Reckless through another world

Chapter 396 I have one knife, which can save the sky

Chapter 396 I Have a Sword, I Can Save the Sky

"You keep your hand." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, then turned around and boarded the giant ship, obviously a little unhappy that Tao Ran didn't go all out for his attack.

In this way, even if he wins, it is only a slight victory over a careless fierce-level celestial being who has retained [-]% of his power.

Although Chen Mo stopped in the end, otherwise, with the power of Jinghonglong's fall, even Chen Mo's destructive power in Chen Mo's current ordinary state would not be small, and ordinary dragon-level celestial beings would be injured.

Originally, Chen Mo thought that he could test his grasp of the fierce-level celestial beings when he was in a normal state, but he didn't expect the other party to hold back.

Tao Ran really couldn't understand it. Logically speaking, even if she kept her hand, since Chen Mo won, he shouldn't be very happy, but instead he became indifferent to her, and even revealed a tinge of displeasure.

Even after saying this sentence, he stepped onto the giant ship directly, as enthusiastic as he was at the beginning.

"?" Tao Ran looked at Chen Mo's back, puzzled.

"It's a pity, this kid is strong, but he doesn't know much about wind, flowers, snow and moon." Chu Kuangge laughed dumbfoundedly, and greeted Tao Ran to board the giant ship.

The giant ship is named Kunpeng Type 32. It is a kilometer long, and its width and height are more than 300 meters.

Twenty of them can even send out the attack strength of a dragon-level celestial being.One of the main guns can definitely reach the peak of heaven and man.

Chen Mo didn't explore too much, he specialized in surgery, he was not a professional, and he didn't know the reason why this giant ship could take off. As long as he knew the speed of the giant ship, he could be brought to the sky within half a month. God can do it.

"set sail--!"


The giant ship Kunpeng-style rose from the land. Chen Mo stood on the deck of the giant ship and looked down. It turned out that the Kunpeng-style was originally staying in mid-air, but because it was in contact with the cliff-like ground, it felt like it fell on the ground. , like a giant sea ship docked in a port.

"I hope this time I won't encounter so many things. I really hope that I can get to Shendu sooner." Chen Mo looked up, the sky was clear and there were no dark clouds at all.

"Xianzhi, what do you think of this mountain and river?" Chu Kuangge walked to Chen Mo's side, pointed to the gradually shrinking Donglinzhou, and said, not only the tens of thousands of miles of mountains and rivers in Donglinzhou, but also the neat and dry land. The mountains and rivers of Yuan Nineteen Continents.

"The mountains and rivers of the Nineteen Continents are naturally excellent." Chen Mo didn't quite understand what Chu Kuangge meant, but he still replied with his heart. The Nineteen Continents of Qianyuan should be regarded as one of the few territories on Shenzhou. A vast country, not only a vast territory, but also outstanding people.

Countless powerful martial arts were born.Martial God Cliff, the No. [-] Martial God in the world, and the sword god who said and also made "Sword Qi spans thirty thousand miles, one sword shines on nineteen continents", Mr. Jian Da, eight peerless sects, talents come forth in large numbers, every The heads are all top figures in the world.

However, what satisfied Chen Mo the most was the Dagan Dynasty. It was able to make the people live and work in peace and contentment, and it was able to protect more than 20 billion people in the Nineteen Continents of Dagan. It has to be said that it is indeed a skill.

"If I can become a god catcher, this Donglin is no longer a place I need to come back to." Chu Kuangge smiled and looked at the mountains and rivers of Donglin. He used to be the helm of Donglin, and now he has accumulated enough meritorious service. , the force value is also enough, he, the admiral fanatic, will also leave, go to the God Catcher Gate, and become God Catcher.

"It's a pity that your strength is not enough, otherwise I really want to recommend you as the chief arrester of Donglin's arresting gate." Chu Kuangge didn't leave Donglin's eyes, sighed and said, with a complicated look on his face.

Chu Kuangge is such a person who shoulders the responsibility, and after he leaves, he is afraid that the later chief arrester will not be able to deal with Donglin well. Chen Mo is just a peak of heaven and man, so Chu Kuangge will boldly recommend him.

Chen Mo was taken aback, he didn't expect that Chu Kuangge would be so optimistic about him, that he wanted him to be Dong Lin's chief arrester, moved, but shook his head slightly, he would not become the chief arrester, no matter if Mr. Yi, or Mr. Ziyi, is not what Chen Mo wants.

What Chen Mo wants is to go to the top without restraint.

Chen Mo likes these weird things, that's why Chen Mo performs these tasks that are beneficial to him. Chen Mo doesn't like public affairs, and he doesn't like dealing with so many other people, and he doesn't like the way of balance. A qualified chief arrester needs to know too many things, but Chen Mo doesn't have them.

"The chief arrester loves me, but if I am strong enough, the chief arrester recommends me, and I will not become the chief arrester of the East Linmen." Chen Mo said with a smile, glanced at Chu Kuangge, Chen Mo shook his head slightly, and became Chief arrest is not the life Chen Mo wants.

Chu Kuangge nodded, and agreed with Chen Mo's words, "Yes, the dragon is destined to soar in the universe, even Donglinzhou is too small for you."

Chen Mo didn't respond, but not speaking was the best answer.

Looking at the earth, looking at the mountains and rivers, looking at the clouds and smoke passing by, none of them are what Chen Mo wants, it should be said that they are not what Chen Xianzhi wants. There is only one thing he wants, and that is to keep moving forward until he stops by himself. footsteps.

"Abandoning fame and wealth, I really want to know, what are you pursuing?" Chu Kuangge found that he seemed to have never understood Chen Mo, even though the file said a lot, there are countless people in the Qin Tianjian analyzing Chen Mo's character .

But when he stood by Chen Mo's side, even Chu Kuangge, the great master, felt that the child in front of him seemed to be a bit out of tune with the whole era.

Fame and wealth are all passing things to him, even in the face of beauty, he doesn't seem to have the slightest feeling, but is more interested in other people's combat power.

"I don't want much. In the future, when this knife is unsheathed, the world, the sun, the moon and the stars will be eclipsed by it. That's what I want." Standing in the hunting wind, Chen Mo grinned, showing his white teeth , Scarlet flashed in his eyes, as well as longing.

The battle blood in the body seemed to speed up a little bit, and the traces of scarlet turned into a faint blood mist appeared in the corner of Chen Mo's eyes, and he murmured in his heart, "I have a knife that can hold the sky, cut the sun, the moon and the stars, it is mine. Pursue."

Now that I have come to such a world, if I don't go to the end of martial arts to have a look, I will not be reconciled to death.

No matter whether Chu Kuangge was trying to test him or what, this was Chen Mo's truest thought.

The smile on Chu Kuangge's face didn't disappear at all. He believed in Chen Mo and became a martial arts practitioner. If he didn't even have this belief, then what kind of martial arts should he cultivate and go home to farm and raise pigs.

"I'll arrive in Shendu in half a month, take a good rest." Chu Kuangge patted Chen Mo's shoulder and left from Chen Mo's side.

While Chu Kuangge was talking to Chen Mo, the other three red-clothed policemen didn't stop, but went back to their own room, even Tao Ran didn't stay behind.

Seeing President Chu leave, Lu Suyao boldly walked to Chen Mo's side.

(End of this chapter)

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