Chapter 366

Although Lord Chiyan kept urging Chen Mo, Chen Mo was obviously not affected, and Chen Mo was able to completely control the evil spirit in his body.

Although he was about to get out of Chen Mo's body anxiously, it seemed that Lord Chiyan was also sticking to his duty, just urging Chen Mo to go instead of trying to control Chen Mo to do it. This is a high degree of fit benefit.

Some ghost stewards have a low degree of compatibility, and the evil ghost will involuntarily control the ghost steward. When the strength of the ghost steward and the evil ghost do not match, the evil ghost can even slip out of the ghost steward's body.

Chen Mo raised his hand, and at this moment, Lord Chiyan in Chen Mo's body also raised his hand, and a trace of ghost energy emanated from Chen Mo's body, but it dissipated like smoke just a few inches away from the body.

"Take it as a toy for the child." Chen Mo laughed dumbly. Since Lord Chi Yan wanted this kind of toy without much introduction, Chen Mo didn't mind buying it for him.

From Chen Mo's point of view, this thing is at most 15 meritorious service, which is an epic weapon, and the money spent on evil spirits is small.Besides, he still has the authority of Tingzhu level, so he can get a discount anyway.

Chen Mo stuck the token on the crystal cabinet with a calm face, and injected his own qi into the token, and the light suddenly became brighter.

"My lord, don't..." Lu Suyao made a move against Chen Mo, and hurriedly said something to stop Chen Mo, but it was obviously too late.

With a burst of light flickering, the formation in front of him was directly opened, and a coldness that could pierce into the bones of a person radiated from the cabinet, even Chen Mo shivered.

Lu Suyao was even shivering from the cold, it seems that the outer layer of ice is not a good thing to get along with.

"Fuck!" Looking at his token again, Chen Mo swears directly.

Chen Mo's eyes were even staring round, this time he directly swiped his 30 meritorious service, looking at the pitiful five-digit number left in the token, Chen Mo wiped his eyes to make sure that he did not have hallucinations, and for a while It didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

It's like going to buy something by yourself, and then swiping the card, directly swiping all the hundreds of millions of deposits in the card, the mother is not surprised, just stunned, even Chen Mo Confused face.

"After half a year of hard work, I bought this as soon as I returned to the pre-liberation period? What about the agreed discount? How much discount? This fucking broke my bone!" Chen Mo blinked, The corners of his mouth kept twitching, and he wanted to smile, but he couldn't at all, and even his face turned green.

"Why the hell is it so expensive?" Chen Mo looked at Lu Suyao.

"My lord, I didn't tell you that this legendary item is priced at 35 meritorious deeds, because the outer layer is made of ten thousand years of black ice, which itself is a legendary material, and the things inside are mostly It's an addition, so it's the merit of 35." Lu Suyao also looked helpless, even with a little grievance.

Originally, he was going to stop Chen Mo, but who would have thought that Chen Mo's hand would be so fast, and he would hand in the meritorious service directly.

But after taking a look at Chen Mo whose face was turning green, Lu Suyao really wanted to laugh, but she couldn't laugh when she wanted to, so she couldn't help but feel very uncomfortable.

"85% off." Chen Mo nodded, who would have thought that the most valuable part of this thing would be the outer layer, isn't this 20 meritorious deeds in vain?

No, you can still hear a sound when you hit the water. Chen Mo looked at the ice cubes in the cabinet and the crown inside, and his mind suddenly turned, "Oh? No, if I separate these two things, wouldn't it be Can you sell another 20 merits?"

"My lord, this is very difficult, because it is said that this two-in-one legendary item will damage the contents if you use the black ice, but if you use the black ice, you can't avoid the contents inside, and the legendary weapon created Or the armor must be affected."

"So there can only be one of the two." Although Lu Suyao didn't want to tell Chen Mo this cruel reality, the fact is that if you want the inside, the outer ice must be melted. Get rid of the contents.

Chen Mo didn't care at all. The mysterious ice outside is not very important. Obviously, what Lord Chiyan wants is the crown inside. Since it is a legendary thing, at least it can bring Lord Chiyan a little bit of power. Let's change the field.

Although it is said that the merit value has doubled, but in the end we still have to see how it works.

Just as Chen Mo stretched out his hand to touch the head-sized piece of black ice, his arm was already covered with a layer of frost, and the hairs stood on end. Therefore, Chen Mo didn't use his hand anymore, but stretched out his tentacles with Gang Qi to try to touch it.

There was a crisp sound of "Kaka", and the Gang Qi was frozen directly, extending to Chen Mo's body.

"Huh." Chen Mo sighed lightly. The icy air emitted by this mysterious ice is so tyrannical. It was originally sealed in the formation, and I didn't feel much. Now that the formation was opened by Chen Mo, it belongs to the legendary level. The power of the material was released, and even the stellar energy was frozen.

Lu Suyao propped up the stellar qi and enveloped herself, the coldness was swept away, seeing that the black ice could freeze even the stellar qi, she couldn't help worrying, "Could it be that it can't be taken away after it's untied? "

"Do you want to try?" Chen Mo sensed the movement of Lord Chi Yan in his body, and raised his hand slightly, the king's armor directly covered Chen Mo's entire arm, and the transpiring ghost energy spewed out from the gap of the armor with a "chi" sound.

The black ghost aura has obviously been aggravated a lot, like a layer of frost, but it has not been frozen. The whole piece of black ice the size of a human head was held in Chen Mo's hands, and a sense of familiarity rose from the bottom of Chen Mo's heart. , but Chen Mo knew that it was not that he was familiar with it, but that Lord Chiyan in his body was familiar with it.

Apparently Lord Chiyan is familiar with the crown in the mysterious ice. Chen Mo released a trace of ghost energy from his body and entangled the whole mysterious ice. The crown in the mysterious ice actually liquefied, just like a martial artist possessed by an evil spirit. Drilled out of the ice.

Drilling in along Chen Mo's armored arm, a slippery feeling flashed by, Chen Mo quietly put the Xuan Bing into his mustard bag, with a strange expression on his face.

Feeling the dispelling of the surrounding coldness, Lu Suyao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and glanced at Chen Mo with a weird face, Lu Suyao thought that Chen Mo was still immersed in the mentality of regretting all the losses, so she didn't notice anything else strange at all. .

But Chen Mo himself knew that the crown had already come out of the black ice, and Chen Mo, who had felt a loss at first, seemed to be able to make a small profit this time.

Originally, in the evaluation of the trap door, this material was defined as a waste product, but it is also a two-in-one thing, so it is equivalent to 35 meritorious deeds. Now, the ten-thousand-year-old black ice with a large head is enough to be worth 25 meritorious deeds. .

However, to Chen Mo's surprise, Lord Chiyan didn't seem to react at all, and he didn't seem to be as active as before.

"Could it be that it hasn't appeared yet?" Chen Mo didn't think too much about it, not to mention that now is not the place and time for research, and there will be more time in the future.

"Let's go, we have to forge weapons."

(End of this chapter)

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