Reckless through another world

Chapter 400 Neutral organizations, non-neutral people

Chapter 400 Neutral organizations, non-neutral people

The closer they are, the more and more soldiers are stationed around. Wearing shining silver-white Mingguang armor, large warships docked in the sky maintain order, and the waterway in the sky has been arranged properly. Order, and no other emergencies will occur.

"Get to the shore!"

"Buzz buzz!" The thousand-meter-long giant ship landed slowly, and gradually approached the sky port built by the imperial court.

"This is considered to be in the capital of the gods." Chu Kuangge always had a smile on his face. This time he came to the capital of the gods, not only for him to be promoted to catch the gods, but also to bring the red clothes under his door to become the court pillars. Kuangge is very optimistic, and maybe they can all become Tingzhu-level god catchers.

Chen Mo is not in any particular mood, and knows the location of his home.Even if Chen Mo doesn't know, it doesn't matter, there are files among the god arresters, and you can find out the address by just looking it up.

"Chu Kuangge is here." On a small pavilion, a middle-aged man with white beard and hair sat calmly on the seat, picked up a teacup, and tasted the tribute tea from Jingnan area.

"Didn't Chu Kuangge send a memorial a month ago, do you want to challenge the God Catcher for the position of God Catcher? Now the three God Catchers have returned to the God City, waiting for Chu Kuangge's challenge." Another elegant-looking The middle-aged man said with a faint smile on his face.

A pair of eyes are ancient and quiet, and it is impossible to see what is going on in his mind.

"Brother Fan Zhou thinks, which catcher will Chu Kuangge challenge?" The white-bearded and white-haired middle-aged man was also dressed in purple. Obviously, the chief arrester in purple is on the same level as Chu Kuangge. This time Returning to the capital of God, naturally came for the seat of God Catching.

"If my predictions are correct, this general fanatic must not bother to challenge from the last place. If he wants to challenge, he will naturally be the first catcher." The scholarly scholar sighed slightly, and Chu Kuangge challenged No.2 , No.3 Catcher has a chance, and the chance is not small.

But from Zhao Fanzhou's point of view, Chu Kuangge will definitely not challenge from the last place, but will challenge the first Catcher. This one is not easy to mess with, even Chu Kuangge is not very sure.

"It seems that what you see is the same as mine, sir." Yuan Bai is also quite regretful, he will not challenge the first God Catcher, the first God Catcher may be a bit inferior in cultivation level, and even more worthy of being ranked in the Jianghu No.20 one, didn't even enter the top [-].

However, his ability to control ghosts is extremely high, and it fits him best. Yuan Bai's ghostly aura makes Yuan Bai frightened when he sees it.

"I don't know when Master Master He will return to the capital of God?" Yuan Bai looked at Zhao Fanzhou who was sitting opposite him, and instead of talking about Chu Kuangge, he wentssip.

"I don't even know the teacher's whereabouts?" Zhao Fanzhou shook his head slightly, and there was no strange look in his eyes.

After Zhao Fanzhou talked a lot of gossip, Yuan Bai left Zhao Fanzhou's mansion.

After leaving the mansion and getting into the carriage, Yuan Bai's expression gradually became gloomy, his eyes flickered, but he didn't know what was going on in his heart at all.

"Go catch the door." Yuan Bai said.

The coachman next to him responded and drove to the gate of Shendu.

At the same time, Chen Mo and the others have already disembarked from the giant ship, and are preparing to board the carriage to catch the gate of Shendu. The carriage is very spacious, and it is pulled by eight dragon horses at the same time. The chassis is a sophisticated instrument, not only for the shock absorption effect , and the strength is very impressive.

"Mohist rune mechanism." Chen Mo has known this for a long time, and naturally understands the power of the Mohist rune mechanism. This kind of transformation is easy to grasp. Transformation, but I have to say that their technology is indeed advanced.

"Brother Chen still has research on this?" Bai Zhanye's eyes lit up, he was very interested in this, he didn't expect Chen Mo to know this kind of thing.

"It's just knowing some things, and there is no research." Chen Mo shook his head slightly.

"Let's go, let's get in the carriage and go to the gate of Shendu." Chu Kuangge said and walked into the carriage.

Bei Zhan Yisheng followed Chu Kuangge and got into the carriage, and Chen Mo also stepped up. Bai Zhanye was about to follow Chen Mo up, but Tao Ran jumped into the queue and pushed him aside.

"It can't be like this." Bai Zhanye was stunned for a moment, but just in time to see Tao Ran turning around with a smile, looking at Bai Zhanye with peach-like eyes.

Feeling the coercion released by Tao Ran, Bai Zhanye took half a step back, gave up his position, and said, "God Tao first please."

"Thank you Baishen catcher, that concubine is one step ahead." Tao Ran smiled again, but this time it made people feel like a spring breeze, lifted the red-clothed catcher's robe, and followed Chen Mo up.

"It's a crazy woman, forget it, let her give way." Bai Zhanye shrugged, he originally wanted to have a relationship with Chen Mo Lala, but was disturbed by Tao Ran, it seems that his seat must be far away from Chen Mo.

When Bai Zhanye got into the carriage, he saw that, as he had expected, the chief arrester was seated at the head, Bei Zhan Yishen and Chen Mo were sitting next to each other, and beside Chen Mo was Tao Ran.

Seeing that the last seat was beside Bei Zhan Shengsheng, Bai Zhanye could only sit down helplessly.

After Bai Zhanye took his seat, Chu Kuangge said, "This time, there are 39 red-clothed people who want to be promoted to the Tingzhu rank in Shendu, but how many of the 39 people can pass, and how the ranking after passing is related to the future distribution .”

When Chu Kuangge spoke, he looked at Chen Mo. Since Chen Mo didn't want to be left in Donglinzhou, he must be able to rank among the best in this assessment. Only the best can choose his position independently. Obey the command of the god catcher.

"Now that you have all reached this position, it's time to tell you the actual situation."

"The organization of Shenchuangmen was not established by the Dagan court." Although Chu Kuangge's voice was flat, these words were like throwing a stone into the calm water, and the minds of the four people sitting here were all disturbed.

"The God Catchment Gate is a completely neutral organization. It is only responsible for suppressing evil spirits and searching for more head catchers. It does not interfere with anything, the state affairs, or the battle between countries." Chu Kuangge continued.

But Chen Mo knew that during the battle of Yunchao, there were also countless gods involved.

The organization is a neutral organization, but the composition of the God Catching Gate is composed of different people, and these people are the majority of ghost emissaries on the entire Shenzhou plane.

"But, the catcher is doing a lot of work?" Bai Zhanye stopped moving. Since it is a neutral organization, the head catcher must not be placed in any dynasty.

"That's right, so the arresting gate of Shendu is just a branch. As for where the headquarters is, you will know when you become court pillar-level red-clothed." Chu Kuangge kept it a secret and didn't tell everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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