Reckless through another world

Chapter 399 The Legendary Capital of Gods

Chapter 399 The Legendary Capital of Gods
"My lord, the giant ship has entered the boundary of Middle Earth." Lu Suyao said in the quiet room, the excitement in her eyes was beyond words.

"Already here? Well, I see."

Chen Mo calmed down his thoughts, and the expression on his face has also been collected, returning to a calm expression.

As he spoke, he got up slowly, and the scenery of Shendu flashed in his mind. The center of Qianyuan Nineteen Continents was finally about to unveil her mysterious veil. He already understood it, but when he finally got close to the capital, Chen Mo's mood also became turbulent.

The heavy stone door of the quiet room slowly opened, and Chen Mo came to his outer room, and sat in front of the crystal mirror, his handsome face was immediately reflected on the crystal mirror, with a bookish look, like a crown jade.

But after all, Wu Xiu's body and appearance will also be affected by the practice. Except for those who are so eager to enter the magic way, the general Wu Xiu's appearance will be more or less improved, becoming more handsome or beautiful.

Standing behind Chen Mo, Lu Suyao combed Chen Mo's hair and tied it into a bun, followed by the eyebrows. After tidying up one by one, she straightened her clothes.

Chen Mo always felt that this long hair was a bit of a hindrance, but after a long time, it felt good.

"Okay, very good." Chen Mo stood up and turned around. He was wearing the civil and military robe of the chief arrester in red. The outer material was red, and black was the auxiliary material, and scale armor and inner armor were mixed in the interlayer.

Chen Mo's height is not short, 1.9 meters three, coupled with a body of streamlined muscles, not only looks very heroic when dressed, but also looks like a dirty boy in the world of mortals.

Most of the people who practice martial arts have such muscles, which are basically streamlined, because the strength required is the whole body, and it is not like the individual pimples that appear in individual training like fitness.

Chen Mo doesn't like that kind of bumpy body either, what he likes is this kind of streamlined door-panel figure, tall and powerful with a strong sense of oppression.Although the appearance is bluffing by training alone, they are all dead muscles, and the strength that can be mobilized is limited. It doesn't seem that the upper limit of living muscles is higher.

Speaking of which, the costumes of the God Catchers are very in line with Chen Mo's aesthetics, from the first copper seal to the purple clothes, but I don't know how the God Catchers' costumes look like.

"My lord, do you want powder?"

"Powdering?" Chen Mo was stunned for a moment, "Where did you hear about powdering?"

"It is said that the sons of such a rich family in Shendu, as well as the high-ranking scholars, are like this." Lu Suyao said seriously, then looked at Chen Mo's face shape, and said in comparison, "Although the appearance of the adults is also considered to be above average, but such a pair of red phoenix eyes It's really exquisite."

As he spoke, he looked excited as if he wanted to show his skills on Chen Mo's face.

"No need, let it be like this." Chen Mo shook his head, and stopped Lu Suyao's words, Lu Suyao had been with Chen Mo for a long time, and even talking was not as businesslike as it was at the beginning.

Chen Mo took the lead and walked out, the air pressure suddenly increased, and the howling wind rang in Chen Mo's ears, but it didn't have the slightest influence, because there was a layer of pale golden magic circle filling the side of the giant ship, diverting the air flow All separated.

"This is the capital of the gods!" Standing on the deck and looking back, Chen Mo's eyes flashed strangely, one after another soaring stone pillars rose from the ground, directly to the sky, each one was very huge, Chen Mo raised his head At first glance, they are at least a thousand meters high.

The stone pillars formed a huge ring, covering the entire Middle-earth Continent, like a huge magic circle.

But what surprised Chen Mo the most was that the huge ships were moving slowly and orderly, but they seemed to be competing with each other, moving closer to the direction of the capital.

Chen Mo doesn't know how big the area of ​​Shendu is, and the game official didn't give detailed data. They just said that Shendu is a city, and it can even be compared to an independent small state.

Of course, Shendu can naturally be compared to a small state, because Shendu itself is a small state, a small state that is suspended.

"Shock it, Zhongzhou Island seems to be more shocking than before." Chu Kuangge looked at the floating island that was several feet above the ground, clicked his tongue.

"It's really shocking!" Bai Zhanye's eyes were full of excitement, and even his face became paler. This is the legendary capital of gods, the Zhongzhou Island that everyone has rumored, and the Nineteen Continents of Qianyuan. center.

"Qianyuan Nineteen Continents itself is a huge formation, and the center of the formation is Zhongzhou Island. Because of the formation, Zhongzhou Island is separated from the ground of Zhongtu Continent, but it's okay, it's just separated from the ground. It’s only a few feet.” Chu Kuangge told everyone about the origin of Zhongzhou Island.

"The capital of God is Zhongzhou Island, and Zhongzhou Island is also the capital of God. Some of these giant ships that came with us sent red clothes for further study and assessment, and most of them were private giant ships, as well as sending troops and generals. Pass it on."

Bei Zhan stood behind Chu Kuangge all his life without saying a word, but there was an excited look in his eyes. It wasn't that he had never heard of Shendu, nor had he never seen the scene of Shendu, but because now they used red The identity of Yishenzhu came here.

"A few meters away from the ground? When the war comes together, the gods will be a powerful war fortress and a helicarrier. Before it moves, probably everyone thinks it's just a spectacle." Chen Mo murmured in his heart. It's not like he hasn't seen the gods before. All shot.

During the fourth act of the Battle of Yunchao, a brutal national war broke out in the Shenzhou Continent, and the great saint even took part in the battle, and all the small countries on the Shenzhou Continent were wiped out. Light, the remaining two huge kingdoms and Daqian are in a three-legged situation.

This stalemate has lasted for ten years. Of course, it was the ten years in the game. In the end, who annexed whom and who perished, Chen Mo has never experienced it, but there are indeed countless tasks during this period. Many large-scale battles broke out between them.

Chu Kuangge is still telling everyone about the legend of the capital of God, and the giant ship is also moving slowly. Since passing through the huge stone pillars and entering Zhongtuzhou, the speed of the giant ship has obviously slowed down. After all, the giant ships in the sky are all There are not a few of them, if they all drive fast, it is easy to cause traffic accidents.

If two thousand-meter-long giant ships are installed together, not to mention what will happen to the people on the giant ship, those who live on the ground will be sitting at home, and the pot will come from the sky, which will inevitably lead to family destruction.

Therefore, the gods expressly limit the speed of the giant ship to prevent such things from happening, and everyone will abide by it. Draw a line between the people below and the place where the sky giant ship sails, and set up a large-scale formation. Even if something happens, the formation given by the imperial court can be covered.

Fortunately, everyone also abides by the rules, listens to the unified transfer and arrangement of the imperial court, and is considerate of the imperial court.Anyway, if you are disobedient, let the warriors in the court lead people to block the door and explain the truth.

In an era when the common people support it, this kind of thing has instead become a leisurely pleasure that the common people talk about.

"Let's lean over." Chu Kuangge waved his hand, and asked the soldiers operating the giant ship to approach the port.

(End of this chapter)

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