Reckless through another world

Chapter 391 I Called Someone

Chapter 391 I Called Someone

In the quiet room, there was a trace of dim light, and the surrounding spirit gathering formations emitted a faint golden light.

The quiet room is completely built according to the architectural style of the round sky. There is only one door, which is the door for entering and the door for going out. There is a broken dragon stone made of gold and iron on the door. Just put down the broken dragon stone.

Chen Mo sat cross-legged in the center, and the surroundings were like terraces, descending towards the center. The center is the lowest, but the array pattern is also the densest.

"Ghost domain." Chen Mo murmured, and the steaming ghost energy burst out instantly, covering the entire quiet room. The ghost energy can also prevent others from monitoring, even if there is no one, it can be regarded as insurance.

After the black ghostly aura filled the air, the ghost domain in the center slowly unfolded.

The six-armed Martial God, who was sitting upside down in the ghost domain, slowly opened his eyes, and slowly took out his six arms from behind. As his figure came upright, his whole body became active.

Although I have seen it many times, and as the six-armed warrior lives in the ghost domain, his strength is weakening day by day, but the fear and coercion emanating from the six-armed warrior's body is still so powerful.

"The knife is not sharp, the horse is too thin, you and I will fight!" Chen Mo grinned, his eyes were instantly soaked in scarlet, his skin turned into ghost armor, and the scarlet ghost eyes opened from the gap in the ghost armor .

The eyes widened slightly, and the vertical eye on the forehead also opened, and then turned, making a rattling sound.

The enemy-killing machete appeared in Chen Mo's hand, "Hoohoo!" The huge handle of the knife turned quickly in his hand, and then the palm of the hand was turned away, and the turning big machete was transferred from the left hand to the right hand by Chen Mo.

"Boom!" The body bent slightly, jumped up like a spring, and fell from the sky like a black meteor.

The Six-Armed Martial God raised his head, and his eyes never left Chen Mo's figure from the beginning to the end. If it weren't for the suppression of Huang Quan, he would have already made a move. Now feeling the powerful fear and coercion emanating from Chen Mo's body, the Six-armed Martial God also moved.

"Phew!" Six swords appeared on the six arms, just like the swords He took away from Chen Mo at that time, even the patterns on them didn't change a bit.

"Whoosh!" Chen Mo's speed is fast. In Huangquan, his speed and strength are even more so, and his strength has been strengthened.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Mo had arrived in front of the Six-Armed Martial God, and the force appeared on Chen Mo's arms like Erlang God splitting a mountain. The ghost armor stood up.


The fight with just one arm has already blocked Chen Mo's offensive, but obviously the opponent's sword is so inferior that it was cut in half by the big hatchet, so this made the six-armed warrior use the rest of the arm.

But it was only two arms, the rest of the arms had swung their knives towards Chen Mo.

Chen Mo looked up, and the face of the Six-Armed Martial God looked like a compassionate Bodhisattva. The six arms really looked like the first arms of Avalokitesvara, but it was obvious that the other party was not a Bodhisattva, let alone a compassionate one. He could only kill people. .

The six arms, as well as the tyrannical body, whether it is speed, strength or accuracy, undoubtedly do not mean that the six-armed warrior in front of him is a living fighting machine, killing magic soldiers.

To be honest, it seems that every evil spirit is a fighting machine, born to fight.

"Eagle Step—!"


A hawk screamed from Chen Mo's body. His body could borrow power in the air without using the stellar qi, flashing out one after another, and finally stepped out of the six-armed warrior's attack range abruptly.

"Very strong, but I am stronger!" Chen Mo's eyes did not flinch in the slightest.A warrior is to go forward indomitably, a hero is to fight endlessly to the death.

"Full attribute blessing! Use all big moves!"

The blessings of all the big moves, since the bug level, to the current Li level, there are a total of six big stages, and a total of six full-state big moves can be opened.

This time, without any reservations, without any slightest suppression, Chen Mo's momentum climbed steadily, and his body grew rapidly. However, Chen Mo didn't fully use it.

Otherwise, it would be easy to be regarded as a monster by others, and now there are no outsiders present, so Chen Mo can use his power unscrupulously.

The muscles in the body swelled up like a balloon being blown up, and the powerful bones of his whole body were also raised and strengthened. After reaching a huge height of 15 meters, Chen Mo stopped.

"It's not that I'm not confident in my combat power, it's just that you are too strong, the Six-Armed Martial God. Besides, their power, that is, my Chen Xianzhi's power, is not so inappropriate to use it." Chen Mo Grinning, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

Even if he used Eagle Step to avoid the opponent's saber just now, he was still touched, but with Chen Mo's body regeneration speed, he was back to normal in an instant.

However, it is clear that the Six-Armed Martial God will not listen to Chen Mo's words. His purpose is clearer than Chen Mo's, which is to kill all the creatures that appear in front of him. Those who can move and pant will die, and even evil spirits are not allowed to appear. .

"Three-eyed Yama!" While dodging in the ghost domain, he summoned the three-eyed Yama.

"Chi!" A huge ghost hand protruded from Chen Mo's body. At Chen Mo's height, he didn't actually look huge. The three-eyed Yan Luo, who was wearing armor and full of ghost eyes, appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes.

As soon as the three-eyed Yama appeared, he rushed up directly. He didn't know how to be afraid, let alone fear, but his purpose was different from that of the six-armed warrior. His purpose was to defeat the six-armed warrior.

"Lord Chiyan!"

Lord Chiyan also crawled out of Chen Mo's body, but Lord Chiyan's height is obviously only more than eight meters, close to nine meters, when he reaches three stars and perfect, it is possible to rush to 15 meters.

The armor on Lord Chiyan's body is more refined, and the blood-red patterns flowing out are also more clear. The hideous ghost face and the horned head of the evil ghost, although it looks terrifying, has a strange majesty. feeling.

"Give it to me!" Chen Mo stopped dodging, walked out of the ghost domain, and rushed to kill with Lord Chiyan and Sanyan Yanluo.

"The Wrath of Emperor Yan!" Chen Mo roared, and directly activated the field control skills of Lord Chiyan, and Lord Chiyan also activated the Wrath of Emperor Yan under Chen Mo's control. Under the double superposition, one person and two ghosts The combat power has been raised to another level.

The six arms of the six-armed warrior guarded against Chen Mo and the other three ghosts, but obviously he also felt the threat from Chen Mo, so his body gradually became lower and turned into the ground, and the black ghost aura was like a big net. Spread out.

The head of the six-armed warrior god was lifted up in a strange posture, looking at the one man and two ghosts who were staring at him.

(End of this chapter)

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