Reckless through another world

Chapter 345 I still need to do one game after all

Chapter 345 Still need to do a game

"You are Detective Chen, right? You have admired the name of the God Catchers for a long time. Today, seeing Detective Chen with such profound cultivation at such a young age, the God Catchers really have a lot of background." A middle-aged man in a white robe He said with a smile.

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time, I don't know who you are?" Chen Mo also stretched out his hand not to hit the smiling people. Although these people are menacing and they don't seem to be good people, they are all righteous people after all, so they should be shameless.

Everyone was taken aback, but Zhang Huizheng, the fourth elder who knew Chen Mo, hurriedly covered his face by mistake, as expected, he still had the same virtue, you don't even know who he is, what a fart you have been looking up to for a long time.

The rest of the quacks also had a look of astonishment, it was the first time they saw such a person, but the quack, isn't it just that everyone brags to each other, you brag about me, I brag about you, whether you have seen it is secondary, The business bullshit is what counts.

"Someone is Qiu Yishui, the guardian elder of the Kongtong sect." Qiu Yishui didn't report their Kongtong sect's incision, and he didn't want to have a conflict. Now that he reports the incision, it is easy for Chen Mo to misunderstand that they are looking for faults.

Of course, if you want to say whether they are looking for faults, of course they are, otherwise so many people will not leave, and they really want to stay for dinner.

"Sure enough, it's Qiu Yishui, one of the Kongtong double bases."


"That's the only way he can pull himself together to do such a thing."

Xixisuosuo's voice resounded among the onlookers, as if he was very shameless towards this person, but Qiu Yishui was not ashamed, but proud of it.Smiling, he accepted Chen Mo's words of retaliation.

But even if there was no lower limit, Qiu Yishui did not lower his self-proclaimed.

"This is the foreign affairs elder of our Taishang Dao Sect." The leader disciple of Taishang Dao hurriedly introduced to Chen Mo.

"Looking up to you for a long time, I never expected to meet the elders of the Peerless Sect." Chen Mo clasped his fists, anyway, welcoming one is also a welcome, and welcoming two is also a welcome, everyone is kind and friendly.

An orthodox sect must have the bearing of an orthodox sect.

Elder Zheng looks about 50 years old, his beard is a little gray, but his hair has not turned white yet, and he looks a little fairy-like, with a faint smile on his face, "I heard that my little friend is familiar with Zong Zhang?"

"The relationship is okay." Chen Mo nodded slightly. There are so many real people in the Taishang Dao Sect, but Zhang Laodao is really the only one with the surname Zhang.

The elder of the Chunyang Sword Sect gave his disciple a wink, which meant, "Hurry up and introduce someone, I have already entrusted you with the relationship, and later this little brother will be limped by the old thief Zheng, so where is the treasure?" We are pure yang!"

"Hurry up Chen, this is Elder Yi of our Chunyang Sword Sect." The leading disciple of Chunyang quickly introduced, anyway, the elders of each family are now big bosses, and this disciple of Chunyang Sword Sect just planned to avoid him. avoid.

"I have admired you for a long time." Chen Mo's gaze was drawn over.

"Sure enough, a hero is a boy." Elder Yi smiled and nodded. When he came, he had heard his disciple talk about Chen Mo's move just now. Although he felt that his disciple was too stupid, he had to admire Chen Mo's good move.

So much so that even if these elders wanted to ask Li Qingfeng, they would not come up with anything. Li Qingfeng directly said that he had entrusted it to Chen Mo, and they could only negotiate with Chen Mo.

Li Qingfeng also happily stood aside to watch the show, anyway, it has nothing to do with their Qingfeng Villa, after a while he will wash his hands in the golden basin, and then take his family to hide in Shendu, can Tianwaitian be so rampant that Shendu goes wild? ?

Those elders who nested in the capital of God, as well as the great saints of the human race, would not break the legs of these demon cubs.

Of course, it's not that there are no cards in the Demon Sect. There are many masters among the 33 veins, and their demon masters are even more powerful. But after all, Li Qingfeng died after Jinpen washed his hands. Feel free to wash your hands before washing your hands, and you will definitely not be able to come here in the open and aboveboard.

"Junior Sister, didn't you come with that little catcher? You go and talk to him." Gui Yuanzong's senior brother immediately caught their junior sister's attention.

"Nonsense, Junying is Senior Brother Li's only daughter, how can this be so!" The elder of Gui Yuanzong waved his hand directly, his face straightened, and he scolded.

"Uncle Zhou, don't be angry, I know that little catcher well, so it's good to talk about it." Li Junying hurriedly tried to persuade him, and Gui Yuanzong's disciple hurriedly pleaded guilty for making a slip of the tongue.

Even if Li Junying is married to a disciple of her own sect, she shouldn't have a good impression of a small catcher. This is what Elder Zhou thinks. Of course, Elder Zhou is not a domineering person, but he just thinks that this little catcher shouldn't be .

How dangerous the mission of God's Catchment is, these elders can't understand it very well, and some of them never came back after leaving the mission.

They are all a group of desperadoes, dealing with evil spirits that are more cruel and ruthless than Moxiu, not to mention that sometimes they have to fight on top of the battle, dealing with visitors from outside the territory, and the imperial court's support has not yet arrived, so they should first adjust the township department, and then adjust the gods catch the door.

With such a high-risk occupation, how can Elder Zhou, who regards Li Junying as his own, feel at ease, and become a widow by accident? Even if he enters the Ghost Realm and loses contact, he will be a widow in an instant.

Anyway, anyone can do it, but the God Catchers can't do it, let alone the God Catchers.

So this is also the reason why Li Junying's father tried his best to prevent her from joining God's Catcher.Zhou Shen and Li Junying's father were as close as brothers, so they naturally tried their best to prevent Li Junying from entering the God's Catchment Gate.

Besides, Guiyuanzong has such a large territory and so many properties, why does this jewel in the palm have to go to the gods?

Zhou Shen naturally had to stop her thoughts first.

"Chen catcher, Chen catcher, this is our Elder Zhou of Guiyuanzong." The disciples of Guiyuanzong also rushed over, but they couldn't let the elders of their sect introduce themselves, and they couldn't think about it first. It's like finding fault, so I can only let them, disciples of the sect, do it for them.

"I have admired you for a long time." Chen Mo said with a smile.

"I don't know where the old man you have admired for a long time, little policeman?" Zhou Shen asked with a little indifference in his calm face.

Zhou Shen was carrying a huge coffin-like bronze box on his back. Of course, not only this elder was carrying it, but the rest of the Guiyuanzong disciples were also carrying it.

"Has this old man taken gunpowder?" Chen Mo was stunned, hello, hello, everyone, let's have a happy meal together, and then let's break up. Now that Elder Zhou is asking this, isn't he making things difficult for others? .



"Forget it, we can't afford it."

Although the quacks around seemed to be aware of it, they were all talking in low voices.

"I haven't seen it, nor heard it, how about letting someone see Gui Yuanzong's strength now?" The smile on Chen Mo's face was much stronger, and the scarlet color in his eyes slowly covered his pupils.

Said that the black ghost energy has escaped from the body.

"Calm down, Elder Zhou is a straightforward person, Chen Kuai is a young hero, God catches the door, everyone is a martial arts hero, don't let Moxiu see the joke."

"Boss Chen and you too, why are you so reckless?"

"Furthermore, you too, Elder Zhou." Qiu Yishui hurried out to smooth things over. Others wanted to fight, but his status was not high enough. Although he, the elder of Kongtong, was slippery, he had to say that he was not bad.

"Chen, hurry up and pay me."

"Come on, come on, just do it!" Chen Mo had no intention of making amends at all.

Hearing what Chen Mo said, everyone was shocked, good guy, even Gui Yuanzong's tiger beard dared to stroke.

Of course, the scene of the death of the Demon Sect Heavenly Man is still vivid in my mind. It may be that Chen Mo was too young and too confusing, so everyone couldn't help but compare Chen Mo with the whole Guiyuanzong.

No matter how strong Chen Mo is, he is still no match for Gui Yuanzong's behemoth, right?

But none of them realized that they actually compared Chen Mo alone with the whole Guiyuanzong.

(End of this chapter)

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