Reckless through another world

Chapter 397 Chen Mo's Insufficient Preparation Phobia

Chapter 397 Chen Mo's Insufficient Preparation Phobia
"Prepare the quiet room, I want to retreat."

"Okay, I'm going to prepare right now, but my lord, Tao Ranshen caught an invitation and wants to invite you over." Lu Suyao agreed very happily, and she was already familiar with the road, even if Chen Mo didn't say anything, the quiet room It's also ready.

"Reject it for me, it's not necessary." Chen Mo waved his hand, what the other party was thinking, Chen Mo also understood that the perfect body of autism cannot be broken, and breaking the body will cause problems for his practice.

Chen Mo didn't intend to communicate with the other party, and even had to give him water for the sparring. Chen Mo no longer felt that the other party was a good training partner, so he asked Lu Suyao to refuse him. After the assessment was completed, there was no more contact. It's time to see you.

"It's my lord." A smile appeared on Lu Suyao's face. Chen Mo was so principled that he felt very relaxed as a deputy arrester. If Chen Mo messed around, Lu Suyao would feel a sense of crisis.

"I declined." Tao Ran frowned slightly.

"My lord, this Chen Xianzhi really doesn't know how to be flattering. Your lord is so kind to invite you, but you refused it outright." The deputy arrester beside Tao Ran said rather dissatisfied.

"Chen Xian's understanding of flattery is not something that you, a small deputy, can say." Tao Ran looked back at his deputy, although his tone was not very good, but what Tao Ran said was true after all. .

"Yes, this subordinate knows his mistake." The deputy arrester hurriedly bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

"I asked you to collect the dossiers about Chen Shenzhu, have you collected them?" Tao Ran didn't pursue it, after all, he was speaking for her, although it was a bit presumptuous, but he had a good heart after all, but you still need to know who you are.

The gap between an ordinary martial artist without evil spirits and a ghost master is like a cloud and mud.

"It's been found." The deputy arrester presented the file.

Chen Mo naturally didn't know that the other party was looking at his life file and wanted to attack him.However, if you want to attack Chen Mo, the first point is to defeat him. Obviously, Tao Ran gave up this opportunity on his own initiative.

Sitting cross-legged in the quiet room, Chen Mo used Gang Qi to finely strengthen the internal organs in his body, and raised the half-finished progress again.

"Why can't the internal organs be strengthened with natural materials and earthly treasures, but stellar qi?" Although Chen Mo had this question, he didn't think too much about it. There was no such type of exercise in his memory.

I also looked for it when I went to the Sutra Pavilion last time, and there was no such type. Only the accumulation of hard work can strengthen the internal organs and six internal organs with Gang Qi.

Although the improvement of the cultivation level is accompanied by the improvement of the physical body, and the internal organs are also slowly improving, but if the adjustment is not focused, the internal organs are indeed the shortcoming of innate martial arts.

Chen Mo didn't know how long it took, the internal organs finally used Gang Qi to open up the joints, and strengthened all the internal organs. At the same time, because of these joints, the Gang Qi can enter it more unimpeded .

In the future, he will slowly improve his cultivation base, and continue to strengthen his internal organs.

"What has Chen Xianzhi been doing lately?" Chu Kuangge realized that he hadn't seen Chen Mo for a long time, so he couldn't help but looked at Wu Lue beside him and asked.

"Back to the chief arrester, Chen God arrester has been in seclusion and has not come out." Wu Luan was also surprised, even Bei Zhan, who is known as a martial idiot, has never been so diligent in retreat in his whole life, but it cannot be said that Bei Zhan's life is not good. People also pay more attention to martial arts and tactics, and they don't always practice in closed doors.

Moreover, Wu Lue also felt that it seemed that if he kept retreating all the time, even if he practiced it, it would be a deadly cultivation, and he couldn't learn and use it flexibly.

"There won't be any problems if we continue to retreat like this." Wu Lue asked with some doubts.

"You don't understand the world of geniuses." Chu Kuangge laughed, then shook his head and said.

"Genius? Although I have to admit that Chen Shenzhuo is indeed a genius, but I, Wu Lue, should not lose. After all, entering the Celestial Dragon class at the age of 35 is also a genius." Wu Lue said a little unconvinced.

It seems that after Chen Mo appeared, Chu Kuangge felt that Chen Mo was a genius. Although it is said that a congenital level is not bad, it is only good. He is already at the peak of congenital at the age of 20. This card is 15 years. Just stepped into the dragon-level celestial being.

"At what age did you start practicing?"

"At the age of eight, my subordinate's blood has been fully charged. He has broken through to the snake level and officially stepped on the road of cultivation." Wu Lun thought about it and said, it turned out that it had been more than 20 years.

"Half a year ago, Chen Xianzhi was still at the snake level."

Wu Xun was stunned for a moment, the amount of information seemed a bit large, half a year ago it was a snake level, that is to say, in half a year, five realms were broken in a row, on average, one realm a month.

"It's really surprising, but the most surprising thing is that he has participated in so many missions and battles." Tao Ran carefully flipped through Chen Mo's file, and couldn't bear to read anything that Chen Mo hadn't experienced. again.

The final conclusion is that "this is indeed a genius." After looking through so many files, Tao Ran also understands why Chen Mo's attitudes before and after are so different, because for a martial artist and a fighter, it's okay to spar. It's okay to move, after all, it's all about the end, but if you give up [-]%, it's a humiliation.

Bei Zhan was also looking through Chen Mo's files throughout his life, but he wanted to find Chen Mo's flaws. He was going to the east fort that day, but he was temporarily transferred and assigned other tasks.

It's not because I'm jealous of Chen Mo, but because I want to prove that I'm not at all inferior to this god catcher. If he went to the Battle of Donglin that day, the final result should be the same.

"You can start to enter the evil class." Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes, and now he has nothing to hold back, no matter whether it is cultivation base or level, he has reached the peak of the Li class.

"Crackling." Stretching his waist, his body made a sound, and the joints seemed to be rubbing because of holding a posture for a long time.

After getting up and leaving the quiet room, Chen Mo asked, "How long have I been in retreat?"

"Back to my lord, it has been thirteen days. Among them, Baishenzhu came twice, Taoshenzhu came seven times, and Beizhanshenzhu came once." Seeing Chen Mo again, Lu Suyao felt a lot strange. It was her god catcher who had been in seclusion for too long, which resulted in a sense of unfamiliarity due to the long time.

"It's less than two days' journey to get to God's City, my lord, don't get into samadhi anymore." Seeing that Chen Mo raised his foot and wanted to go back to the quiet room, Lu Suyao hurriedly reminded.

"Understood." Chen Mo's original intention was to ask about the time, and he had no intention of leaving the customs. What he didn't expect was that ten days had passed in a flash, and the remaining time was too urgent.

"Let's wait until we get home to make plans." After Chen Mo walked back to the quiet room, he still didn't make a breakthrough.

As for the breakthrough, as long as there is the slightest influencing factor, Chen Mo will have inexplicable panic. For example, insufficient time, insufficient supplies, and insufficient spiritual energy will cause Chen Mo to panic.

For Chen Mo, who suffers from a lack of preparation phobia, now is not a good time to make a breakthrough.

(End of this chapter)

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