Reckless through another world

Chapter 344 Are you waiting to take care of the food?

Chapter 344 Are you waiting to take care of the food?
"I didn't expect someone to remember my name after I passed away five hundred years ago." The bloody head laughed, his voice was old but with a different kind of boldness, as if he was happy that there were still people in the world who remembered him.

Chen Mo didn't respond. He knew that the blood demon ancestor didn't know about it from other places, but from the blood god son. The blood god son was the apprentice of Shangguanting, who later opened the blood demon lineage.

"Ashes return to ashes, the old master of the Blood River Sect has become the current blood demon patriarch, it is really a sigh." Chen Mo raised his mouth rather desolately, the blood demon patriarch was exactly 500 years ago The generation of the Blood River Sect's head teacher, Chen Mo didn't know what happened afterwards, but he knew that he became the current Blood Demon Patriarch.

The ancestor of the blood demon said that the true spirit is still there, but it is more like the state of the spirit of the weapon, the spirit of the blood river, but it is not known why Li Shou got it now.

The blood demon patriarch's expression darkened slightly, as if he remembered something.

"How should I open the ruins of the Blood River Sect?" Chen Mo's words pulled the blood demon patriarch back from his memories, and the blood demon patriarch looked at Chen Mo in astonishment.

The blood demon patriarch is so angry, he still thinks that someone can remember him very happy, but he didn't expect that Chen Xianzhi was thinking about his blood river sect's ruins, and asked him in front of his master, "Hey, your house's lock?" How to open it."

"There are so many things that are left alone. It's better to take them out and let them play their original value. Are you the Sect Master of Blood River?" Chen Mo laughed, the smile on his face was very kind.

"Don't even think about it, I would rather die than open the ruins of the Blood River Sect for you." The blood demon patriarch directly rejected Chen Mo's proposal.

With a warm and angry look on his face: "If the young man still wants to talk about this matter, the old man will go back."

"I'm actually asking you if you know what's wrong with this kid. He said that he came back after 30 years. It stands to reason that Li Qingfeng has been in possession of the Blood Spirit Orb for a very long time. You have been by Li Shou's side for such a long time. Do you feel anything unusual?" Chen Mo got down to business.

"This matter..." The blood demon patriarch shook his head, he didn't understand, he didn't know what happened to Li Shou, maybe the kid didn't say anything, which made the situation so unclear.

But since Li Shou didn't even tell the blood demon patriarch, would he tell those quacks?Will you talk to Chen Mo?
Certainly not.

Chen Mo thought about it for a while, and it was really the case. Since the blood demon ancestor who was closest to him didn't even mention it, it seems that Li Shou either hid it too deeply, or he really said it.

"Can you control the ghost behind you?" Chen Mo felt something was wrong with this ghost.

"I can't control it. I don't know how he appeared. He has been by my side since I woke up." Li Shou shook his head. If he could control this ghost, he might have a fight with Chen Mo.

"Huh?" Chen Mo fell behind a little, didn't ask any more questions, seemed to be in deep thought, and Li Shou also heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, let me try it!" Chen Mo slowly raised his head, laughing, his voice was loud, the scarlet in his eyes became brighter suddenly, and the rest of the ghost eyes on his body all gathered in front of him, and in front of him At this moment, the scarlet ghost eyes widened.

At the same time when the ghost eyes opened, the ghost domain in Chen Mo's hand had already enveloped them both. Since they couldn't get out of the question, Chen Mo decided to try it himself. I don't know what this evil ghost will do?

The six-armed Valkyrie in Huangquan stood up suddenly, and a black knife shadow appeared on his strong arm.

"Big ghost?" Li Shou stared dumbfounded at the six-armed warrior who had raised his sword. The 15-meter-high six-armed warrior looked down, and the black sword shadows gathered together. The six swords were like a wheel, and finally turned into one Huge black knife shadow.

Like a black crack that split the space, it went straight to the top of Li Shou's head.

"噗!" Chen Mo directly put away Huang Quan.

"Can't you try it?" At the same time as he came out, Chen Mo also used Gang Qi to open the cage of the evil spirit, but he still couldn't catch the evil spirit following Li Shou, as if he didn't exist.

"Forget it, let it be like this." Chen Mo waved his hand, and he couldn't think of any good way. If it goes on, maybe Li Shou will die. This evil spirit always gives Chen Mo a very dangerous feeling. However, if Li Shou died and he was revived from the dead body, there would be problems instead.

Since Li Shou didn't let this ghost take action at such a dangerous level, maybe he really couldn't control it.

"That was just now, was that your evil spirit?" Li Shou also woke up from the panic. Looking at Chen Mo's current appearance, it seemed that he didn't intend to investigate the evil spirit behind him any more.

"No." Chen Mo denied, "Hurry up and lead the way, I have to go to Donglin Chamen to attend the celebration banquet after taking away the evil spirits, I don't have time to spend here."


After passing through the long corridor, I opened a mountain gate in the back mountain, and walked into a somewhat dark place, just enough for two people to walk side by side, as if the imprisoned ghost was imprisoned in the mountain.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, a golden gate stood in front of Chen Mo and Li Shou.

The golden gate made of Xingchen Gold has no variegated colors at all, and has gathered lines. Li Shou walked up to it, chanted the mantra, and opened the gate with a secret method.

"Crack!" The sound of the door opening seemed to affect the hill, and some rolling stones and plants fell down.

With the opening of the giant golden gate, Chen Mo also saw the scene inside the giant gate.

It was very bright, the ground was paved with gold stars, a scarlet evil spirit was trapped in the pool by chains, chains locked him up, but it seemed that he had noticed the person coming, the vampire raised his head, There was nothing in the two ruby-like ghost eyes.

"It turned out to be a vampire from the Blood River Sect. It seems that what your father entered was the secret realm of the Blood River Sect." Chen Mo was stunned.

Regardless of Li Shou, Chen Mo strode in.

The pool is not small, it is all piled up with star gold, scarlet ghost blood is slowly surging, and half of the vampire's body is covered in ghost blood, the upper body is exposed, and is worn by chains made of star gold.

"Vampire, it's mine!" Chen Mo didn't even need to work hard, he could directly use the evil ghost cage to put the confined vampire into the cage.

Li Shou really wanted to close the door directly, and then release the vampire, and let the vampire kill Chen Mo, but his reason over the years told him that he really couldn't do so much, the ghost brought by this young policeman was too strong Well, vampires are not necessarily opponents. If they are angered at that time, their Li family might be gone.

Li Shou didn't dare to bet on Chen Mo's personality. This person looked very reckless at first glance. He went in as soon as the door opened, and he didn't let Li Shou try it out. But it also showed Chen Mo's confidence in his own strength.

"Ah." Li Shou talked for a while, but nothing happened.

"Let's go!" When Li Shou came back to his senses, it turned out that Chen Mo was already standing in front of him, and the vampire in the pool behind him had disappeared.


Back in the lobby, not only were there no fewer quacks, but there were many more gods, and they were gods who ward off ghosts. Chen Mo greeted with a smile: "Yo, you haven't left yet? No matter what the meal is, they are always here. "

(End of this chapter)

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