Reckless through another world

Chapter 364 Okay, I Want This

Chapter 364 Okay, I Want This
As soon as he entered the boundary of Zhubing Pavilion, Chen Mo felt a scorching air wave blowing towards his face. The dark red city bricks were built like the Great Wall, towering and majestic.

The tall pavilions stand up layer by layer, and most of them are built of bricks and stones instead of iron wood and other materials.

Everything in Zhubing Pavilion is in order, and there are no gossips, just like a huge machine running according to the gears.

Three large gold-plated characters hang above the gate. The huge dark red gate is wide open, but the inside is brightly lit.When Chen Mo stepped into the Zhubing Pavilion, there was no such hot breath, but a refreshing coolness, very refreshing.

"The Casting Pavilion is like this." Chen Mo said in surprise. It was indeed the first time he stepped into the Casting Pavilion. It was very different from what he had imagined. It is bright and makes people feel at ease.

Originally, there were still civil servants who wanted to come over, but when they saw Chen Mo wearing a red robe and the beautiful deputy arrester standing beside Chen Mo, they naturally stopped. With the deputy arrester, the introduction must be better than theirs. The presentation is better and more comprehensive.

"Take me first to see if there are any good materials." Chen Mo greeted Lu Suyao.

"My lord, if you want to customize a weapon, you need to discuss it with the Master Armor Caster first, instead of looking at the materials first." Lu Suyao reminded in a low voice.

They always discuss with the master caster what grade and type of weapon to cast, and then select the materials for casting. Unexpectedly, Chen Mo did the opposite, and wanted to see what materials were available first, which surprised Lu Suyao.

"Alright, let's find someone first." Chen Mo didn't hesitate, what Lu Suyao said was indeed reasonable, the main reason was that Chen Mo had developed a habit of looking at the materials first when playing games, so he didn't react for a while.

"Dizi No. [-] Wing Room."

After applying for the number plate, Chen Mo took Lu Suyao into the No. [-] Wing Room of Dizi, where most of the forging scenes can be seen. Although it is separated by glass, Chen Mo still feels that there is a wave of heat rushing to the level come.

"Chi!" Huge air waves erupted from the huge bellows. There were at least a dozen large bellows in a row, all of which were pulled by a strong man. They remained motionless in such air waves until finally the air waves disappeared. The wind echoed.

"Lord Chiyan?" Chen Mo murmured in his heart, frowning slightly.

As soon as he sat down, the evil spirit in his body suddenly became agitated. After careful sensing, it turned out to be the feeling transmitted by Lord Chiyan to Chen Mo, and it was a bit strong, as if Lord Chiyan wanted to get out of Chen Mo's body. come out.

Seeing that Chen Mo frowned, Lu Suyao couldn't help but secretly said, "Could it be that there is some arrangement that made him dissatisfied?" Although Lu Suyao was still worried, since Chen Mo didn't say anything, Lu Suyao didn't ask any more questions. My job is.

While Chen Mo was meditating, an old man walked into the wing.

"It turned out to be Master Changsun." Lu Suyao hurriedly saluted and said, the old man in front of her was a well-known great blacksmith in Donglin Zunmen, since this one came, then Chen Mo should be able to get a desired weapon.

"My lord, Chen Xianzhi, haven't asked for advice yet?" Chen Mo came back from his contemplation, his eyes lit up, the old man in front of him didn't seem to have lost his vitality at all, and he felt that his cultivation base was at least level ninety to Between one hundred levels.

"Old Changsun Jin, I've heard of the title of headhunter already." Changsun Jin said with a smile.

Changsun Jin squinted his eyes, wore a short gown, had a white cropped hair, and even a beard with an inch beard, his face was red, and the steaming blood in his body was like a long river, rushing and torrenting.

When Chen Mo was looking at Chang Sun Jin, the other party was also looking at Chen Mo. Although he had heard about it, Chang Sun Jin still felt that being famous was not as good as meeting him. The blacksmith relies on a powerful body of blood and flesh, and controls the equipment to forge weapons like a blacksmith.

And Chen Mo gave Zhang Sun Jin the feeling that he was full of energy and blood. The blood of the policeman he had heard for a long time was stronger than their blacksmiths, but he looked a little trance-like, and looked a little silly.

If Chen Mo knew what they thought, he would have to complain about it.I don't know what they all think, but they all think Chen Mohan.

"I don't know what kind of weapon Captain Chen wants to forge?" Changsun Jin acted vigorously and went straight to the point.

"I want to build a long knife. If it is of high grade, it must be at least epic." Although Chen Mo was surprised by Lord Chiyan's reaction, he didn't think too much about it. Now there is still business to discuss. After the discussion, he will look for Find out why.

Anyway, Zhubing Pavilion is here, and I can't run long.

"Epic level swordsman?" Changsun Jin muttered.

"Catch the head, if you want an epic-level weapon, you need powerful materials. The materials for weapons are generally one level higher than weapons, so at least you need perfect-level materials." Changsun Jin said after some consideration.

The meaning of these words is obviously that they don't trust Chen Mo's financial resources. After all, the price of a piece of perfect material is around [-] to [-]. To create a weapon, at least two materials are needed, or even a mixture of multiple materials. , at least [-] to [-] merits.

"May I ask how powerful a weapon Master Changsun can make at most?" Chen Mo said with a smile. He is rich and powerful, and he doesn't mind these feats at all.

"I became a congenital at the age of 20, and entered the dragon level at the age of 50. I have been here for two hundred years and devoted myself to the study of forging techniques. Now I can forge perfect weapons." Changsun Jin said quite proudly. Master, naturally have the capital of pride.

This is especially true for forging perfect level weapons.

"If you want to forge a perfect-level weapon, you need legendary-level materials with old-fashioned methods, and a piece of legendary-level material can be worth at least 20 merits." Changsun Jin said with a smile, and he only thought that Chen Mo was asking him strength, so the words are easier.

"Okay, let's build... an epic weapon. I plan to budget 15 yuan." Chen Mo clapped the case.

Lu Suyao was about to stop Chen Mo, others didn't know, but did she know that Chen Mo's token had nearly 50 meritorious deeds, but she only realized after she stretched out her hand halfway, "Wait, epic level?"

"Scared me, I thought you were going to forge a perfect weapon."

Even Master Changsun thought that Chen Mo was going to say that he wanted to forge perfect weapons, but fortunately, he finally heard that he was talking about forging epic weapons.

"Hey, I'm not stupid, why don't we save the materials and talk about it later." Chen Mo smiled in his heart, Changsun Jin is really good, but Chen Mo thinks that God should have more powerful blacksmiths, just like those in the game. Like a blacksmith.

They can even use lower materials to create higher-level weapons.

Even a forging of the same level can produce a legendary weapon, so why use legendary materials to make a perfect weapon.

After the strength is improved in the future, weapons need to be replaced, so building a perfect one now will be very loss-making.

 Happy New Year, I wish you all the best, get rich overnight, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life.

(End of this chapter)

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