Reckless through another world

Chapter 401 Born to fight, rest until death

Chapter 401 Born to fight, rest until death

Chen Mo frowned slightly. He used to patronize playing games and fighting monsters. Chen Mo didn't understand the background of the world at all, and he didn't even understand the information of the other two major countries.

Because players have their own personal system, the power they can unleash is even more powerful, plus they won't die, so I'll train them back after the level drops.

This is especially the case with Chen Xianzhi's consistent style of acting. His combat effectiveness is among the best among players. But when it comes to understanding the game and controlling the overall situation, Chen Xianzhi can be simply summarized as "born for war, and died wisely".

That's right, it's the wisdom of wisdom. Isn't a combat power terrible?In exchange for IQ.

If you really want Chen Mo to think about the general situation, there is really no way to organize it clearly. Anyway, Chen Mo will be sure, who are you doing?how to do itAlthough he can think about whether to do it or not, it is only the IQ of an ordinary person.

Now with the improvement of cultivation base, Chen Mo also feels that he is thinking more, but it is still those things, who to fight?how to spell?
To use a metaphor, let Chen Mo command a team of soldiers to fight the demons, and let Chen Mo fight the demons alone, Chen Mo will choose the latter without hesitation.After all, combat power is his advantage, the four big ghosts are his advantage, and the system is his advantage. Why bother to think about so many things that require professionals to think about.

Professional things should be handed over to professional people. For example, in subduing evil spirits, Chen Mo can also analyze the characteristics of evil spirits. He can suppress many evil spirits with his own ability. This is his advantage.

What's more, Chen Mo is not only good at dealing with evil spirits, but also has a good understanding of the rules of battle. In fact, in the final analysis, it is because Chen Mo is good at other things, such as studying the general situation and controlling the overall situation.

Even Chen Mo can't remember many plots clearly, but it doesn't prevent Chen Mo from saving the world.

Since you can't find a way to solve the problem, then kill the person and the monster who caused the problem, so that the problem will naturally be solved.

What is it called?This is called solving the problem from the source, starting directly from the source.

The demon is coming?Then kill them and don't let them in.Visitors from other worlds want to obtain the resources of Shenzhou, so cut them off, Chaos Void wants to pull Shenzhou into it, then cut them off, old gods want to stir up the situation, then cut them off.

There is nothing that cutting a knife can't solve the problem, if there is, then cut it again.

If Chen Mo was an aborigine, he wouldn't think so, but Chen Mo is not an aborigine, and he has a system.There is no problem that one evil spirit can't solve. If there is one, then add another one, and if there are more, then continue to add it.

"Even if there are winds coming from all directions, as long as I have enough combat power, I will not be afraid of any storms." After thinking it over, those entanglements were swept away, and Chen Mo suddenly felt that things were very simple. If anyone stops him from saving the world , then cut it off.

Chen Mo's mind suddenly sank, and he even gradually began to practice meditation.

Since he has the power to bring him over with a system panel, the final result is nothing more than one, saving the world. After all, even the fantasy world in the previous life is the same, and the ultimate mission is to save this world.

Furthermore, what Chen Mo himself kept in mind is that all the monsters must become his experience points on the road to leveling, regardless of whether you are a demon, a visitor from another world, or any other plane, as long as Chen Mo thinks " Alright, this is a fucking monster", so let's all prepare to become his experience points, become the awareness of feeding the evil spirit in his body with blood.

"As expected of you, Chen Xianzhi, Brother Chen!" Bai Zhanye was stunned for a moment, and saw Chen Mo close his eyes and started to practice. His thoughts that were shocked by the news faded a lot, and he gave Chen Mo a thumbs up.

The corners of Tao Ran's pretty mouth also twitched. Looking at Chen Xianzhi beside him who was actually practicing meditation, he couldn't laugh or cry for a while. How much nerve does it take to be able to practice calmly after hearing such news?

Chu Kuangge had expected it for a long time. I used to think that Chen Mo was relatively innocent. Later, I found out that this was not the case. Iron head baby.

Laojun's evaluation is not bad at all, but a bit silly.

"Just get used to it." Chu Kuangge smoothed things over with a smile.

Tao Ran still wanted to talk to Chen Mo. Seeing that Chen Mo had settled down, he gave up the idea of ​​talking, but what made Tao Ran feel strange was that when he stayed beside Chen Mo, he felt that the cultivation in his body seemed to be All loosened up a lot.


"Here?" Chen Mo slowly opened his eyes when he felt the carriage stopped.

"It should have arrived at the arresting gate of Shendu." Chu Kuangge nodded slightly, and looked at Chen Mo with a smile on his face. Chen Mo was slightly embarrassed, it was like a student who was sleeping in class was caught by the teacher.

Although Chen Mo is a martial artist, he is not thick-skinned, so he blushed, after all, he should have listened to the boss tell some secrets.

But the atmosphere didn't last long, Chu Kuangge had already stepped off the carriage.Bei Zhan followed closely with his whole life. "Brother Chen, I really admire it." Bai Zhanye rolled up his sleeves, then stretched out his thumb, and said with admiration.

"Hurry up and get down." Chen Mo was speechless, and walked out directly. There is nothing to admire in this kind of thing, and it is not something glorious. Besides, he is a martial artist, and he has no other fun besides practicing.

"Boss Chu came here so early." Yuan Bai was surprised to find that Chu Kuangge had come so early. One must know that the assessment of Tingzhu Hongyi would have to wait more than ten days, and the challenge of catching God was even more important. After the assessment, Chu Kuangge really came early.

"Come sooner or later, even Boss Yuan came very early. I heard that you have accumulated enough meritorious service, so you can challenge God of hunting?" Chu Kuangge nodded while being a little surprised. Yuan Bai was originally the same as him. People of seniority, did not expect that the other party would actually complete the meritorious task conscientiously after taking office.

"That's right, I don't know which catcher you will challenge, Mr. Chu?" Yuan Bai asked curiously.

"Who is this?" Chen Mo asked Guan Bai Zhanye in a low voice.

"Brother Chen, don't you know? This is the famous Mr. Yuan, with superb stick skills, he should be called the master of stick skills in the world." Hearing Chen Mo's question, Tao Ran looked at Chen Mo with peach-like eyes, and at the same time Explained politely.

"So that's how it is." Chen Mo really didn't know, the one he heard the most was the Martial God of the No. [-] Martial God Cliff in the world, and Mr. Shen Jianda, the second sword in the world.

"I, haha, Brother Yuan, you'll know when the time comes." Chu Kuangge didn't reveal which Catcher he wanted to challenge. Hearing that Chu Kuangge didn't say anything, Yuan Bai's expression was indifferent, obviously not surprised at all.

After the two sides exchanged a few more pleasantries, Chu Kuangge led everyone into the arresting gate.

The catch gate in Shendu is naturally incomparable with the catch gate in the east. The catch gate in Shendu is more grand and grand, especially the "big" one.

(End of this chapter)

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