Reckless through another world

Chapter 381 Embryo Technology

Chapter 381 Embryo Technology

The surface of the large hatchet that killed the enemy turned into pure black, and the sharp blade energy cut off Qi Zuo's withered hair, and cut to Qi Zuo's withered neck with strong sharpness.

But Chen Mo was condescending, the scarlet in his eyes turned into a faint blood mist and drifted in the corners of Danfeng's eyes.


As if it was a matter of course, Qi Zuo's head was instantly cut off by the killing enemy, and it rolled into his arms, and was caught by his dry hand like a chicken paw.

The cross-section on the neck was very smooth, and even the blood seemed to have not had time to flow out, but that's right, there was not much blood left in his body, and the blood from his descendants was used.

"Dead? It can't be that simple, right?" Tantai Xian was taken aback. This mummy clearly exuded such a powerful force, even that terrifying coercion of fear. How could he be killed so easily?

"Whoosh!" Chen Mo jumped up, not forward, but backward,

"Bang bang bang!"

As Chen Mo jumped up, black twisted arms as thick as water tanks stretched out from the darkness. The speed was so fast that they smashed the ground where Chen Mo was standing into pieces.

"The young man has such a strong swordsmanship, old man, I don't dare to take your strong sword with my neck." Qi Zuo put his head back on his neck with his withered hands, and the granulation grew, and the neck and head instantly fused together Together.

It turned out that when Chen Mo's knife slashed past, it was Qi Zuo who separated his own head, instead of taking Chen Mo's knife.

"Your physical body is actually only the cultivation level of a dragon-level celestial being." Chen Mo sized him up. After so many years, his physical body has begun to age and decay. If Qi Zuo really asked for a big use just now If you carry the neck hard, you will be seriously injured if you don't die.

"That's right, but what's the matter, do you think you can stop the old man?" Qi Zuo laughed, with few teeth left.

He slowly opened his hands.

A series of huge thick and twisted black arms stretched out from behind him, rapidly expanding towards the surroundings.

Suddenly, the earth trembled and the mountains shook, and the earth and rocks collapsed.

"Dilong turned over?" Tantai Xian felt the ground under his feet rise, as if a mountain grew out of the ground.


Dust was flying, sand and gravel rolled up, buildings were destroyed one after another, a huge hole appeared behind Qi Zuo, and the entire ground was actually cracked.

A gigantic monster appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes. It was like a cancer cell, crazily expanding rotten meat, squirming blood bubbles, and knotted sarcoma. It couldn't see its original shape at all, and there were many small glass jars inserted into it. The body of the thing is connected to those Qizuozhuang people who have fallen to the ground.

The final tube was connected to Qi Zuo's body, and the scarlet blood was transported to Qi Zuo's body through this huge mass of flesh.

Those extended blood threads condensed into huge arms, and the blood-colored skin was completely blackened, just like the spines of a hedgehog, but obviously these extended tentacles can be well controlled.

This meat ball is more than ten meters high, and the span does not know how long it is, because many meat balls are still buried in the ground, and the beating flesh whiskers seen in the bottom cracks should also understand the hugeness of this thing.

"Plop, plop!" Like a huge heart placed on the ground, this big lump of flesh was beating slowly, and with every beating, blood from Qi Zuozhuang's body would be pumped away by it.

"Appraisal." Chen Mo felt a strong sense of threat from this thing, as if this big meat ball would turn into some kind of monster.

【Unknown embryo】

Only this sentence appears on the light blue properties panel.

"Embryo?" Chen Mo murmured.

"I didn't expect that someone could recognize it as an embryo. Yes, this is an embryo." Qi Zuo's eyes flashed surprise, but Chen Mo unexpectedly revealed the nature of the huge meatball behind him.

"After 200 years of research, I finally created this technique and technology, which can gather the power of the blood of the offspring, turn it into an embryo, and reshape a newborn powerful body, and this newborn body is still the world's top system .”

"Whether it's vitality, potential, or even combat power, they are far better than my body, which is about to decay."

"This is the perfect physical body!" Qi Zuo's eyes were full of madness. He was already crazy, completely crazy. For the sake of his own continuation, for himself to be able to live again, and for himself to become stronger, he must be killed. Future generations.

Over the past 500 years, the population of Qi Zuozhuang has accumulated to an unknown extent. This meat ball condenses the blood and blood of an unknown number of people.

"Young man, I have to say that you are also very good, but unfortunately you are destined to be unable to stop the old man today." Qi Zuo laughed.

"You researched it?! Don't be shameless! This is the embryonic technology of my underworld. Old man Qi Zuo stole it as soon as you stole it. How dare you say that it was developed by you? Such a ridiculous nonsense, a lie The child is fine." An ethereal voice sounded from the sky.

Chen Mo raised his head abruptly, just in time to see a petite figure holding a red umbrella, wearing a black gauze skirt and a black veil, sitting barefoot on the top of the big meatball, making a small voice like a silver bell, There was disdain in the voice.

"Underworld?" Chen Mo frowned, the ghost armor on his body directly covered his body, all the ghost eyes in the gaps in the armor opened, and at the same time covered Chen Mo's face.

"Is that you? The one who made our Netherworld deflated several times?" This smaller figure appeared in front of Chen Mo, facing Chen Mo's pair of red and phoenix ghost eyes, Chen Mo couldn't even see her figure .

Chen Mo's eyes widened slightly. If he couldn't feel the hostility from the other party, Chen Mo would have used Huangquan to leave directly.

But at the same time, Chen Mo's machete had already slashed over. He didn't use Huang Quan at the first time because Chen Mo's sixth sense told him not to use it, and he swung the machete because of the instinct in his body.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not here to trouble you." Little Lolita smiled coquettishly, and her figure had already appeared in front of Qi Zuo.

This little loli is only less than 1.4 meters tall, but the coercion she unleashes is even more terrifying than this huge meat dumpling.

"It's a pity that my plan has succeeded. Even if you chase me, I can't turn it around. No matter who it is, I will die here today!" Qi Zuo suddenly lost his composure when facing Chen Mo, and roared crazily.

His withered body was directly sucked in by the huge meat ball. At the same time, not only Qi Zuo's body, but also the bodies of Qi Zuo's descendants were all swept away by the tentacles one by one and dragged into the huge meat ball. middle.

"Die me!" A huge head appeared on the meat ball. If you look closely, you can still see Qi Zuo's appearance. The head roared and stretched out its huge tentacles and smashed at the little Luo who was wearing a black gauze skirt. Li.

(End of this chapter)

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