Chapter 378
"You are..." Tantai Xian gulped, seeming a little unsure, even flinching and fearful.Seeing Chen Mo walking over, he didn't finish a sentence.

"The chief arrester of the Red Clothes of the Divine Catchment Clan is Chen Xianzhi, code-named Yan Jun, a reserve Tingzhu." Chen Mo added a sentence.

"Huh!" Tan Taixian breathed a sigh of relief, Tingzhu is also a reserve member, it is reasonable for Tingzhu to be so strong, and if the other party is really a ghost, just kill her directly, why bother with her Waste so many words.

"Take some wound medicine. I didn't expect my counterfeit to appear. It seems that this place is really unusual. Maybe I don't have time to take care of you." The meaning of Chen Mo's words is very obvious, just to tell Tantai Xian not to take care of you. Chen Molai is not a babysitter when he is an oil bottle.

Tan Taixian hurriedly took the healing medicine, and at the same time took the elixir for recovering the stellar qi. The dry dantian quickly gave birth to more qi, and traces of aura quickly merged into her body.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo connected the communication.

"My lord, after screening, there are a total of 32 20-year-old youths, including twelve from the Qi family and twenty from the Zuo family. The most important point is that I have already figured out from their origins what they are worshiping their ancestors. "Lu Suyao's voice was exhausted, but at the same time, there was a layer of deep joy.

"It's a ghost."

"How do you know?" Lu Suyao was a little surprised. She searched a lot of files, and after a rigorous analysis, she found out that the Qi Zuo family's sacrifice turned out to be a ghost. Unexpectedly, Chen Mo already knew it.

"I guessed it, I didn't count it, what else do I know, tell me." Chen Mo explained, and then asked back.

"My lord, you may not believe it. The Qi Zuo family probably wanted to find a ghost-controlling envoy who could control the evil spirit they worshiped. That's why they let all the young people who reached the age of 20 come back."

"I found out through the files that this Qizuo family, although not xenophobic, is very closed to the ancestral land. It is only opened once a year in the ancestor worship ceremony, so that all the families over the age of 20 have not entered the ancestral land. young people go in."

"Usually one person will disappear more or less, and those who come out will remain silent, as if they have forgotten that there is another person, but this time is obviously different." Lu Suyao put the files she had consulted on the table. on the case.

"Will one disappear?" Chen Mo frowned and whispered.

"That's right, I guess it was probably eaten by ghosts. Obviously, this family is raising evil spirits. Now this situation is probably due to the backlash of the raised evil spirits, which led to Qi Zuo's family being killed overnight. Extinct." Lu Suyao nodded, she thought it should be like this, otherwise how could one person disappear every time.

"Do you know where the ancestral land of Qi Zuobao is?" Chen Mo looked at Tan Taixian and asked.

"I don't know." Tan Taixian shook her head, with a slightly embarrassed and shameful smile on her face, how could she, as the chief arrester of a government, know such a trivial matter as where the family's ancestral land is?

"You don't know anything, but you dare to jump in. I have to say, you are reckless." Chen Mo had no hope at all, and asked Lu Suyao instead.

Tan Taixian gave Chen Mo a weird look, and thought, "Are you smarter than me?"

"The ancestral land, I know, is under their ancestral hall, but I'm still looking for a way to open it." Lu Suyao responded.

"Look slowly, I'll go to their ancestral hall to take a look first." Chen Mo hung up the communication, no matter what, he had to face the revived evil spirit, and it was better to go directly to the door than to be found by others good.

"I'll go with you." Tantai Xian tied up her messy hair, she had to say that she was pretty long, but a five centimeter scar on the left forehead across the corner of her eyes ruined her overall face, but this was the opposite A little more heroic.

"Follow closely and don't get lost." Chen Mo said and turned around to leave the lobby door.

Tantaixian was taken aback, and hurriedly followed her. Most of her injuries had recovered, and even the lost energy had replenished a lot. However, in this weird place, it's better not to run around by yourself. Hold your thighs.


"Am I still alive?" Qi Min struggled to open his eyes, a trace of light entered his eyes, but after he saw the scene in front of him clearly, he lost his voice. He wanted to shout but couldn't. He wanted to growl but couldn't make the slightest sound, and even forgot his fear.

"Did you wake up again? It seems that this crop of juniors have very good aptitude." Not far from him was a tall figure sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a smile on his skull-like face. Look at Qi Min.

Qi Min's eyes widened in an instant, "This person, this person..." He suddenly remembered who this person was. He had seen this person from a painting hanging in the ancestral temple, and this person was the Qi Zuo family. The ancestor of the old man, the man 500 years ago.

But what surprised him was that several pipes appeared behind his ancestor, connecting the darkness behind him.

Qi Min wanted to get up, but when he looked down, his body was nailed to the ground by a huge sharp weapon. There were many corpses around them, all nailed to the ground, but looking at their undulating chests, Qi Min found that these people seemed to be Both are alive and not dead.

There are all men around, and all of them are grown men. Some of them have already become mummies, and many people are still struggling in pain, but they are in a coma and struggling unconsciously.

"Old ancestor?" Qi Min opened his mouth and asked, with disbelief in his voice, but there seemed to be some hope.

"That's right, I'm Qi Zuo." The mummy-like figure grinned, a scarlet unknown liquid flowed from the glass tube on his body, and his eyes rolled slightly to look at the awakened Qi Min.

"This... yes, what's going on?" Qi Min felt that his body was getting weaker and weaker, and even his whole body was slowly passing away, and even his consciousness had problems.

"This matter actually started 500 years ago..." Qi Zuo is tall and tall, but his body seems to have no flesh and blood, and it looks very dry and decayed. It seems that only skin and bones are left, but a pair of His eyes were bright, and he sighed and said with an emotion of admiration.


"Is this the place?" Chen Mo murmured as he looked at the huge ancestral hall.

"But where is the gate?"

"Phew!" Chen Mo directly stepped up in the air, looking down at the overall situation of the entire ancestral hall from the sky, "Is the ancestral land just below the ancestral hall?"

"Full attribute blessing!" Chen Mo shouted loudly, his body instantly became seven meters high, the armor on his body was quickly covered, and the transpiring ghost energy surrounded Chen Mo like a black dragon.

"Boom!" Chen Mo fell to the ground, his legs were slightly bent, dust was everywhere, and some unstable buildings were even knocked over.

"Quick Chen, what are you going to do! Don't be impulsive!" Tan Taixian suddenly felt the ground shaking, the stellar energy on her body shook, and rushed to Chen Mo's eyes to stop Chen Mo, she thought that Chen Mo would directly destroy Get rid of this huge ancestral hall.

(End of this chapter)

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