Reckless through another world

Chapter 365 Maybe Not Human

Chapter 365 Maybe Not Human
"If Detective Chen wants to make an epic knife, there are a total of thirteen materials that are more suitable, seven of which are suitable for heavy knives, and the remaining six are suitable for light knives. Yes, the rest of the auxiliary materials have already been matched, just take them out." Changsun Jin nodded.

"Materials that can be used to make heavy knives include dragon-pattern crystal gold, earth-polar magnetic iron, and nine-fold blue steel... while light knives are made of feather-blood-smelted steel..." Changsun Jinru said what he knew The main material of the perfect level told Chen Mo.

It's good that Chen Mo didn't boast that he wanted to build a perfect or legendary magic weapon, otherwise, both sides might not be able to get off the stage.

Changsun Jin was unable to forge legendary-level weapons, at most he could only forge perfect-level weapons, but he needed a lot of materials, which involved Chen Mo's financial problems, so he also avoided Chen Mo's embarrassment. Merit, but it's too embarrassing.

"Do you need any preparations?" Chen Mo asked, and Chen Mo was quite confident about the material that was glued to the epic level.

Furthermore, it is enough to create an epic-level weapon, and at most two perfect-level materials are needed, and the budget should be controlled at about 15 to [-] merits.

"The old man goes to open the furnace, and when Detective Chen gets the materials, there will be soldiers to guide him to the forging place." Changsun Jinshi got up abruptly, took his leave, and left in a big stride.

Master Changsun went to prepare the stove for casting, while Chen Mo, led by Lu Suyao, went to the high-level hall where the materials were stored.

Just like the storage method of the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, a layer of faint crystal magic circle covers the material display stand, horizontal and vertical, and there is no way to take them out except for the meritorious deeds on the token of the gods.

Along the way, he went up to the seventh floor non-stop, and there were many materials on display, but Chen Mo kept in mind the thirteen kinds of materials Chang Sun Jin said, after all, Grand Master Sun Jin is a professional.

With Lu Suyao by her side, she knew all these materials.

Looking at this black iron tire with golden patterns like a dragon's egg, Chen Mo shook his head slightly, "It's not very eye-catching."

Not only is he not very eye-catching, he also tentatively injected some stellar energy, but the air conduction is not as good as he thought, and the dragon in his body doesn't seem to like the stellar energy.

"The next one."

After testing one by one, Chen Mo found that there are two materials that are very suitable for him, and one of them is Jiuzhong Qingsteel.

This is not a whole piece of material, but glass beads one by one. It doesn't look like much, but it is more than enough to make a sword.The material is like glass, and the cyan shadow flow is slightly flowing.

Although they are all glass beads, they look as if they are one. Chen Mo can sense that they are very adaptable to Gang Qi.

The other is feathered sharp gold, pieces of feather-like things that don't look like materials, but gather together like some kind of animal.

After weighing it, Chen Mo chose to build a heavy knife.

No, it doesn't even need to be weighed. Chen Mo has always felt that if he can use heavy weapons, he should not use light weapons. Looking at the lightness, he feels that the damage is not enough, and the heavy sword is different from the light sword. The heavy sword is also called a two-handed sword.

Although there was no specific division of occupations in the game before, heavy knives are generally two-handed weapons, while light knives are one-handed weapons. Compared with light knives, Chen Mo still likes heavy knives more, and dual-wielding weapons are more suitable. Chen Mo's fighting style.

Although they are both magical weapons, there is still a clear distinction between light and heavy. Heavy knives are far superior to light knives in terms of power and armor penetration, but light knives also have the benefits of light knives. They are fast and elegant. Once they cause damage, the knives can quickly take back.

All in all, each has its pros and cons.

"I'll choose this nine-fold blue steel to make a heavy knife." Chen Mo put the token of the gods on the formation, a burst of golden light flashed, Chen Mo's stellar energy was injected into the token, and he sensed that the token had lost five. Wan's feats.

After a lot of tossing around, it took a full 12 merits to collect all the materials for the Qinggang heavy knife. Chen Mo put them all in the storage bag, and his authority was raised to the court column level. Naturally, Chen Mo led They are all benefits at the court column level, even so, it still costs a lot.

Chen Mo's complexion was as usual, but he was thinking in his heart, "If the old ones don't go away, the new ones won't come. If you earn more meritorious deeds, you are born to be useful. If the money is gone, it will come back."

Seeing that Chen Mo spent 12 yuan without blinking his eyes, Lu Suyao couldn't help thinking, "This skill of nourishing qi is really amazing, no wonder he became famous as a teenager."

"Can we go up there?" Chen Mo looked at Lu Suyao and asked.

"Okay, sir, do you want to go up and have a look? The upper layer stores all the materials rated as legendary." Lu Suyao nodded. She didn't think Chen Mo went back to buy legendary materials, but thought that Chen Mo wanted to go up to another layer to have a look. What about legendary materials?

"Legendary level?" Chen Mo licked his lips. In fact, it wasn't that he wanted to take a look, but that Lord Chiyan in his body urged him to go up. Sensing the restlessness of Lord Chiyan in his body, Chen Mo finally planned to go up. Go up and have a look.

"Then go up and take a look." Chen Mo took the lead, crossed the ripples of the formation and stepped into the ninth floor. The ninth floor is the highest floor. There are no guards between each floor, only the maintenance formation. Law, even the gate.

They will scan the holder's God Catch Token, and if they have enough authority, they will let it pass, and if they do not have enough authority, they will not be able to go up. With Chen Mo Tingzhu's level of authority, there is no problem in ascending to the ninth floor.

On the ninth floor, individual display crystal cabinets are arranged horizontally and vertically. Many of the cabinets are empty, and only a few pieces are still shining. The foundation of the large array is the attic, and the attic The foundation is to catch the gate in the east.

If someone can use force to take away the things from the trap door, it means that the Donglin trap gate has fallen, and these things can be taken away at will.

"What are you looking for?" Chen Mo paced slowly following Chi Yan's feelings.

Skipping over the treasures one by one, they finally stopped in front of a crystal cabinet. Through the crystal cabinet, Chen Mo asked in his heart: "Is it it?"

It seems to be asking Lord Chiyan, of course Lord Chiyan can't answer, he is just trying to walk, trying to influence Chen Mo, it seems that he is very eager for this thing in front of him.

I hope Chen Mo can take it out for him.

In the cabinet in front of me is a crystal that is much larger than a human head. Inside the crystal is an old crown, which should look like a crown. The gemstone in the center seems to have become like a stone, and the entire crown is gray. Frozen by this huge crystal-like thing.

"What is this?" Chen Mo turned to look at Lu Suyao.

"Through the authority of the adults, the subordinates did not find out the specific function of this thing. They just explained that the legendary rating should be someone's crown, but the outermost layer is Xuanbing." Lu Suyao replied.

"Who? No, maybe it's not human. It should be some ghost's crown." Chen Mo directly opened the attribute panel, and the 3D model of Chiyan Dijun on the attribute panel was slowly rotating.

But to Chen Mo's surprise, there seemed to be no place on the top of Chiyan Dijun's head where he could wear a crown.

(End of this chapter)

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