Reckless through another world

Chapter 392 Although I am not human, Chen Mo is a real dog

Chapter 392 Although I am not human, Chen Mo is a real dog
"Old Hei, come out and help me chop the ghost." Chen Mo directly released Old Hei from the evil ghost's cage.

Hei, who was only five meters tall, was stunned. The fear and coercion around him made him want to escape, but he still had the courage to look around. He saw Chen Mo, who was 15 meters tall, and Yan Luo, who was 15 meters tall. , even Lord Chiyan, who was despised by him before, is so strong.

The most important point is that he saw the enemy that Chen Mo said, the evil ghost with six arms lying on the big black net.

"My mother, let me go back quickly, I don't want to come out, I want to go back." Old Hei curled up into a ball by himself.

"Then you should go back." When Chen Mo saw it, why was he afraid of being such a bear?This appearance even took away from the original good momentum, what else is there to fight, so I sent it back to Old Hei, let him continue to stay in the cage of evil spirits.

"It shouldn't be a problem for three to fight one. Give me all, life or death!" Chen Mo waved his big hand, took the lead, jumped up immediately, and rushed over suddenly.

Fortunately, the space in the ghost domain is like the ring space, which can become larger and smaller under the injection of Chen Mo's ghost energy, otherwise, the closed room outside can't really hold these four big men .

Under the urging of his own fighting instinct, the three-eyed Yama directly appeared in the form of a school of black black balls, stepped on the ground with his feet, and a spiral hell was sent directly from the hands of the three-eyed Yama, like a long-range support , just rightly hit the jumping six-armed warrior into a somersault.

At the same time, Chen Mo's broadsword had also fallen, but this time it was not aimed at the head of the Six-armed God of War, but at the wrist of the Six-armed God of War.


With a single stroke, the big hatchet soaked in ghost energy easily cut in, directly cutting off a black ghost hand.

Chen Moying raised his hand and directly scooped up the ghost hand.

"Hey!" The six-armed Martial God looked at Chen Mo again, and his severed arm grew out instantly.

"Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow 5.00%, and this ghost hand also melted into Chen Mo's body.

"Sure enough, I'm also a smart person, and I can think of such a way." Chen Mo laughed.

As everyone knows, this is the most stupid way.But I have to say that this method is very effective, and it is very effective for Chen Mo. After all, the number of evil spirits is here, and Chen Mo's own combat power is not bad. Now he can suppress the six-armed warrior.

"Three-eyed Yan Luo supports, Lord Chi Yan rushes with me!"

The instinctive battle of Sanmu Yanluo is long-range support, but in Chen Mo's hands, it is always regarded as a close combat.

Chi Yan's Lord is connected with Chen Mo. Under Chen Mo's command, although he is only nine meters tall, he should not be underestimated.

"Hiss!" The turbulent ghost energy emanated from the body of the Six-Armed Valkyrie, and the black ghost net rapidly expanded, and the Six-armed Valkyrie also gave up the long knife in his hand and replaced it with the big hatchet in Chen Mo's hand.

The big hatchet simulated with ghost energy is also decent.

"Bang!" Accidentally, Lord Chi Yan was hit with a knife, but at the same time as the six-armed Martial God was hit with a knife, the other five arms came waving.


"Die me!" Chen Mo wanted to encircle Wei and save Zhao, and the hatchet in his hand slashed at the wrist of the six-armed Martial God again. At the same time, the black spiral hell of the three-eyed Yama also charged, approaching the Lord Chi Yan. The six-armed warrior in front of him forced back.

The six-armed Martial God lay on his big black net, and his speed was a bit faster than before. It can even be said that it is not the same. Chen Mo can keep up if he can keep up, but now the opponent is taking the initiative, not anymore. It's them.

The most important point is that the six-armed Martial God seems to have found a breakthrough point, and he has no intention of letting go of Lord Chiyan at all, even Chen Mo and the three-eyed Yama don't care, chasing Lord Chiyan is a violent beating .

Things that were thought to be safe and secure eventually went wrong. Chen Mo found that Lord Chiyan turned out to be a short board. He was held down and beaten violently. There are enough ghosts.

"Fuck, three fight one, and you can be counter-killed, Lord Chiyan, can you play it? If you don't know how to play, I will replace you!" Chen Mo really didn't understand why the six-armed warrior suddenly changed his routine .

However, Lord Chiyan couldn't understand what Chen Mo said. If Lord Chiyan could speak, he would have already yelled at him and pointed out a way for Chen Mo, but Lord Chiyan couldn't speak.

Except for the man-made ghost, none of the other ghosts could speak.

"It's obvious that the six-armed Martial God wants to trade injuries with me, but it's okay, even if you trade injuries for injuries, my ghost energy of four or five hundred injections can hold up to cut off your ghost hand. "Chen Mo signaled Lord Chiyan to rush forward. Since he was beaten, he should use it as a sandbag, so as to attract attention instead.



Chen Mo's speed is getting faster and faster. When the affinity is increasing rapidly, the ghostly aura of the six-armed warrior is also rapidly consuming.

Lord Chiyan acted as the sandbag of the six-armed god of war, and was knocked into the air again and again, and held down again and again. If he could speak, he would probably complain about Chen Mo, "Although I am not a human, you are a real dog!"


[Affinity of sitting ghost 100%]

[whether inlaid or not]

As this system prompt appeared on the light blue panel, the six-armed Valkyrie lying on the black net in front of him also stopped, no longer intending to attack, as if a killing machine had been found and controlled device.

"Yes!" A smile finally appeared on Chen Mo's face, and the three-eyed Yan Luo and Chi Yandijun returned to Chen Mo's body, and Chen Mo also turned into his original figure, appearing on top of the Six-Armed Martial God, with the Six-armed Martial God under his feet head of

He was already familiar with the road, and Chen Mo didn't need to make any preparations. The six-armed warrior with an affinity of 100% was easily taken into Chen Mo's body.

Just like the original three evil spirits took shelter, Nuo Da's body got into it little by little.

Flipping through the attribute panel, the 3D model of the six-armed warrior appeared in front of Chen Mo's eyes, spinning slowly.

【Name: Upside Down Ghost】

【Title: Six-Armed God of War】

[Template: Extraordinary BOSS]

[Quality: Epic]

[Growth status: Childhood (unrecovered)]

【Cultivation: Ninety Nets】

[Available ghost energy: 90 notes]

[Skills: Tenra Ghost Net, Angry Eye Kikiri, Raw Raw Ghost Hand]

[Status: Awakened]

【Fusion Status: Fused Mosaic】

[Fitness: 51%]

[Strength: Two Star Supreme]

[Ask the Bodhisattva why he is sitting upside down, and sigh that all living beings refuse to turn back. 】

[Evaluation: A powerful attacking evil spirit, who gave birth to a statue of a Bodhisattva in the body of a ghost. Is the Bodhisattva made of clay a Bodhisattva or an evil ghost.Although suppressed, it is undeniable that his growth potential is very strong. 】

[Title Obtained: Four Ghosts in the Same Row]

[The rate of increase in compatibility with evil spirits +18%]

[More than two evil spirits are present, the combat power of the evil spirits present +10%]

(End of this chapter)

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