Reckless through another world

Chapter 380 The Mystery of Qi Zuozhuang

Chapter 380 The Mystery of Qi Zuozhuang
Tan Taixian also wanted to stop Chen Mo, but who would have thought that Chen Mo would jump down recklessly, not at all worried that this was a trap set by the other party, of course, maybe he didn't think of it at all, or maybe it was because he was so serious about himself. The strength is very confident.

Chen Mo is not so confident in his strength. His combat power is indeed very good. At least he is at the top among the younger generation, but there are still many people who have practiced longer than him and have accumulated more. If the opponent If you are also a genius, time alone is enough to distance you.

These age-old monsters, which one of them was not a genius in their generation, was not a character who ruled the world, how could they be so easy to get along with.

However, Chen Mo has an advantage that he is most confident in, and that is Huangquan.Even if it is really a trap, Chen Mo is enough to escape from it.

"Let these people go first." Chen Mo glanced around and found that many people were still alive, either because they had lost too much blood, or their vitality was passing away. Although their lives were not threatened yet, it would not be good after a long time.

"This matter has to start from 500 years ago..." Qi Zuo didn't listen to what Chen Mo said, but started talking on his own.

"Old and confused? Let me let you go first, can't you understand?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, did the guy in front of him get old and demented?

"Help..." A small voice came into Chen Mo's ears, what he heard were these people's cries for help, they wanted to live, they didn't want to die.

"噗!" The big hatchet in Chen Mo's hand directly slashed at Qi Zuo's head. This person who has lived for seven or eight hundred years must be weird, not to mention that Chen Mo can clearly feel the powerful fear and coercion from the opponent's body. It means that the other party is definitely a ghost emissary.

An envoy who was able to control ghosts 800 years ago, is it human beings controlling ghosts or ghosts controlling people now!

"Keng!" A strange arm blocked Qi Zuo's head, blocking the big hatchet in Chen Mo's hand.

Chen Mo didn't hesitate at all, and directly swept out the sharp weapon poles on several people around him, and rescued them, "Bang bang!" Chen Mo quickly rushed up, knocking out the trapped Qi Zuozhuang's people one by one. Man is released from a state of imprisonment.

"It's useless, the big formation has already been activated, and they will eventually become my nourishment, this is their final fate!" Qi Zuo smiled and said very calmly, quietly watching Chen Mo's movements without stopping.

However, Chen Mo was quickly rescuing these people. Many of them just had their tendons cut off and then impaled by large nails, but only a very small number of them were able to stay awake.

After the sober Qizuozhuang people were released, they immediately connected their limbs with Gang Qi, and at the same time pulled out the tube from their bodies.

"500 years ago, I was close to running out of fuel, but one thing I was very fortunate was that I met a girl, she was beautiful, she was really beautiful, but it was the two children in her belly that made me see hope. Child." Qi Zuo spoke slowly, with a smile on his face.

It seems that I have been holding back for too long. After all, it has been 500 years. If ordinary people would have gone crazy, they can still speak clearly as they are now.

"These two children were brought up by me, and I fell into a deep sleep. Every year when I worship my ancestors, I will choose one to maintain my life."

"Now, after so many years of accumulation, I have finally collected all the blood power that can transform me into a new one, so that I can get rid of this damned crippled body." Qi Zuo laughed loudly, with unprecedented strength in his voice. carefree meaning.

"It's useless, you can't save them. In this big formation, they will eventually be trained to become my nourishment, and become my nourishment for reborn. I have planned this plan for 500 years, and it is foolproof." Looking at Chen Mo still Qi Zuo couldn't help shaking his head after doing futile work.

"I know!" Hearing what Qi Zuo said, Lu Suyao suddenly realized that her guess was obviously wrong. The person who disappeared didn't feed the evil spirits, but wanted to keep Qi Zuo alive.

"Ghost controller? It seems that you have overdrawn the power of the evil spirits so much that you are at a loss, but you just let you know this method to extend your vitality and prevent the evil spirits in your body from resuscitating." Chen Mo He smacked his tongue.

This person is really insane enough to use his descendants to continue his vitality. After all, the blood of the descendants is all inherited from him, and the blood of the same origin can naturally take away the vitality of the other party smoothly.

Now the situation is obviously that the other party wants to use the lives of his descendants to reshape a body for himself, which is what he calls transforming into a new body.

However, it must be admitted that this person is indeed a genius, and he was able to come up with this method to extend his life.

If an ordinary ghost warrior encountered this situation, he would have been replaced by the evil spirit in his body long ago. If the evil spirit woke up and the ghost warrior died, or he would become a ghost like Huang Xuan, if it wasn't for the red Lord Yandi was already banned, and Huang Xuan died a long time ago, so he couldn't wait for the day when he regained his consciousness.

Of course, Chen Mo played a very important role in this. Without the help of Chen Mo's ghost eyes, he still couldn't wake up. After a long time, even he himself would forget himself, and finally let the Lord Chi Yan in his body escape.

"Old Ancestor, we are all living beings, how can you do that!" Qi Min is one of the few people who are still awake, and many of the rest can't wake up at all, and there are very few who can stand up .

"I've already said that your existence is for my resurrection, you should feel honored." Qi Zuo's face suddenly darkened, and then he sternly said: "All I want is blood, your true spirit You can still reincarnate, isn't that enough?!"

"He is a ruthless person, but also a capable person, I admire it very much." Chen Mo nodded slightly, five hundred years of planning, until now, if he can be persuaded by the juniors, then Chen Mo will look down on him.

"However, are you a member of the devil's way? I feel that what you practice is magic!" Chen Mo grinned.

"So what, who is good and evil in this world..."

"No need to say too much, yes! Then eat me!" Chen Mo didn't want to talk to him at all. Since he practiced magic skills, he would definitely harm people on a large scale, whether it was his own or others, as long as it was an unstable factor Be clear and clean.

"Are you the devil or am I the devil?" Qi Zuo's eyes widened. 500 years have passed, has the world changed?How the hell is this different from the righteous people of his generation, why does he draw his sword when he disagrees with him?Shouldn't we first discuss the perception of good and evil, the understanding of justice and evil?

However, Chen Mo's large hatchet had already reached his neck, and he could already feel the sharp aura of the knife.

"Boom!" A twisted huge arm stopped the big hatchet, but obviously the other party didn't feel well, the huge arm was cut into two inches by the enemy.

"Crush it!" The black ghost energy burst out from Chen Mo's body, and the enemy was directly soaked, and the black sword directly shattered this twisted arm, cutting towards Qi Zuo's neck.

(End of this chapter)

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