Reckless through another world

Chapter 402 The Flying Chen Mansion 【Subscription 】

Chapter 402 The Flying Chen Mansion 【Subscription (Broken Sound)】

After entering the arresting gate, they settled down, and Chen Mo also took the opportunity to propose that he wanted to go home and visit his parents.

"But, remember to come back in ten days to participate in the assessment of the God's Catchment Sect." Chu Kuangge did not stay with Chen Mo for long. After all, he has already reached the boundary of the God City, and it is human nature to go home to visit relatives. It's not kind.

"If something happens, your deputy will notify you."

"Okay." After Chen Mo nodded, he went back to the side hall he was assigned to at the arresting gate, and told Lu Suyao to keep an eye on the affairs here, and if there was something urgent, he would be notified through the god arresting token.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will take good care of this side." Lu Suyao was naturally happy, since Chen Mo was not by her side, she didn't need to be so restrained and could be more free.

"Yeah." Chen Mo didn't think too much, and went directly out of the gate of the trap door, got into the carriage prepared by the trap door, and was about to go home.

"Where does your lord want to go?" the boy driving the carriage asked with a smile on his face.

"The Chen Mansion at No.13 Street, Yujing Road, Third Ring Road." Chen Mo recalled the location of his mansion. Originally, the Chen Mansion was farther away, even outside the Fifth Ring Road, but with Chen Mo being promoted to Lin Shanbo, the mansion he bestowed was on the third ring road.

"Hey, are you Chen Xianzhi Chen Hongyi?" The servant asked in surprise.

"You know me?" Chen Mo was a little surprised. There are so many nobles in the capital of the gods, and there are many court pillars in red clothes in the gate of the gods. Chen Mo was surprised.

Don't think that the location of the third ring is very close. In fact, it is also very far from the imperial city in the center. Although I don't know how far it is, it is closer than the original fifth ring.

Chen Mo's elder brother used to live directly in the Imperial Academy, and only came back when he was on vacation, but now he can go home every day.

Although Lin Shanbo is only an earl, and is even more inconspicuous among the gods, he can be regarded as being squeezed into the ranks of the nobles. The Chen family can be regarded as rising, and with the rouge and gouache from Yuerongpu, the life of the Chen family is also very It's easier.

It can be regarded as a wealthy family, and they can enjoy what they should enjoy without worrying about food and drink. Although they are not as good as those big families, they are better than rising, and they are potential stocks.

"What happened last month, it seems that some important people have taken a fancy to your shop and Fangzi, and the Han family made a bold move. After that, no one wanted to covet it. Only then did we know that the Han family is actually the big person behind Yuerongfang. In addition, you have been promoted to Lin Shanbo, and you have fiefs and honors, so we all know something about it."

The boy was talking happily. After all, everyone was idle and bored, so they were more gossiping, but when they saw Chen Mo's smile was wiped out, and most of his clear pupils were stained with scarlet, he immediately knew that something was wrong. son.

"My small shop is still coveted by someone." Chen Mo grinned, but there was no smile in his eyes.He fought life and death on the front line, guarding the peace of Qianyuan, but someone stabbed him in the back.

"My lord, you are joking. It is not a small shop. Yue Rong Fang has been expanded three times, and now it has become one of the largest shops in Shendu, and several branches have opened." The servant hurriedly responded.

"So powerful?" Chen Mo was suddenly surprised. It was the first time he participated in his own business. It seemed that as his cheap father brought his family to Shendu, his family's business expanded again and again, so much that he needed someone to tell him.

"Although I know how to make some perfume and rouge powder, I haven't brought it out yet?" Chen Mo was a little puzzled.

When he was in the Earth Federation in his previous life, Chen Xianzhi also played many other games, including a simulation game about running a shop. He learned how to make perfume and rouge powder from that time. Even let yourself become a pauper.

As for why he played this kind of game, of course it was because the girlfriend he had made before let him play and take her with him, but who knows, they broke up after less than three months of getting along.Chen Xianzhi's game talent is really good, so the focus is all on games. In the end, he left a sentence "You can follow the game for the rest of your life" and moved away with a salute.

Thinking of this, Chen Mo couldn't help laughing, this is indeed going to be a lifetime with the game, and now he has traveled to a world similar to the game.

"Xie Daoyun is indeed very interesting. He didn't forget to take care of my house. It seems that he didn't help her in vain." Chen Mo nodded involuntarily.And when that incident happened, it happened to be able to find a backer for this side.

Chen Mo got out of the carriage and looked up at the huge plaque. The "Chen Mansion" was exactly the same as the original Chen Mansion in Linshan City. It seemed that he was afraid that Chen Mo would not be able to go home by default, so even if he had already accumulated wealth, he still didn't have it. Change the plaque.

"I'm back." Chen Mo thought in his heart, but he was thinking about how to talk to his parents after a while, as well as his elder brother, and his second uncle. are back.

"Back, bang, bang!" Chen Mo raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Here we come." A yell came out from inside, and Chen Mo could hear a footstep approaching quickly, and then opened the door swiftly.

"Crack!" Following the sound of the door opening, a member of the Chen family looked over from the door.

"What a handsome young man, huh? Isn't this the god-catch uniform that only red-clothed policemen can wear?" Chen Shitou was stunned for a moment, looking at Chen Mo's face, he was stunned for a long time.

"Shouldn't it? You don't recognize me after half a year?" Chen Mo laughed.

"Ah! Young Master?!" The servant exclaimed, and then realized that all the people in the mansion were old people from the Chen Mansion, but he didn't realize that he saw Chen Mo so suddenly.

Of course, Chen Mo's temperament, cultivation, and even his face have all changed.

"My lord is back, my lord is back! My lord is back!" Chen Shitou didn't even have time to welcome Chen Mo into the door, turned his head and ran in, shouting while running, announcing that Chen Mo was back.

"The eldest son comes back every day, but it's early today. Is the Imperial Academy closed so early?" Master Fu looked up at the sky, it seemed that it was afternoon, and it was not yet evening, but I can almost come back from work, maybe it's because the Imperial Academy has nothing to do.

"Yeah, what's the matter with Shitou, doesn't the eldest son come back every day? As for being so excited?" Ding, the servant, didn't take it seriously.

"Hey?! Ling Kui" Chen Sheng didn't hold back when he pulled, and Ling Kui rushed out.

"It's not the eldest son, it's the second son who is back, it's the second son who is back." Chen Shitou hurriedly shouted.

"Second Young Master?" Master Fu stood up from the rattan chair all of a sudden, and even trotted towards the gate.

"The second son is back?"

"It's the second son who is back."

"My lord is back?" Chen Sheng also got the news, and ran out in a hurry. While excited, he couldn't help thinking, "No wonder Ling Kui ran so fast!"

For a while, the mansion was in a hurry.

"I didn't expect you two to come here first." Chen Mo patted Ling Kui's head. Ling Kui had grown to the height of Chen Mo's chest. Not to mention his huge body, his cultivation had already reached the Li level. Jin Ling is about to break through the innate, standing on Chen Mo's shoulder and spinning back and forth, very excited.

(End of this chapter)

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