Reckless through another world

Chapter 375 There Are Two Tantai Red Clothes?

Chapter 375 Are There Two Tantai Red Clothes? (Thanks to: My [-] grand reward from the virtuous boss)
Chen Mo walked into this layer of ghost fog very smoothly, but when Chen Mo turned his head, the scene behind him had completely changed.

"Ghost Domain." Chen Mo wanted to summon Ghost Domain, but there was a Six-armed Martial God parasitic in the Ghost Domain. The idea of ​​conjuring haunted lands.

Anyway, as long as the evil spirits hidden in this ghost fog are suppressed, the fog will naturally dissipate.

What caught Chen Mo's eyes was the gate of Qi Zuo Village. It should be quite lively at first, after all, more than 1000 people can be gathered together, but now there is only desolation left.

"It's really troublesome without communication about Tantai Xian." Chen Mo frowned slightly. Without communication, Chen Mo would not be able to locate Tantai Xian. Can't touch it.

"Ghost eyes!" Chen Mo murmured, the ghost eyes in his body opened, a faint ghost aura escaped, and Chen Mo's skin turned into a ghost armor.

It's like a drop of ink dropped into a glass of clear water, and the clear water is instantly infected by the ink.

The skin on Chen Mo's surface instantly transformed, even his face turned into a ghost face, his hair turned into a ghost helmet covering his head completely, four ghost horns extended from the top of his head to the back of his head, and a soaring ghost horn rose from his forehead , more than 30 centimeters in length.

On top of Chen Mo's pair of scarlet red phoenix eyes, at the junction of the soaring ghost scream and his forehead, a scarlet vertical eye slowly opened, turned back and forth a few times, emitting a faint scarlet light.

Chen Mo instantly took off the large hatchet on his back and held it in his hand.

Tan Taixian tightly covered her mouth to keep herself from making any noise. She was indeed very scared, and she was hiding in the closet now, watching a black figure in red walking in front of her .

The diffuse black ghostly aura covered Tantai Xian's body, trying not to leak out his aura.

"Have you been hiding?"

"Are you hiding?"

It's like something is learning how to speak, the voice is distorted and weird, and there is an uncomfortable feeling of nausea when listening to it.

Hearing the sound getting farther and farther away, Tantai Xian was obviously relieved.


A pair of twisted eyes with madness stuck directly to the door of the cabinet, staring at the Tantaixian inside the cabinet through the gap.

"So... you're hiding here!"

The figure in red outside the door grinned wide, revealing a mouthful of blood-stained white teeth, staring at Tan Taixian inside the cabinet with wide eyes, with both hands on the door, as if wanting to rush in.

"Zhiniang thief, I fought with you today!" Tan Taixian was obviously taken aback, and turned into anger, "Anyway, it's a death, either you die or I die!"


The powerful blasting sound rushed directly into Chen Mo's ears.

"Is there a sound?" Chen Mo raised his head slightly, and took the killing enemy off a black headless corpse. The black corpse fell to the ground in response. It turned out that an unknown number of black and distorted figures had piled up on the ground.

In addition to being humanoid, they have long since changed beyond recognition.

It was as if he was infected with some kind of virus, causing his whole body to fester, his blood vessels to valgus, and even lose his sanity. Although the experience prompt was turned off, Chen Mo could still feel the increase in experience value.

"Who?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, and a normal person with complete appearance appeared in front of him.

"If you don't know how to answer, then don't block the way!" In an instant, Chen Mo's huge figure approached, and he raised the big hatchet in his hand above his head with one hand, looking down at the 20-year-old young man in front of him, his scarlet ghost eyes radiated There was a scarlet light, and the tall figure blocked the light, and the big hatchet in his hand reflected a ferocious shadow, and a strong sense of oppression spread out.

"Crack!" With a blow of the knife, the figure in front of him disappeared.

"What the hell?" Chen Mo didn't think much, and rushed towards the place where the sound came from.

Originally, this kind of place was weird, and Chen Mo expected any other weird things to happen. The most important thing was to rescue Tantai Xian.

Panting, Tan Taixian looked at the red figure in front of her with a very complicated look on her face. She never thought that one day she would have to fight this kind of thing, and she was still suppressed and fought to the death.

"Ghost of the Water Moon!" Following Tantai Xian's call, a humanoid ghost residing in her body emerged from her body.

"Stop struggling fearlessly, you are no match for me at all!" The voice of the red figure on the opposite side was like a mass of rotten flesh learning how to speak from a human being, pinching its throat, with distortion and madness in its voice.

Tan Taixian sneered, "I don't know what the so-called thing is. When the support from the trap arrives, you will be just a turtle in a urn."

"Then die." The shadow in the red robe rushed directly to Tantai Xian.

"Don't come, don't come, absolutely don't come." Tan Taixian and her evil ghost reluctantly resisted. There was not much ghost energy left in her body, and there was not much energy in her body. Pray, pray that the god catcher who came for support will never come.

Because the opponent is too terrifying, it is not something that ordinary red clothes can deal with, maybe even the red clothes of Tingzhu level will be planted.

This night, it was more like the other party was teasing her like a cat and a mouse, and she didn't want to kill her until now.

"Is it impossible to mobilize Shuiyue?" Tan Taixian sighed in her heart, her ghost energy had bottomed out, and she could no longer enslave the evil spirit. The evil spirit retracted directly into her body, and when she When the stellar qi is exhausted, it will devour her blood energy and life, and finally recover from her body.

"In this case, let's bloom for the last time." Tan Taixian laughed miserably. She hadn't reached the fifth stage and couldn't integrate into the body of the evil spirit. Prepare to burn the spirit of qi for the final battle.

"Merge into one body with me." The mouth of the red figure opened wide in vain, and the flesh and blood on the cheeks were torn apart, revealing a bloody mouth and a mouthful of fangs, biting towards Tantai Xian's neck.


The sound of breaking through the air followed.

When the red figure turned his head, he saw a black figure rushing towards its head.

"Keng!" Obviously, it didn't escape, and was directly thrown out by the black shadow.

"Knife? An epic knife?" Tantai Xian couldn't help being taken aback when she saw the huge hatchet that fell in front of her and exuded a lavender light.

"It seems that I'm not too late." A tall figure walked in from the door.

Tall, tyrannical, delicate, even terrifying!This is Tan Taixian's evaluation of the visitor, and when she saw the whole picture of the visitor, she couldn't help but turn pale with shock, "Ghost?!"

"It seems that these two ghosts will fight, I don't know if I have a chance." Tan Taixian shrank his body.

"It's not a ghost, it's a human!"

"Someone is the support of the arrester, the chief arrester in red, Chen Xianzhi."

"I don't know, you two, which one is Tantai Hongyi?" Chen Mo grinned and said, the ghost eyes in his body turned, looking at the two people, one of them was thrown out by Chen Mo, and the other was seriously injured lying on the ground.

"Crack!" Pulling the enemy up, Chen Mo stood between the two, and to his surprise, the two were exactly the same.

"There are two Tantai strings?" The ghost eyes on Chen Mo's body turned and looked at the two of them.

 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, the reward Jiageng Lingshan owes it first, Lingshan will complete the update of [-] chapters next month, so Jiageng can only owe it first.

(End of this chapter)

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