Reckless through another world

Chapter 383 Only one survived in the end

Chapter 383 Only one survived in the end

Qi Min felt that he had come to a strange place, where it was very warm, like the arms of a mother.

"No, I can't sleep, I can't..." Qi Min struggled to open his eyes, struggling as if from scratch, his eyes finally opened, surrounded by piles of human bodies .

The flesh and blood were all mixed together, forming a long bloody river, slowly converging towards the innermost direction.

"I can't breathe, it's so uncomfortable." Qi Min didn't have any thoughts in his mind, he just felt terribly uncomfortable, and every time he moved forward, he felt better, so Qi Min was trying hard to move inside.

The corpses squeezed past one after another, and some people's chests were still heaving, but they had obviously become vegetative, and the souls in their bodies had long since disappeared.


Looking at the huge motionless meat dumpling, Chen Mo thought: "Qi Zuo's primordial spirit was taken away, so this thing doesn't move?"

"What's the matter with this guy?" Then Chen Mo looked at the thousand-faced evil spirit who was exactly like him, and the other party seemed to have stopped moving, but Chen Mo couldn't use the evil spirit cage to gather him in.

Even if no one is controlling the evil ghost with thousands of faces, it is obvious that this evil ghost has been bound to this huge meat ball. Maybe this huge meat ball still has life and can give birth to new life.

Chen Mo frowned slightly. He raised the huge hatchet in his hand to cut open the huge meat ball. At least the living people he saved just now were still inside. If it was too late, they might be killed. Digested into dross.

"Keng!" As Chen Mo raised the hatchet in his hand, Chen Mo, who was transformed into a thousand-faced evil spirit, also raised the big hatchet in his hand, but he didn't aim at the big meat ball like Chen Mo, but aimed at the big meat ball. Yes, Chen Mo.

"Has the ghost fog outside cleared yet?" Tantai Xian couldn't help asking doubtfully, since the huge meat ball didn't even move, the soul of Qi Zuo that existed in the meat ball was also captured After leaving, why hasn't this layer of ghost fog dissipated outside?
"This thing is the eye of the formation. If you don't break it, this layer of ghost fog will not dissipate." Chen Mo signaled Tan Taixian not to come over, because there was a dangerous guy opposite him.

The strength of this guy is at least three stars, and he has probably copied most of Chen Mo's combat power at this stage. After all, he can copy the strength of the strongest person in his strength.

Thousand Faces Evil Ghost chose two people, one is Chen Mo, and the other is the little loli from Hades, and finally chose Chen Mo after wandering around, which shows that even that little loli cannot match Chen Mo at his strength , it is conceivable that Chen Mo's combat power is strong at this stage.

"Don't come here, this thing may kill you with one knife, even your ghost can't save you." Chen Mo had a serious look on his face, dealing with himself, this kind of thing couldn't be more exciting, and at the same time couldn't be more serious, Chen Mo himself doesn't even know how good he is at fighting now.

"The meaning of evil - Jinghong dragon fell!"

With a movement of Chen Mo's body, the ghost energy in his body turned into a black dragon, and seven light spots appeared beside the thousand-faced evil ghost.

At the same time, the other party was able to perform Dragon Smash in a decent manner, and seven light spots also appeared beside Chen Mo.

"噗!" The two seemed to move at the same time, the black dragon pierced through the opponent's ghost fog and hit the image left by the opponent.

"The saber energy stays in shape, his Dao of the sword is so terrifying." Tantai Xian watched the shapes left by both sides on the ground dissipate under the falling of the dragon, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

Chen Mo is driving the three-eyed Yan Luo, who is more than three meters tall. Although his size has shrunk, his speed is faster. I didn't expect that the other party could keep up. Moreover, because they are both in the state of falling dragons at the same time, it is like two Juggernauts who used Alpha to attack each other, the two sides unexpectedly avoided each other's skills in a clever state.

"The meaning of evil—Eight Desolation Rampage Sword!"

There was a smile on the corner of Chen Mo's mouth. The Thousand-faced Evil Ghost was weaker than him. At the same time, without the master's control, there was no way of fighting at all. Chen Mo was confident that he could defeat him within a quarter of an hour.


Qi Min felt very strange, he squeezed in the middle as hard as he could, and passed the corpses one by one, he could see that these corpses were connected by scarlet pipes one by one, and some hands and feet had melted away.

There are also some that are even as dry as skeletons, with their qi and blood decaying and their bodies rotting. Qi Min sometimes encounters some corpses, and those corpses collapse instantly, crumble into powder, and the pipes connected to their bodies leave directly. , looking for someone else who is still complete.

"How long will it take? My body can still hold on." Qi Min wriggled vigorously, his hands and feet had already melted away, in this kind of pool of flesh and blood, Qi Min's hands and feet were all gone.

He could only struggle to climb towards the bottom.

"At this time, he actually broke through into a dragon-level celestial being." Qi Min let out a miserable laugh, and his primordial spirit slowly formed in his body. No more, but Qi Min did not give up the chance to survive.

He felt that as long as he reached the end point he yearned for, he would be able to survive, so relying on his strength to live towards death, Qi Min's primordial spirit left Qi Min's body directly.

Feeling that his primordial spirit had left his body, Qi Min felt a sense of powerlessness, even fear, which came from instinctive fear. Looking back, his body was no longer good enough, it had turned into a mass of rotten flesh .

"Live." Until the end, Qi Min saw a fetus-like body curled up in the center, the umbilical cord connected to this huge fleshy ball, and the white jade-like body exuded milky white light.

Qi Min plunged in, he could feel that this was his life gate.

In fact, without the master soul, what this prototype embryo needs is a new soul. No matter who it is, it also wants to survive. Without the soul soul, it is too difficult for it to give birth to wisdom.

But once born with wisdom, it is a top-notch creature.

At the same time, the thousand-faced evil spirit had already been defeated by Chen Mo, turning into a cloud of ghost mist and returning to the big meat ball.

Chen Mo also received the mission reward.

"Shenzhu Chen, do you want to cut this thing?" Tan Taixian asked.

The huge meat ball is still rapidly shrinking, and Chen Mo's ghost eyes can see that a white jade-like baby in the center is quickly absorbing the essence of these flesh and blood.

"No need, just wait." Chen Mo quietly looked at the huge meat ball in front of him. In fact, many people had already died when Chen Mo arrived, and the few who remained did not resist. Even if they were rescued, their physical bodies would not be able to hold on.

So it's better to go with the flow, since Qi Zuo's primordial spirit was taken away by that little lolita, there will always be a new soul to occupy this newborn body.

This body can only be occupied by the people of Qi Zuozhuang, because it is the strength of their blood, and it is a powerful system that has gathered so many generations of talents. Outsiders will not be able to accept it because of the rejection of their souls.

"It's fine if he survives, but I don't know how his mind is." Seeing the ghost fog gradually dissipating in the sky, Chen Mo knew that this matter was over.

(End of this chapter)

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