Reckless through another world

Chapter 373 The Plot Is Here

Chapter 373 The Plot Is Here
Sitting in front of the table, Lu Suyao put all the materials collected by Tainan Prefecture on the table, and compared and analyzed them one by one.

"Something weird?!"

Time pushed to a day ago...

Qi Zuozhuang is actually two families, the Qi family and the Zuo family, but the ancestors of the two families are both from the same person, but this ancestor actually divided the two sons into two surnames, and then such a huge and powerful family was born. Some weird families.

A village was formed which became a village, which later became a small town, and finally a big fort (pu).

It all started with this ancestor worship ceremony. Qi Min left Qi Zuo Village when he was very young. This time, it was also because of his father's death that he returned to Qi Zuo Village according to his father's last words. Everything here made him It feels weird and strange yet familiar.

Qi Min looks like he is 20 years old. He also lived in Qizuo Village when he was a child, but he was taken away by his father before he could remember much, and he was taken away from the villa. Now he is exactly 20 years old.

Not only in response to his father's last words, but also because the ancestors said that adult men should return to the mountain villa to participate in the ancestor worship ceremony when they are 20 years old.

Although it was a little strange that people who went out would come back, but since it was the ancestor's instruction, Qi Min also came back to participate in the ancestor worship hall.

Qi Min got off the carriage and looked up at the sky, the sky was a little gray, it seemed that it was going to rain.

"It's raining during the ancestor worship time, it doesn't seem to be a good omen." Qi Min joked a little superstitiously, in fact, it was to relieve himself of the feeling of frustration, without thinking about it, he went directly to Qi Zuo Zhuang went.

Qi Min's mother died of dystocia when giving birth to him, and his father brought him up. Now that he has returned to Qi Zuozhuang, Qi Min feels very strange, but there is a sense of familiarity, as if he should belong here .

"Minzi is back." It was a 50-year-old farmer who met him.

"Second Uncle." Qi Min called out. Although he was unfamiliar, looking at this farmer who looked a little like his father, Qi Min knew that this was his father's younger brother, his cousin.

"Let's go, we're entering the fort." Qi Min's cousin enthusiastically accepted Qi Min's salute.

"You were in the bunker when you were young, but you didn't remember anything back then."

Along the way, my uncle talked enthusiastically to Qi Min about Qi Min's childhood, but Qi Min could only smile back, because he really didn't know, or forgot, or maybe these things had nothing to do with him, It's just on him.

Ying He finally arrived at the old house. Now the old house is lived by his second uncle's family. The second uncle's family has only one younger sister, who looks fifteen or sixteen years old. She is a little curious about Qi Min's arrival, and also a little uncomfortable.

After eating hastily, Qi Min was ready to lie down and sleep.

However, the second uncle stopped Qi Min directly.

"Minzi, I didn't know you just came back. Our Zhuangzi is a little weird now. When you sleep at night, if you hear any sound, don't go after it, and don't pay attention to it. Just sleep with your head covered." Qi Min said. Tang Shu said quietly.

"If someone knocks on the door, don't open it, no one, even if I'm knocking."

"This..." Qi Min, who originally thought Zhuangzi was weird, was really stunned. His second uncle even asked him not to open the door for him.

"What happened?" Qi Min couldn't help asking.

"You will understand after tomorrow's ancestor worship." Qi Min's uncle didn't say much, and sent Qi Min directly to the wing.


In the middle of the night, Qi Min suddenly felt some noise, and suddenly woke up, looking up at the curtains on the bed, he couldn't sleep, Qi Min said in his heart: "It seems that there is some movement next door."

Next door is his uncle and aunt, and next door is his cousin, who lives in the southernmost end.

There was a rustling sound, as if someone was talking.

Qi Min couldn't hear clearly either, but fortunately he is also innately cultivated, even if he is separated by a wall, he can hear the voices from the next door, so he knew that it was the sound of whispers, that he was saying something, and Qi Min couldn't hear it. clear.

Qi Min thought to himself, "It's probably the second uncle and the second aunt whispering something." Without thinking too much, he covered his head and prepared to continue sleeping.

But he couldn't fall asleep instead, and felt that he was very awake.

Waking up is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is that he feels that the voice is getting closer and closer, as if it is talking close to his ear.

Qi Min was shocked, he remembered what his cousin said to him, his heart stirred quickly, and he became nervous for a while, the more he thought about it, the more weird he felt, and the more he wanted to pursue the end.

But Qi Min still ignored what his cousin said.

Ignoring it, ignoring it, Qi Min became more sober on the contrary, and even felt that his five senses and six senses became clearer, even the darkness.

"What are you talking about?" Qi Min threw off the quilt, and the voice that was originally in his ear seemed to be pulled away again.

Putting his ears against the wall, Qi Min, who is a genius, really wanted to hear what the other side was saying.

"My lord, there won't be any problems in worshiping the ancestors tomorrow, right? Qi Min just came back again, if something goes wrong."

"Is this the voice of the second aunt?" Qi Min breathed a sigh of relief, he thought something terrible had happened, it turned out that it was the second uncle and the second aunt who were discussing the matter of worshiping the ancestors tomorrow.

"What can happen, what do women know, is that none of these 20-year-old children who have been crowned every year can live up to it."

Qi Min listened for a while, and his nervous mood had completely relaxed. He was still very nervous at first, fearing that something weird would happen, but now he realized that it turned out that he was scaring himself. Sometimes scaring himself is the scariest thing. things.

Qi Min planned to continue sleeping.

"Is he asleep? Have we tricked him?"

"Who hasn't slept, you can just ask if you are not."

Just as Qi Min was about to leave the wall, his relaxed heart seemed to be pinched by an invisible big hand.

The tones of the two on the opposite side have completely changed, distorted and disgusting, it seems to make people very uncomfortable, weird, simply too weird.

"Qi... Min."

"Are you... asleep?" It was as if someone was sticking to the other side of the wall and talking to him.

Qi Min even felt that the other party was looking at him through the gap with resentful eyes.

Qi Min's cold sweat broke out in a flash, his body was as if he had been tried to hold the body, and he was motionless, not because he didn't want to move, but because he was too scared, so scared that his body couldn't move.

The voice on the other side was very weird, as if someone was holding their throat and talking.

A twisted and weird feeling of nausea filled Qi Min's head, his eyes were wide open, and cold sweat was dripping down.

"Are you pretending to be asleep?"

"You're pretending to be asleep!"

The tone of the final voice was more and more like his own. After Qi Min swallowed a mouthful of spit, he felt that he could move, and he lay down on the bed without thinking.

Qi Min raised his head sharply, his eyes widened suddenly, and a distorted figure above his head rushed towards him.

 Thank you big brother Wanshang, Lingshan only watched the backstage today, I should have thanked you yesterday, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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