Chapter 389
"Hey, hey, am I scarier than this person?" Seeing the woman slumped on the ground in panic, the scarlet in Bai Zhanye's eyes flashed, and the ghostly aura in his body slowly radiated out.

"Okay!" Chen Mo appeared behind Bai Zhanye, and his palm fell on Bai Zhanye's shoulder.

Bai Zhanye turned his head 180 degrees and turned directly from the front, looking at Chen Mo with a strange deadly smile on his face.

"Don't laugh." All the ghost eyes on Chen Mo's body were opened, and Chen Mo discovered that Bai Zhanye's body was also made of paper, but the material was so different from ordinary paper. Chen Mo couldn't say what it was, but it should still be a person. .

Bai Zhanye turned his head to look at Chen Mo, and the fear and coercion in Chen Mo's body fell directly on his shoulders as if it were real.

The fear and coercion of both of them is rising. Chen Mo seems to see a white paper figurine ghost behind Bai Zhanye, and Bai Zhanye also sees more than 200 ghost eyes in Chen Mo's body behind Chen Mo. The three-eyed Yan Luo, with his tall stature and scarlet ghost eyes, exuded waves of fear and coercion that were too strong.

After a long time, all the fear and coercion on Bai Zhanye's body dissipated.

"Okay." Bai Zhanye put away his smile, and as the smile on his face disappeared, his body gradually returned to flesh and blood, and at the same time he turned his head around.


"Brother Chen, thank you very much." Bai Zhanye said with a smile.

"You should smile less, I feel that something is wrong with your mental state." Chen Mo, who was riding a skinny horse, glanced at Bai Zhanye. People's martial arts mind has been affected.

Obviously, if Chen Mo hadn't stopped her just now, that woman would have been tied into a paper figurine by Bai Zhanye.

"It's an old problem. In the past, when I was practicing kung fu, I went crazy, which led to the breeding of demons. I haven't eradicated it now, so I was affected. But fortunately, I didn't attack my colleagues." Bai Zhanye explained. It seemed to be said casually, but it was also his deliberate explanation.

Originally, this should not be said. Although everyone is a colleague, this is also Bai Zhanye's own weakness. If he speaks out, he will always be subject to authority.But such a problem is indeed an old problem, and Bai Zhanye is also confident that he will not be exploited by others.

Besides, with Chen Mo's vision, he can naturally see the fault of Bai Zhanye. It must not only be because of his obsession in the early years, but also an important reason, that is, this person must have been excessive when he first controlled the evil spirits. Overdraw the power of evil spirits.

To overdraw the evil spirit's power is to overdraw one's own blood energy. Fortunately, he is a dragon-level celestial being, otherwise, the evil spirit in his body might have been awakened by now, so there would be such a thing like a split personality.

"Be careful yourself." Chen Mo didn't say any more after finishing speaking. It stands to reason that such a person's mental evaluation must be unqualified, but since it's time to employ people, that's the only way to use them. He didn't care about the door, and Chen Mo, as a red-clothed chief arrester, had no reason to do so.

"It seems that the situation is urgent now." Chen Mo looked up at the sky and there would be meteors falling from time to time, he couldn't help sighing in his heart.

The falling meteors are likely to be the invasion of heavenly demons. Coupled with the gradual increase of evil spirits, it is inevitable that the lack of fast arrest by the gods is inevitable. The lack of high-end combat power is not bad, but the fear of the emergence of the backbone If it is missing, it will easily cause big problems.

After returning to the trap door, there is no need for Chen Mo to lead the way for Bai Zhanye, there are civil servants to lead the way for Bai Zhanye, so Chen Mo was released, and first went to find Chu Kuangge, who was still sitting at the end of the plank road, throwing the fishing rod into the lake In the lake, most of the scenery in the east is reflected.

On the other side of the plank road are pavilions.

"You just let your deputy arrester do it. The meritorious service will not be lacking. Although I was cut off by the Qin Tianjian this time, I probably already know what happened. I will hand in a file when the time comes." Chu Kuangge looked at Chen Mo beside him said.

For Chen Mo, Chu Kuangge is too satisfied. Not only does he not consume resources, but he can still fight, and his mental evaluation is very normal. Although he is not a saint, he is also a middle-class person, and he will not fall into the magic way.

"I see, I'll leave first if I have nothing to do, and I'm still busy practicing." Chen Mo nodded, feeling a little helpless, so he shouldn't be called here just because of this.

As for the fact that he felt that Bai Zhanye's mental state was problematic, Chen Mo didn't say anything. Since the chief arrester decided to hire someone, he must have understood everything.

"Why don't you wonder what the people in the Qin Tianjian do?" Chu Kuangge turned around and looked at Chen Mo curiously. It seemed that the person in front of him never asked the reason or entangled in the final result, just like It was the same as that of Li Shou.

When Li Shou took him away, although he was in a daze for a moment, Chen Mo didn't ask any more questions, and he returned to his original state in an instant, as if he was not curious about these things.

"There is nothing to be curious about. After all, they are no different from us." Chen Mo said with a grin. The people in Qin Tianjian are also people who perform tasks. As for the people behind them, they are probably some scientific research leaders.

After all, in the limited number of contacts, Qin Tianjian seems to be inseparable from those mysterious things, just like the Hades organization, but the Hades organization may be hidden, while Qin Tianjian is placed in the open. The official organization on the surface.

Taking a bolder guess, Chen Mo even felt that the underworld might be the dark side of Qin Tianjian, but such a guess was groundless, so it just passed by in a flash.

"Haha, it makes sense." Chu Kuangge laughed.

"The other thing is actually about your identity. We will set off for God's Capital in three days, so don't shut yourself up recently, or you won't find anyone." Chu Kuangge laughed dumbfounded. It's really hard to find such a good catcher even with a lantern if he just cultivates and doesn't bring water properly when he goes out on missions.

"Got it." Chen Mo saluted and left the inn.

"If we set off for Shendu in three days, we still have some time to subdue the Six-Armed Martial God, but maybe we haven't seen his family for a long time, and this time it seems that we can see them all completely." Chen Mo couldn't help laughing.

Their appearance in the memory is very clear, and the feelings brought about by those memories are all real. Although they feel a little strange, most of them are suppressed by the sense of familiarity.

As for whether he is Chen Mo who has the memory of the two, or Chen Xianzhi who has the memory of Chen Mo's body, this is not in the ranks of Chen Mo's entanglement, and Chen Mo does not need to deal with these relationships in a complicated way, just take it slowly.

As for the trip to Shendu, Chen Mo has long wanted to visit Shendu. It is said that Qin Tianjian has the most powerful scientific research team, but they don't know how far their research on evil spirits has come.

(End of this chapter)

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