Reckless through another world

Chapter 382 The Tragic Qi Zuo

Chapter 382 The Tragic Qi Zuo

"Boom!!!" The huge arm slapped the ground, and a huge crack appeared, and the dust on both sides quickly gathered in the direction of the crack.

"Whoosh!" Chen Mo jumped up, his body soared eight meters high.

"Three-eyed Yama!"

Raging ghost energy burst out from Chen Mo's body, a huge ghost hand stretched out from Chen Mo's body, and then the figure of the three-eyed Yama came out of Chen Mo's body, a height of 15 meters. The three-eyed Yama Lingran stood behind Chen Mo.

"Mother, is this the strength of the Tingzhu class?" Tan Taixian avoided it a long time ago, but seeing Chen Mo's body and the huge evil ghost in heavy armor behind him, he couldn't help but let out a voice of astonishment.

The fear and coercion exuded was too shocking, and it was not at the same level as their red clothes.

"The fifth stage of controlling ghosts." Chen Mo murmured, and his huge body melted directly into the ghost body of the three-eyed Yama.

The reminder, which was already 15 meters high, skyrocketed rapidly, and didn't stop until 20 meters.

"Bang!" The body fell to the ground, legs slightly bent, and then stood up straight, the big hatchet was held in the hand of the three-eyed Yama. The big hatchet, which was originally only two meters long, then reached a length of 20 meters, and the black ghost aura Infected him like a magic weapon.

"People from the underworld? With the strength of ghost control at the current stage, I, Chen Xianzhi, dare to fight even if it is to catch gods!" The strength is at least four stars or more.

Chen Mo's body cultivation is indeed not as good as others, but in terms of ghost control attainments, Chen Mo is confident that he will not lose to anyone. Even if the person standing in front of him today is a ghost-controlling powerhouse at the level of God Catcher, Chen Mo will still fight!

"Ghost eyes, lock her!" Chen Mo whispered, his voice buzzing and vibrating, and some of the [-] ghost eyes on his body locked on the little loli holding the red umbrella.

The sound of the ghost eyes opening is so subtle, but the scarlet eyes are so real, the power is pouring out continuously, but Chen Mo's eyes are firmer than ever, the scarlet color soaks the eyeballs and turns into a faint blood mist .

"The meaning of evil - Jinghong dragon fell!"

(Bloody light covering the sun and falling into the sky, flying dragon flashing into the sky and falling into immortal brilliance!)
Chen Mo moved. This blow was the strongest skill that Li-level unsealed, even slightly stronger than the current Heaven and Earth Compassion.

The huge 20-meter-high figure flew up at this moment, the raging ghost energy turned into a black dragon, the big hatchet turned into dragon teeth, and seven light spots lit up around the huge meat ball, attacking like a giant dragon.

Only then did Tan Taixian understand why Chen Mo hacked to death the thing that copied him even when the evil ghost was useless. She still underestimated Chen Mo's combat power. Today, Chen Mo can't even face the ordinary vicious celestial beings. Being able to defeat it easily is at the forefront in the field of ghost control.

"This is a good style!" The little loli holding the umbrella nodded slightly.

"Roar!" The big fleshy ball controlled by Qi Zuo obviously did not accept his fate, and countless huge and thick black tentacles turned into arms to protect him inside.

"Bass, bass, bass..."

A series of seven voices sounded, and Chen Mo's figure had appeared from the front of the big meat ball to the back of the big meat ball. Seven huge arms broke off and fell to the ground with a loud noise, and seven huge wounds appeared on the huge There was a pop on the meat ball, and blood gushing out.

"Crash!" The ground was immediately stained red.

"The first form of Heaven and Earth Compassion."

"Gods and ghosts - kill together!"

With a long cry, the huge three-eyed Yama raised his hand, and the big hatchet in his hand was soaked in the boundless ghost energy and exuded black light, and a soaring knife light appeared in the hands of the three-eyed Yama.

But this pose is not aimed at the big meatball, but at the little loli standing in mid-air, wearing a black gauze skirt. The strong wind and force directly turn the sand and stones around Chen Mo into dust.


"Yo, what a strong combat power and coercion, to be able to reach this level at the innate level, it seems that the arresters of the gods are not all useless." Little Loli laughed, but even she could I dare not take Chen Mo's knife head on.


The air of the saber was overwhelmed, as if a sledgehammer had hit the ground, the ground with a radius of [-] meters was sunken by three inches, and the ground directly below Mie Zhan was as if it had encountered an air hammer. In less than half a breath, it was crushed into pieces.

With a knife down, the ground cracked, and only a crack appeared on the ground.

The air waves are already visible to the naked eye.

Tan Taixian was at least 500 meters away from Chen Mo, but she could feel that she couldn't breathe just now, and the moment Chen Mo's knife fell, it directly swept away the surrounding air of 500 meters. Too scary.

"Yo Yo Yo, you are really strong. It seems that you can't play well this time." Little Lolita patted her chest, as if she was frightened by Chen Mo, but it was obvious that she was exaggerating and pretending to be surprised.

"Can't keep up with the opponent's speed?" Chen Mo frowned slightly. He saw that the little loli holding the umbrella had already reached Qi's left head, and those strong tentacles couldn't stop her at all.

"Hey, don't play your temper, come back with me." Little Lolita rang in a low voice like a silver bell, and then pressed a small hand on the celestial spirit cover that was on the left side of her head.

"No—!" Qi Zuo roared angrily, but it was useless, his soul was being caught by the little Lolita with his hands, and under the control of the little Lolita, he couldn't control the tentacles of the big meat ball at all.

"噗!" A knife light struck, clean and neat.

"Huh? You actually cut me down?" Little Lolita looked at a knife mark on the back of her hand, a thin wound, as if she had been scratched by something.

The three-eyed Yan Luo's figure has returned to [-] meters, and the big hatchet in his hand is only twice as big as before. Although his body is smaller, his speed is faster, but his strength is not as powerful as his huge figure. At least half of the opponent's palm can be cut off with one knife.

"Thousand-faced shadow ghost!" Qi Zuo, who was let go, summoned the evil ghost in his body, and a misty faceless ghost appeared behind him. Although it was faceless, its head was turning. Li turned back and forth several times.

"As long as you hold on, as long as you hold on for a while, the embryo will grow up." Qi Zuo said eagerly in his heart.

"Hey? I didn't choose me, but this little brother?" Little Lolita watched in amazement as the faceless ghost slowly changed into Chen Mo's appearance.

"I know this thing!" Chen Mo's brows sank, he naturally knew this evil ghost, the famous thousand-faced evil ghost, this ghost can copy the combat power of the strongest person on the scene, of course, what is the strength of the evil ghost Stars can copy the strength of the other party's stars at most.

It seems that in the balance of this evil spirit, among the strengths he can use, Chen Mo's own combat power is the highest.

"But it doesn't matter, I've already got what I need." Little Lolita is holding Qi Zuo's primordial spirit in her hand, a shrunken villain with a horrified expression on her face: "How could it be? How could it be?" so……"

"Goodbye, little brother." Little Lolita's laughter echoed, but the figure had disappeared.

"Don't go!" Chen Mo was about to chase after him, but the clone transformed from a thousand-faced ghost stopped in front of Chen Mo.

 The one hundred chapters promised to everyone in February, let’s start today, ask for tickets, ask for subscription.

(End of this chapter)

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