Reckless through another world

Chapter 379 The Mystery of Qi Zuozhuang

Chapter 379 The Mystery of Qi Zuozhuang
Chen Mo clenched his fists to feel the strength in his body, then bent down and inserted a pair of big hands into the ground.

The steaming black ghost energy burst out from Chen Mo's body, connecting the dusty ground into one piece. The ghost energy quickly passed by, and even spread to the top of the ancestral land of Qi Zuo's family, and spilled out.

A large swath of black air swept away directly, enveloping the entire ancestral hall.

"Look at my strength, whether it is enough to lift it up." The muscles on Chen Mo's body exerted force violently, and the powerful force directly tore a hole in the entire ground connected by ghost energy.

Light came down from above.

"Dawn?" Qi Min felt the darkness above his head fade away, raised his head slightly, and saw a dazzling white light.Not only Qi Min saw it, but even the rest of Qi Zuo's family who were awake also saw it.

"What's going on?" Qi Zuo followed the light and looked over, he felt that the zenith above his head began to shake, as if a large earth dragon turned over, and countless dust poured down the opening.

If it weren't for the surrounding stone and steel plates, the ancestral land of Qi Zuo's family might have collapsed.

"Give me up!" Chen Mo let out a long roar, his voice piercing the sky, accompanied by the sound like an earth dragon turning over, Chen Mo used a huge force to lift the ground of the entire ancestral hall.

"Get up!" There were roars, but what was even more frightening was that this huge ground actually slowly rose up with the roar.

"Boom!" Chen Mo slammed on the ground, with a huge footprint under his feet, Chen Mo's huge body took a step back, and then, like a tug-of-war, the huge thing like a soil cover was pulled down by Chen Mo. .


"Boom!" Chen Mo abruptly uncovered the whole piece of land, and there were still many buildings collapsing on it.With Chen Mo's dragging, there are two football fields with the same soil cover for Chen Mo to drag away from this land.

"This... is too terrifying?!" Tan Taixian was dumbfounded the whole time, watching Chen Mo dig out the ancestral land of Qi Zuozhuang.

Although Chen Mo's strength is huge, he also feels heavy. This large piece is not just cast from dust, but mixed with strong materials and many star gold powders. The weight can be imagined.

Chen Mo's figure shrank rapidly, returning to the 1.9-meter state, and the ghost armor on his body faded.Taking a deep breath, Chen Mo walked over with a smile, "Now, let's go to meet the Lord, I'm quite interested in Qi Zuozhuang's phenomenon."

"What's the matter?" The token was connected smoothly.

"My lord, I have found a way to enter the ancestral land of the Qi Zuo family." Lu Suyao's voice came from the token of the gods.

"No need, I've already opened the door." Chen Mo grinned.

"It's opened? Can it be opened without the blood of their clansmen?" Lu Suyao was taken aback for a moment, then muttered.

"I use a unique method of violent breaking the door." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, his strength is enough to support him to do this, and ordinary people really can't do it, "If there is anything else, let's talk about it together, I feel I don't have time to talk."

As he said that, Chen Mo looked towards the deep pit not far away. He already felt a majestic fear and coercion emanating from that deep pit. The powerful coercion made the battle blood in Chen Mo's body start to burn. The stronger the enemy, the more excited Chen Mo is.

"I suspect that the ancestors of Qizuozhuang should not have died!" Lu Suyao was not surprised, but the ancestors of Qizuozhuang were at least seven or eight hundred years ago. How is it possible to live so long.

"Alive?" When Chen Mo walked to the edge of the deep pit, he saw the tall figure with a withered body. Even if the figure was sitting cross-legged, even if the body was already withered, he could still see the tall figure of the other party. .

And what caught Chen Mo the most was that there were seven or eight tubes inserted into the opponent's body, and red liquid flowed through the tubes, which looked like blood.

At the same time, the scene of the deep pit also appeared in Chen Mo's eyes.

The ancestral land of Qi Zuozhuang is indeed very large, definitely much larger than the entire ancestral hall, and the zenith that Chen Mo tore apart only revealed half of it.

The ancestral land under Qi Zuozhuang's ancestral hall is also very neat, like a huge underground air-raid shelter, supported by star gold pillars one by one, and the surrounding walls are also reinforced with solid materials.

But at the same time, there is also a hell on earth in front of him. A person is nailed to a pillar, a wall, or the ground. Chen Mo can feel that the blood in their bodies is sucked away by a small tube. .

The dots of formation patterns are shining, a bit like, "What does it look like?" Chen Mo suddenly remembered, this actually looks a bit like the huge laboratory under the Beacon Tower in Beiming City.

It's just that there are obviously more people here, and the strangest thing is that these people who were pinned were all men, not a single woman.

Qi Zuo, who was as dry as a skeleton, also looked at Chen Mo in astonishment.Because of the sunlight, Chen Mo was facing the light behind his back, so Qi Zuo couldn't see Chen Mo's face clearly, but with the other party's black aura, Qi Zuo still sighed and said, "There are still comrades chasing after me. It's been 500 years."

"It's Chen Xianzhi, the chief arrester of the Red Clothes of the God Catchment Clan. Your Excellency is Qi Zuo, the ancestor of Qi Zuo Village?" Chen Mo shouted.Although the other party doesn't look like a good person, you have to ask clearly before hitting.

"God Catcher?" Qi Zuo frowned slightly, "Isn't it those people?"

"Ahead is Qi Zuo?" Chen Mo took the large hatchet on his back in his hand, the scarlet in his eyes flashed, and the steaming qi swam through Chen Mo's meridians, and the power was layer by layer like a sea tide gush.

"It's the old man!" Qi Zuo replied, since the other party has asked, then he should, as a person in the rivers and lakes, especially in the past, he would not be timid.

"What's going on here?" Chen Mo asked.

"Catch the door, God catch the door." Qi Min opened his mouth, and stretched out his arm to reach Chen Mo with difficulty, but he couldn't move, and couldn't make a call, he could only call Chen Mo in this way.

"The rescuers from Shenchuangmen are here." There were still some sober Qizuozhuang people who wanted to get up, but they were pinned down by sharp weapons one by one and couldn't move.

"Since you also want to hear it, that's just right. The old man just wanted to explain to my juniors. One more you is not too much, and one less you is not much." Qi Zuo didn't seem to take Chen Mo as a man at all He made a threat, and made a gesture of invitation very calmly.

"Plop!" Chen Mo jumped down and looked around, "What's going on with them?"

"After so many years, my plan is finally going to succeed. They are a part of my plan." Qi Zuo had a slight smile on his face, full of joy, even that kind of ecstatic joy.

(End of this chapter)

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