Chapter 374
A gleam of light flashed in Chen Mo's Danfeng eyes, the huge area in front of him has been completely blocked by the Zhenyi Division, even Chen Mo did not rush in.

"Why did the catcher only send one red-clothed man? Even if the red-clothed catcher is stronger than us, how can we have a chance of winning against this kind of evil spirit?" A middle-aged golden seal god catcher frowned, looking Chen Mo, who was standing in front of the ghost fog, whispered to the catcher next to him.

"That's right, even Mr. Tan (tan)tai fell into it, even if there is another chief arrester in red, isn't it free?"

"Besides, this chief arrester in red is still so young. Although he looks handsome, he is not easy to get along with." Looking at Chen Mo's narrow and long Danfeng eyes, which are like knives, One of the golden seal gods caught and muttered.

"Oh, Lao Cao died unjustly."

"Could it be that the catcher gave up our Tainan Prefecture?" One of the gold seal god catchers couldn't help but said worriedly.

"Probably not, I should definitely be the kid who offended someone, and then was sent to die."

"No way……."

The three big men were muttering there, and looked at Chen Mo from time to time, and finally looked at Chen Mo with sympathy, as if they were very sympathetic to Chen Mo's experience of sending him to death.

Chen Mo was speechless for a while, these people are really fed up.

Chen Mo has already looked at the specific situation. Although it is daytime, there is still a layer of gray covering the entire fort. The surrounding area has been put on guard, and there are many soldiers from the township department patrolling to prevent others from sneaking in.

Ordinary people are very afraid of such things, and they will stay far away. Only those martial artists who want to try their luck and get adventures will rush in desperately. Is it possible to rush in?Even the ghost-controlling envoys are dead, and ordinary martial arts go in, why don't they give desserts to the evil ghosts?
"Everyone, let's talk about the situation." Chen Mo turned his head, looked at the three muttering Jinyin Shenchui and asked.

"Boss arrester, our eyes were blackened. When this thing spread out, it had already become like this. The old Cao who was in charge here was also a gold seal. After entering, there was no word of it." Zheng Cang said The gold seal god who first complained about Chen Mo's low rank.

"Later when Mr. Tantai caught him in, we found that everyone inside was dead, but she couldn't get out. Lao Cao didn't have a letter, so he should have died too." The one who spoke was the one who thought that Chen Mo was here to send the dead. Guan feel.

"The chief arrester, it's not that his subordinates don't trust the chief arrester, but the current situation, even the chief arrester in red can't protect himself, so he can only ask for help from Ting Zhu, you..." Zhou Nuo sighed, he was the one who sighed Chen Mo The golden seal of the young age.

"Do you think I'm not strong enough to save anyone and even risk my own life? Or do you think I offended someone and was thrown over to die?" Chen Mo sneered, obviously hearing what they said just now.

"Subordinates dare not!" The three of them said in unison. Their whispers just now were manipulated, and they blushed at the same time with panic. Although the chief arrester in red might be a scapegoat, in case he wants to get some backs before he dies Yes, you don't have to do it yourself, just direct them to rush in, and the three of them will die.

If you don't go in, you will be accused of disobedience and disrespect, and then you will be executed first, this is the most unjust way to die.

So the three of them were also afraid, for fear that Chen Mo had the kind of character that must be repaid for flaws.

"Don't worry, with just these two sentences, I won't let you go in and die. Now tell me everything you know about Qizuo Village, and then make irresponsible remarks to me, and you will be blamed for being ruthless." It's gone." Chen Mo grinned, but such a smile made the three of them feel terrified.

"Yes Yes Yes."

"It's enough to say it once, and it seems insincere to say too much." Chen Mo said indifferently.

The three of them nodded quickly, and told Chen Mo what they knew about Qi Zuozhuang like a bean.

"Did you hear that?" Chen Mo said to the token.

"I heard that there is definitely a problem with their ancestor worship hall, and the problem is not small, and many people from Qizuo Village who were away came back the day before yesterday. Since there was no problem with the previous ancestor worship ceremony, it is most likely this time. Some of those who came back from the Ancestral Ceremony have a problem." Lu Suyao's voice came through the token of the gods.

"Wait, it's not just the outsiders who have problems this time. Since Qi Zuo pays attention to 20-year-old young people, then the 20-year-old young people in this village may also be the breakthrough point." list of these people.

"I'm already sorting out the list, it will be ready soon, please wait a moment, sir."

"I can't wait any longer. If you wait a little longer, Tantai will be in more danger. There are few red-clothed general arresters in the God Catchment Sect. If you can save them, you have to save them." Chen Mo shook his head slightly. Tao also told him that if he could save Tantai Xian, he should try his best to save him, because the catcher couldn't bear the loss of so many red clothes.

"You check yours, I'll go in and have a look first." Chen Mo started to walk in.

"No, my lord, that's too dangerous." Lu Suyao wanted to stop Chen Mo without even thinking about it.
"I am the master god catcher, listen to me!" Chen Mo cut off the communication directly, just as Chen Mo said, if he waited any longer, he might lose another red dress, the red dress is no better than the gold seal, the gold seal god It's better to catch and cultivate.

Red clothes that can summon evil spirits are not easy to cultivate, and if the red clothes are always arrested and killed inside, the evil spirits that come back to life are even more difficult to deal with.

"Chief arrest..." Zhou Nuo still wanted to call Chen Mo to stop, but he couldn't say anything at the end of the sentence. Chen Mo was going to save their chief arrester, the red-clothed chief arrester in Tainan Prefecture.

At first, he thought that the young chief arrester in red was an indifferent person, but now he realized that the first thing the other party thought of was their chief arrester's life.

Zheng Cang and Guan Jue looked at each other, and they both saw regret in each other's eyes. At the same time, a thought appeared in their minds, "I shouldn't have said those words just now."

"Chief arrest?" Zhou Nuo opened the summons carefully.

"When will the catcher's support arrive?" Tan Taixian's voice was a little weak, even with a little panic and eagerness.

"The support from the catcher has arrived, but..."

"It's here? Well, I'll be saved when I get there." Tantai Xian was overjoyed, she was about to collapse, and there were even more terrifying things in this dead man's village.But after hearing what Zhou Nuo said, Tan Taixian became suspicious again.

"But what?"

"However, the one who came to support was only a red-clothed chief arrester, not a red-clothed Tingzhu-level one, and he didn't look very old, at least under 20 years old." Zhou Nuo sighed, but said truthfully stand up.

"What!" Tantai Xian's voice raised at least one pitch.

"I don't need him to save me, isn't this here to die?!" As if afraid of being discovered by something, Tantai Xian had to lower his voice, but the voice that came out was still full of anger.

"Tell him not to come in, and immediately go back to the arresting gate to ask Tingzhu to come, or ask the chief arrester to come."

"But...he's already gone in." Zhou Nuo was also very helpless, if the newsletter from the chief arrester came a few seconds earlier, it might have prevented the young man from going in and died.

"Straight mother is a thief, I can't control him, let him ask for blessings."

"Communication cut off." Zhou Nuo held the Gold Seal Token and looked at the other two colleagues in confusion, but the other two Gold Seal God Detectives had nothing to do and shook their heads in depression.

(End of this chapter)

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