Reckless through another world

Chapter 398 I, Chen Xianzhi, Didn’t Hang Up [Please subscribe, please request tickets]

Chapter 398 I, Chen Xianzhi, Didn’t Hang Up [Please subscribe, please request tickets]

However, although it is impossible to break through, the compatibility of the Lord of the Northern Darkness has reached the fourth stage, and the Lord of the Northern Darkness can be summoned. Although it is expected, it still surprises Chen Mo.

"Ghost Realm!"

The ghost domain directly sealed off the quiet room, and a black ghostly aura immediately permeated the air. Chen Mo felt like a fish in water in such an environment, and felt very happy.

Chen Mo opened his hands, releasing the ghost energy in his body to his heart's content.

"The Venerable Beiming!" Chen Mo's expression was a little excited. It has been a month and a half since he subdued the Venerable Beiming into his body. The Lord of the Underworld was summoned to fight.

"Chunqiuhui, Xiaoyaogui, control the sky and the sea!" Chen Mo read out in a low voice.

Following Chen Mo's call, the Lord of the Underworld in Chen Mo's body responded to Chen Mo, and the somewhat slender ghost hand stretched out from Chen Mo's chest with a raging ghostly aura.

The ghostly aura spread slowly like a huge wave.

Chen Mo didn't know why all these big ghosts stretched out their ghost hands first, every time they seemed to lie down from Chen Mo's body, but it was better than stretching out other torsos first, at least in terms of momentum.

The evil ghost of the two-star supreme level was ten meters high. He stretched out his ghost hand to lift Chen Mo up and brought him to his eyes. His pair of dark blue ghost eyes were very calm, without any emotion in them.

Chen Mo grinned, and the scarlet ghost eyes on his forehead opened, and the scarlet ghost eyes looked directly at the Lord of the Northern Darkness in front of him.

With a slender figure, a powerful body, and a ghost horn that soars to the sky, it looks so stern.

The body of the Lord of the Northern Darkness is a deep blue, close to black blue, but it can still be seen that it is blue carefully, and there are light blue lines flowing in it, shining like blood vessels.

The body is covered with palm-sized scales, which are very delicate.On the whole, Lord Beiming's body is slender, more like a woman's body, not like a big ghost who can open a shield wall, but it is undeniable that Lord Beiming's shield wall is very powerful.

Without the Lord of the Northern Darkness, Chen Mo would not be able to shine in the Eastern Neighbor War.

"The fourth stage of controlling ghosts." Chen Mo could feel that a steady stream of power surged from the palm of the Venerable Beiming and merged into Chen Mo's body. series of factors.

This is the fourth stage of the evil ghost feeding back. After eating so much energy and blood from Chen Mo, at this time, he should spit some out.

"If you want the Venerable of the Northern Darkness to break through, you will need a million experience points. It seems that I can save some 400 million experience points, which is enough to upgrade to the evil class in the future." He didn't rashly increase the strength of the Venerable of the Northern Darkness.

After going to the gods, you can also improve, and it will be safer and more stable.

Moreover, early ascension and late ascension are the same. The evil spirits’ feeding back to the ghost stewards starts from the fourth stage, but don’t think that it’s over at this moment, but carry out long-term cultivation.

With the strengthening of Lord Beiming, Chen Mo's defense has also become stronger, and his overall strength has also been greatly improved.

"Okay, let's go back." Chen Mo nodded in satisfaction, controlled the Venerable Beiming to put himself down, and recalled the Venerable Beiming to his body.

"Counting the Venerable Beiming, I can already summon three big ghosts. Counting myself, there are a total of four that can reach the combat power of heaven and man. If you count all of them, you should also have the power to protect yourself."

After muttering, Chen Mo rubbed his hands back and forth quickly, looking a little excited and excited. Chen Mo has been envious of the Six-armed God for a long time, so he just took this opportunity to try the six-armed God's fighting skills.

[Skills: Tenra Ghost Net, Angry Eye Kikiri, Raw Raw Ghost Hand]

"The field control skill should be Tianluo Ghost Net, and the remaining two are offensive ghost skills, so let's try them one by one." Chen Mo is also familiar with the game, and he has to experiment with the three skills, so that he can Combine in battle.

Just like what Wu Lue said, retreat is not only about practicing in retreat, but also studying personal tactics. Although Chen Mo's tactics have been planned by the evil intention, Chen Mo still needs to do it himself for the ghost skills of evil ghosts. groping.

The strength of Luosheng Guishou is to strengthen the strength of the arm, and it can also regenerate the arm, which is equivalent to a semi-passive skill. Chen Mo really values ​​the ability to regenerate the arm, and the amount of work to regenerate a broken limb is not small. Well, if an ordinary martial artist breaks his arm, he will basically be fixed for the rest of his life.

"Onikiri!" Onikiri, as a powerful attacking ghost skill, actually has a bonus to the host's sword technique. It is more powerful than today's Tiandi Tongbei, and this skill strengthens the arm. Can continue to improve, the potential is huge.

However, what Chen Mo valued the most was the field control skills of the six-armed warrior god. All the evil spirits and field control skills were the most suitable for them, and they were also the most powerful ghost skills.

"Tianluo ghost net!" Chen Mo groaned, and the ghost energy in his body suddenly condensed into silk threads, which spread on the ground. Like the tentacles extending from the body, it is very strange.

"Huh?" Chen found that walking on such a silk thread not only increased his speed but also his strength, but he always felt that this posture was not the most powerful posture, and it felt a little awkward, but he couldn't explain why it was awkward. place.

"Do you want me to get down?" Chen Mo thought of the fighting style of the six-armed warrior, and tried to get down. Not to mention, after this down, all the strange feelings disappeared, and he even felt that he had regained his strength in all aspects. strengthen.

And on such a silk thread, crawling is faster than running and flying. Chen Mo's legs also turned into a strange angle, and his hands formed a strange coordinated texture.

"Although it is said to be stronger, why does it always feel so strange?" Chen Mo crawled quickly, and finally Chen Mo settled down. This is the most suitable posture for Tianluo Ghost Net, and it is also Chen Mo's most powerful now. posture.

"Swoosh!" Chen Mo's speed was at least [-]% faster than standing, and so was his strength, and after lying on the ground, his perception was greatly improved.

"I'm really going to become Voldemort!" Although Chen Mo felt comfortable physically, he felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. For Chen Mo, although becoming Voldemort was fine, if he had to lie on his stomach when fighting with others, this It's weird when you think about it.

"It's strange, but it can't stand him being strong. Strong is enough, and he can do anything. It seems that I'm determined to hang it up." Chen Mo stood up and put away the Tianluo ghost net, which was strange The feeling disappeared all of a sudden, while moving his body while talking.

Chen Mo tried to lie on the ground again. Without the blessing of Tianluo Ghost Net, he didn't have so many bonuses. Moreover, he felt that his combat power was greatly restricted by lying on his stomach, and his combat power dropped by at least [-]%. If you calculate it, lying in the Tianluo ghost net and lying in the outside world are the span of [-]% of the combat power.

"If there is no Tianluo ghost net, we still have to stand and fight." After Chen Mo got up, he nodded slightly, but since he had the Tianluo ghost net, how could Chen Mo not be a Voldemort?
(End of this chapter)

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