good and evil, which is about to be decided, Chen Xianzhi also planned to participate, so it came too urgently, so he didn't participate.

But it doesn't matter, Chen Mo likes the feeling of death like the wind, no worries if there are too many debts, no itching if too many lice.

"Okay, I like your style of doing things outside the sky. Come here if you have the ability. I, Chen Xianzhi, will take over, but you won't be able to get out today." Chen Mo laughed. In his eyes, there are no ghosts in the sky Humans are not heavenly beings at all. Didn't they see that just summoning the three-eyed Yama to appear is enough to suppress Shangguanting.

So for the current Chen Mo, you have evil spirits, and you can fight me when you reach the fifth stage, just like Bai Wuchang, otherwise, just accept death obediently.

Bai Wuchang's fighting strength is different from the general ones. Bai Wuchang is blessed by the potion of the underworld, and because the evil spirits are powerful enough, they can suppress Chen Mo with multiple cards. Otherwise, the average dragon-level sky Humans, together with ordinary evil spirits, cannot suppress the third-eyed Yama of the fifth stage.

Moreover, Chen Mo's combat power has not been developed in all directions. As long as multiple evil spirits stand on the same battlefield and the activated field control skills can be superimposed, Chen Mo's combat power still has a lot of room for improvement.

"I, the god arrester of the Luming Mansion in Donglinzhou, Chen Xianzhi, declare that you have violated various crimes under the Justice Law of the Dynasty, and you will be executed!"

"Keng!" The white chopping knife was pulled out from the knife box on Chen Mo's back, and Chen Mo had already joined the battlefield.

"Blessing with all big moves!"

Kaka, Chen Mo's body was covered by black ghost energy in an instant, his muscles swelled instantly, and his bones were rapidly increasing in value and strengthening. The force that was already full of oppression gathered on Chen Mo's body.

"What kind of secret technique is this?" The onlookers swallowed their saliva. Although Chen Mo had used it just now, it wasn't as scary as it is now. He is now five meters tall.

He was dressed in black ghost armor with scarlet patterns, and at the same time, scarlet ghost eyes opened in the gaps. On the top of his head were four winding ghost horns extending to the back of his head, and there were two soaring ghost horns on the top of his head. It appeared on Chen Mo's forehead, with a terrifying terror.

Under the ghost's face, there are eyes full of fighting intent, without the slightest killing intent, only a strong fighting intent.

"It should be the secret method of God's Catcher, or the enhancement brought by the evil spirits." Some quacks said tentatively.

"Master, the one in our temple." The little novice didn't say much, but looking at Chen Mo's figure, he couldn't help being fascinated, even if there were side effects, this powerful power is really fascinating.

"Amitabha." Zen Master Huitong didn't nod or shake his head, but just proclaimed the Buddha's name, and the little novice understood the meaning somewhat, but he didn't mention it again. This matter still needs to be discussed from the beginning.

"The meaning of evil - the sword of the wilderness!"

The three-foot-long black sword light condensed on the sword in Chen Mo's hand, and a huge coercion came from the back of Baili Rentu's head.

"36 Strategies are the best!" Baili Rentu gritted his teeth, he didn't even need to look, he just needed to know by feeling that this ghost-wielding messenger who came with a knife was more like a ghost than a ghost, as long as he hit him, he would Seriously injured, plus Li Qingfeng, he probably wants to hold grudges here.

"Want to leave?" Chen Mo laughed.

"The meaning of evil - dance of the thousand-edged sword!"

"Swipe!" Forty saber lights emanated from the saber in Chen Mo's hand, and instantly condensed into a web of sabers, directly sealing off Baili Rentu's retreat.

"Sky Blue Sword, Ten Thousand Strikes!" Li Qingfeng didn't miss this opportunity, the Qingfeng sword in his hand turned into an afterimage, and for a moment it looked like Wan Jian returned to the sect.

"You guys forced me!" Baili Rentu gritted his teeth, bit the bullet and passed through the knife net. Fortunately, he is a dragon-level celestial being, otherwise, he might really be left behind, and with him At the same time, Baili Rentu also untied a golden box from his waist.

Kind of like a ghost cage.

"Not good!" Chen Mo's eyes widened slightly. This is a fucking ghost cage. What is it? Fear and coercion came out directly.

"Baili put that thing!" Shen Guangxiu's expression also changed, his face was a little pale, and he glanced at the bloody clothes, "You are lucky!"

After speaking, the figure has disappeared in the periphery of Qingfeng Villa.

"Huh? What's going on?" Xue Yihou frowned slightly. He was also slightly injured, but it was obvious that Shen Guangxiu was in better condition than him, so he left without even looking at it. Something happened?
Xue Yihou was about to step into the lobby, a wave of fear and coercion emanated from the lobby, and immediately after, a black aura enveloped Qingfeng Villa directly. If one looked from the outside, even the blue sky of Qingfeng Villa could be overwhelmed. was stained black.

(End of this chapter)

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