Reckless through another world

Chapter 372 Ginger is still old and spicy

Chapter 372 Ginger is still old and spicy

"General arrest, urgent report from Tainan Prefecture."

"Qizuozhuang was wiped out overnight, and even the dogs in the yard didn't escape. There are more than 200 people in the two families, and none of them survived."

"Qi Zuo's family village has turned into a ghostly creature, and all the red clothes from Tainan Prefecture have been folded in." The civilian policeman in red hurriedly presented the dossier to Chu Kuangge who was fishing.

"Wen Tao, can you tell what level of ghost it is?" Chu Kuangge swept the file with a big hand, with a solemn expression on his face. It was discovered that the gold seal of Tainan Prefecture had also been damaged a lot, and the red-clothed policemen had already sunk in, life and death were uncertain.

"There are at least the second class, and the strength is between three-star tyrannical and three-star perfect. However, if he has killed so many people, he has probably reached three-star perfect or even supreme." Wen Tao's face flashed with worry. The famous Tingzhu-level red clothes were transferred to rescue Li Zijian. There are many red clothes in the arresting door now, but if these red clothes go, it will undoubtedly be a gift.

Chu Kuangge cannot be dispatched easily, and it is very likely that no one is available now.

"Let Chen Xianzhi come to see me." Chu Kuangge said.

"Yeah, there's also this god catcher." Wen Tao was overjoyed, and thought, "Even if this one is a little worse than the general Tingzhu class, it shouldn't be much worse, at least he is also the top among ordinary red clothes." God's catch."

"Yes." Wen Tao hurried out to look for Chen Mo.

"Damn you, you don't stop when you come out of the mountain, are you still thinking about that crazy plan of yours?" Chu Kuangge's face suddenly became gloomy. Suppress the situation and uproot Tianwaitian.

It's a pity that the imperial court and Su Lao think that Tianwaitian is useful and don't want Tianwaitian to disappear. Even the current emperor thinks that Tianwaitian can't die.

That's why the current situation has been created. After the Demon Sect was born, the chaos in the world has obviously doubled. In the past, there would still be two or three Tingzhu ranks remaining in the Catchment Sect, and now even newcomers are needed to make up for it.

If there was no birth of the Demon Sect, most people would have rushed to Qi Zuozhuang to suppress it by now.

"It seems that the red-clothed generals are going to be promoted." Chu Kuangge thought so, the resources should be allocated reasonably, and a group of top red-clothed general arrests should be trained to become court pillars.

"Looking for me?" The huge door of the heavy stone room opened, and Chen Mo walked out of the door of the practice room, looked at Lu Suyao and asked.

"The chief arrester asked the adults to see him, and there is an urgent task to be handed over to the adults." Lu Suyao nodded.

"I see." Chen Mo went out directly, Wen Tao was already waiting for Chen Mo in the lobby, seeing Chen Mo walking out, Wen Tao immediately stood up from his seat.

Wen Tao didn't dare to show off to Chen Mo. Chen Mo's authority was the red clothes at the court column level, and he could be identified as long as he passed the assessment, but he was just a civil servant.Besides, now that you have something to ask for, you should naturally have a good posture, at least let the person go willingly.

"Chen God arrests, always looking for you." Wen Tao said.

"Then let's go, please lead the way." Chen Mo made a gesture of please, since it is an urgent task, there is no delay.

Along the way to the pavilion, Chu Kuangge was sitting at the end of the extended plank road, fishing in the lake with a fishing rod in his hand.

"Chief arrest, the man has arrived."

"Chen Xianzhi, I have a task for you." Chu Kuangge said straight to the point without going around in circles.

"Chairman, please tell me." Chen Mo said politely.

"Qizuo Village in Tainan Prefecture has been wiped out, here you can take a look at the file." Chu Kuangge handed the file to Chen Mo.

"The Miemen case?" Chen Mo was a little surprised. What did the Miemen case ask him for? Logically speaking, this kind of thing was handled by Zhenyisi. Just the devil.

"Could it be an evil ghost destroying the family? Has such an evil ghost appeared?" Chen Mo thought.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo has already opened the dossier, which shows that it is the case of Qi Zuozhuang, who was wiped out overnight, the whole Zhuangzi was shrouded in ghost fog, and the gods who went in did not come out again, they were already trapped in it.

There is still news of the chief arrester in red in Tainan Prefecture, and there is no news of the rest of the gold seals that went in.

A total of more than 200 people were killed?Chen Mo's fingers tapped on the file.

"Could it be that a big ghost who can control the ghost domain appeared?" Chen Mo pondered. Although the ghost domain is rare, with more and more evil spirits, Chen Mo is not surprised at all that there will be an evil ghost who can use the ghost domain.

"Even if it is not a big ghost who can control the ghost domain, it is no small matter. A big ghost that can kill more than 1000 people is definitely not low in strength. The most important point is that the gold seal has already died in it. Most of the evil ghosts in their bodies Already alive." Chen Mo thought about it.

"The evil ghost's rating is at least B, so I need you to take a look." Chu Kuangge waited for Chen Mo to finish reading the dossier in his hand before saying.


【Mission: Facing Fear】

[Reward: Two aura empowerments, a message to subdue an evil spirit]

【Whether to accept? 】

"Chief arrester, this is not a small case. This ghost has already killed thousands of people. With the condensed blood, even the Tingzhu level must retreat. Besides, there are other evil ghosts caught by the gods." Chen Mo He looked at Chu Kuangge and said.

"Have difficulties? Or are you afraid?" Hearing this, Chu Kuangge felt that Chen Mo wanted to shirk the case.

"No, such a difficult case deserves merit." Chen Mo grinned and said in his heart, "Who am I, Chen Xianzhi? I'm a ghost, and a skilled person is bold, would he be afraid?"

"How much do you want to add?" Chu Kuangge nodded. What Chen Mo said was indeed reasonable. This evil spirit is no small matter. Ordinary people are really no match for him. I think Chen Mo can do it.

"If you don't say anything, you have to add this number." Chen Mo stretched out a palm.

"fifty thousand?"

"No." With that said, Chen Mo turned his palm upside down.

Chu Kuangge's face darkened, "Even if you get meritorious service, you have to bring the ghost back to Ben to count."

"In a word, if the task is completed, you can get what you want. If you can't complete the task, if you ask Ben to save you, you will eat as much as you eat, and you will spit it out for Ben."

"How much money you take and how much effort you put in, the boss can rest assured." Chen Mo laughed.

"Then hurry up. Are you still waiting to cook two dishes for you?" Chu Kuangge almost kicked Chen Mo out. Damn it, he actually increased the price by [-] meritorious deeds. Among the gates is Chen Mo, a court pillar.

Chen Mo didn't stay long either, and left the attic cheerfully.

"Captain Chen, go to Tainan Prefecture as soon as possible, I wish you success soon." Wen Tao clasped his fists.Wen Tao has a lot of official duties, and most of the burden is on him, so he doesn't have too many pleasantries with Chen Mo.

When no one was around, Chu Kuangge changed his gloomy expression, and there was a smile on his face, almost laughing out loud.Adding [-] meritorious deeds and let Chen Mo go, it was beyond Chu Kuangge's expectation.

Of course, his gloomy face was also pretended, otherwise, wouldn't it be obvious to others?

Chen Mo bid farewell to Wen Tao, first went back to his own God Catch Hall, and then embarked on the road to Tainan Prefecture.

(End of this chapter)

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