Chapter 388

Chen Mo asked Bai Zhanye, why didn't he just ask Wu Xiu casually, but Bai Zhanye just smiled and said nothing, and then said after a long time, "Since I was possessed by evil spirits, I found that I especially like to tie people into paper figurines, so many Time just lies in the coffin and doesn't come out."

After hearing what Bai Zhanye said, Chen Mo didn't ask any more questions. Bai Zhanye probably didn't come out because he didn't want to tie others into paper figurines. The paper figurines he brought didn't know how to get to Donglin City.

Usually, when encountering such a large funeral procession, many people would avoid it, so how could they rush over to ask questions? Fortunately, the servant knew the approximate direction of the east facing city, so he came here.

"Servant, serve a pot of good tea." A single woman sat at the table next to Chen Mo and the two of them, and motioned to the waiter not far away to serve a pot of tea.

"Okay, this heroine." The waiter in the shop hurriedly served a pot of tea, and couldn't help but look at the woman more.

"Brother Chen, how about we two make a bet?" Bai Zhanye looked at Chen Mo with a strange smile like a dead man on his face.

"What bet?" Chen Mo glanced at him, and poured himself a cup of medicine from the gourd into the bowl.

"In a while, that short guy with wicked eyebrows and mouse eyes will definitely come over to tease this beautiful girl. I'll make a bet with you, Brother Chen, how about I make him into a paper man in a short time?" Bai Zhanye looked away, not far away Sitting next to him was a man with sly eyebrows, not tall, who looked like a groundhog.

"What are you betting on?" Chen Mo glanced at the groundhog-like man, but he didn't realize just now that the groundhog practiced the method of harvesting yin and nourishing yang, and his aura was complicated, he seemed to be an experienced man Flower pickers.

Of course, even if it is not a flower picker, it is not a good thing.

"This is tea money." Bai Zhanye smiled and took out a dozen copper coins and put them on the table.

"Okay, I made a bet, but it starts with this person molesting others. If you don't see him doing evil, this bet will not count." Chen Mo even laughed to himself. Since this woman sat down, that one The groundhog's eyes seemed to be glued on. If he said he didn't do evil, even the groundhog himself wouldn't believe it.

"No problem, I bet since he molested that woman for at least ten breaths, I will tie him into a paper figurine." Bai Zhanye nodded,

"Otherwise, I think you have to do it within five breaths." Chen Mo glanced at the groundhog, quietly opened the ghost eyes on his forehead, looked at the groundhog carefully, shook his head and said, if Bai Zhanye really felt that it would be embarrassing if he took five breaths.

In fact, the two bet on nothing else, but to see how many people will act chivalrously in this small tavern. Bai Zhanye said that it was more than ten breaths because he thought someone would show up, and he would be able to stop the groundhog's ten breaths.

And Chen Mo said within five breaths, because Chen Mo felt that at most five breaths, the groundhog would come into contact with this woman. Of course, it was under the condition that the two of them did not make a move.

Since Bai Zhanye is interested in playing, Chen Mo is also willing to accompany him. Chen Mo's principle is to be kind as much as possible under his own ability, so in this case, he can also do it when he sees injustice.

"Girl, alone." The groundhog took a figure of eight steps, showing a smile that he thought was the most handsome, and then walked beside the single woman as if nothing had happened.

"I don't know you, do I?" The woman frowned slightly. The man in front of her had a short figure, not to mention a height of 1.5 meters, and a pockmarked face. The most important point was the dog skin plaster on the temple. Why don't you feel pleasing to the eye.

"Grandpa, I'm alone, why don't you follow me to have fun." The groundhog's eyes suddenly looked up at the girl in front of him, and he reached out his hand to touch the girl's hand.

Bai Zhanye was taken aback for a moment, he thought he was going to lose, it was only a short time of two breaths, why was he about to make contact all of a sudden?

Therefore, Bai Zhanye has already planned to make a move.

"No hurry." Chen Mo grinned, and glanced at the pale Bai Zhanye. Why did Bai Zhanye bet with him? his paper man.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have caught any small animals and made them into paper dolls along the way. Maybe this was the negative influence of Bai Zhanye's evil spirits on him.

Chen Mo can't control Bai Zhanye's actions, since the God Catchers use Bai Zhanye, it means that Bai Zhanye is still controllable.

"Bold and prostitute, you dare to molest a good family in broad daylight. You really don't know how to write a dead word." Not far away, a young man with a sword on his back slammed the table, and the long sword in his hand slammed into the air. The imperial envoy brazenly pulled out of the sheath and came to kill the groundhog.

"噗!" The groundhog sneered, and the full moon scimitar in his hand had already been released, but the young man not far away didn't notice it at all.

"Sure enough, as Brother Chen said, I really need to make a move within five breaths." Bai Zhanye sat beside the groundhog, with a smile on his face, like the smile of a dead man, very weird.

"You want to die too?" The groundhog sneered, and was about to call his full moon scimitar back, but he didn't expect that there was no response to the repeated greetings.

Looking back, he thought that his full moon scimitar had already taken the head of the young man in his early years, and the fact was as he thought, his full moon scimitar was indeed on the young man's neck, but the Behind the young man stood another person.

This person is exactly Chen Mo, this groundhog is also a martial artist at the level of a demon, and this young man who has just stepped into the level of a tiger can't deal with him, and the most important point is that the other party is practicing the magic art of picking flowers. It must be walking on a tightrope, which is not comparable to the sect disciples raised in this kind of greenhouse.

"How could it be!" The groundhog's eyes widened, but a big hand had already covered the top of his head, and when he turned his head, it was the young man with a dead man smiling strangely.

"Bah!" A trace of black ghostly aura emanated from Chen Mobai's hands, like sulfuric acid, invading the groundhog's body.

"Ah!" A shrill scream sounded from the groundhog's mouth. He tried his best to struggle, but it was too close. Bai Zhanye didn't give him a chance at all, and the ghost energy rushed in, quickly corroding Looking at his body, his body gradually turned white.

"It's so ugly, this time I'll make it look better for you." Bai Zhanye smiled, and the corners of his mouth slowly split until he grinned to the base of his ears, exposing a mouthful of teeth.

"Stop playing, hurry up." Chen Mo was speechless, he felt that he had picked up a mental illness.

Bai Zhanye moved his hands quickly, and the groundhog turned from a living flesh and blood body into an exquisite paper doll. His eyes were terrified, turning back and forth. Obviously, even the soul remained in the paper doll. .

(End of this chapter)

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