Chapter 387
Chen Mo left very quickly and did not stay in Tainan Prefecture. However, Chen Mo didn't like to ride in a horse-drawn carriage. He preferred the kind of cart that pulled haystacks, or rode a fast horse by himself. For Chen Mo, this seemed to be more It has the taste of rivers and lakes.

"Jianghu, this is Jianghu." Chen Mo, who was riding on a thin horse, murmured softly as he looked at each of them standing tall and tall, who seemed to be heroes, and who seemed to be fledgling quacks passing by.

"Battah." Patting his wine gourd, Chen Mo shook it and drank a glass.

The wine in this wine gourd is not wine, and the panacea provided to him by God Catcher is very beneficial to the improvement of physical body and cultivation, but it is too troublesome to eat one by one, so Chen Mo melted into the water.

"What's the way to subdue the six-armed warrior?" Although Chen Mo was sitting on a thin horse, his mind was immersed in the system panel. This time, he could analyze the method of subduing an evil spirit.

Chen Mo naturally hopes to subdue the six-armed warrior.

Not to mention the powerful combat power of the six-armed Valkyrie, it is not a problem to keep him in the ghost domain all the time. Although there is an extra thug, this thug is always uncontrollable. In case of any problems in the future, It will be more troublesome to clean up.

【Use his way, attack his body】

"Tsk tsk, it's still the same virtue. It was like this when he subdued Lord Chiyan, and it's still like this now." Chen Mo shrugged. The game panel system is an old problem. Understanding each other will not explain.

The same was true for the game system when I was sneaking in my previous life, but this should be unique to the fantasy world. Other previous stealth games have explained it very clearly, as if I was afraid that the players would not understand the meaning of the game.

"Use the other's way, attack the other's body." Chen Mo muttered, planning to think about it in detail after returning to the God's Catchment Gate. At worst, there is still a Deputy Catchment, and she can help as a staff officer.

"What happened?" Chen Mo frowned slightly, there was some noise ahead.

Looking up, there is a vast expanse of white, people holding canvas, and eight strong men carrying a huge coffin, white silk flutters with it, and a huge inscription is written on the front of the coffin.

"On the official road, it's such a big show." Chen Mo pulled the rein in his hand and let his thin horse walk aside. The other party occupied two-thirds of such a wide official road, and there was still the remaining third. One can allow pedestrians on both sides to walk.

But what was surprising was that the opposite side turned out to be full of red, and the oncoming people turned out to be a wedding procession. The bright red silk and satin formed a sharp contrast with the white.

"Brother, please give way, the auspicious time will pass soon." Said the bridegroom officer in the red robe who was riding a tall horse and clasped his fists.

"My young master is the red-clothed red-clothed red-clothed policeman who faces the arresting gate in the east. Get out of the way quickly." They didn't wear linen and filial piety, but they all wore white robes.

Chen Mo felt it with his senses, and it turned out that the person in the coffin was actually a living person.

According to this person, it is still the Tingzhu class who is facing the arresting gate in the east and is preparing to catch the fast.

"Apart from me, are there any other preparations for the court pillar?" Chen Mo's ghostly eyes on his forehead slowly opened, and he directly saw through the huge coffin, and saw a young man with a face like a crown jade and a very pale face lying inside. , with a smile on the corner of his mouth, as if he was really dead.

"Phew!" The young man's eyes snapped open, and the pupils were instantly dyed red with scarlet.

With a sound of "Boom!", the huge coffin lid flew up directly. Unexpectedly, the huge coffin lid fell back on the coffin again, and the coffin shrank accordingly, becoming as big as a palm, and was taken in by the young man. In his sleeve robe.

The wedding team on the other side was obviously taken aback. They thought it was a fake corpse, but even the horses under them were startled.

The welcoming team was even more chaotic, but they stabilized after seeing the young man standing on the coffin bier. Everyone has seen the world, and it's not like the person sleeping in the coffin has never seen it before. .

"Brother, what a powerful fear and coercion." The young man looked at Chen Mo, not because he felt Chen Mo's ghost eyes, but because he felt the fear and coercion in Chen Mo's body that belonged exclusively to the ghost guard. .

In his opinion, the fear and coercion exuded by Chen Mo is even stronger than him. You must know that he has become a reserve court pillar, but the young man he met, who seemed to be much younger than him, actually exuded With such a powerful fear coercion.

The competition between ghost masters is the same as that of Wuxiu, they all first look at the power released by the opponent, the fluctuation of stellar qi or true qi, although it cannot be said that strong power must be strong in combat power, but it can be used as a reference.

"What's the matter?" Chen Mo grabbed the reins of his skinny horse, and looked at the young man in white robe. The man looked ordinary, but the word "white", so he looked a little pale. If he closed his eyes If so, I really don't think the other party is a living person.

"Brother, are you going to the east to the chief arresting gate?"

"That's right." Chen Mo nodded.

"That happens to be the same way." A gleam of joy flashed across the face of the white-faced young man, and then with a big wave of his hand, those people holding the white sails and the coffin frame turned into paper figurines one by one. Turned into a paper figurine, he took it into his sleeve robe.

The group welcoming the bride suddenly panicked again. Although their calves were trembling, but fortunately they heard the word "Shen Catch the Gate", which stemmed from their trust in the imperial court, so they did not run away.

"噗!" The white-faced man took another paper horse from his sleeve robe, and a ghostly aura melted into it, and the paper horse came alive and turned into a tall horse, standing side by side with Chen Mo.

"This ghost is really interesting."

"I'm preparing the red clothes for the imperial court, Bai Zhanye, haven't you consulted your brother?" Bai Zhanye smiled, followed Chen Mo with a familiar face, and didn't regard himself as an outsider at all.

"Drive!" Chen Mo flicked the reins, and Herod, the skinny horse, let go of its kicks and ran away, and Bai Zhanye also grabbed the horse's belly, and the tall horse turned into a piece of paper also ran quickly. .

After the two left, the welcoming team breathed a sigh of relief. It was too weird. If the evil spirits hadn't appeared, they would definitely be haunted. How could they stand here so safely.


"It turns out that Brother Chen is also a court-level red-clothed man like me. I thought I was the only one with such a genius." Bai Zhanye clicked his tongue.

After such a long time of understanding, Bai Zhanye also knew Chen Mo's name and identity. He was not surprised that Chen Mo could become a court-level red-clothed man. After all, the fear and coercion shown by the other party already explained everything.

"Tomorrow noon will probably arrive at Donglin Dacheng." Chen Mo said as he led the horse.

Did he think that Bai Zhanye had a conspiracy?I didn't expect that there was really a plan. This turned out to be a road idiot. He didn't know the way to Donglin. It is said that he has been wandering for half a month. If he hadn't met Chen Mo, he might have continued wandering until he met a ghost so far.

(End of this chapter)

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