Reckless through another world

Chapter 403 Growing Up

Chapter 403 Growing Up

Ling Kui's growth was within Chen Mo's expectations. After all, he was Chen Mo's contracted pet. Even if the two places were separated, he had been absorbing Chen Mo's blood. Naturally, he could share some of Chen Mo's talent.

Moreover, its own talent is not weak, it was born from a thunder egg, and it has been transformed by the underworld, so it is really normal to be able to grow into what it is now.

Now Ling Kui is as tall as Chen Mo when he raises his head, and his back has grown to the height of Chen Mo's chest. His huge body is exactly as Chen Mo imagined.

The whole body exudes amazing thunder attributes, half of the bone-like mask on the head is still there, and a purple thunder horn on the top of the head emits traces of surrounding thunder and lightning.

Although he rushed over excitedly, he only surrounded Chen Mo, and the mane on his neck would rub against Chen Mo's body from time to time.

Under the blue-purple skin are complicated lightning patterns, and the original tiny scales have grown, and a long tail that is dragging along is also covered with scales, with a spread mane at the end.

However, what surprised Chen Mo was the change of the golden mouse. It actually grew to the peak of Houtian in half a year, and it was only one step away from Xiantian. It seems that there is no danger. It is also very easy to feed.

Of course, Chen Mo didn't know that because Chen Mo asked Chen Sheng to take care of these two, Jin Ling and Ling Kui took out all the accumulated treasures of the Chen family. At home, and sometimes take Ling Kui out to dig out wild ones.

That's why it's raised even better, and it's almost like digging people's graves.

Jin Ling stood on Chen Mo's shoulder, spinning back and forth excitedly. It could clearly feel that there were many treasures on Chen Mo's divine body. In its eyes, Chen Mo's whole body was shining, especially the mustard seed. bag.

"Young Master, you are back." Uncle Fu was the first person to come over. After all, he was also close. Looking at Chen Mo in front of him, Uncle Fu's smile never disappeared, and he hurriedly saluted Chen Mo.

"Master Fu, you don't have to be polite." Chen Mo raised his hand to support Chen Fu, an old man who has been the head of his family for two terms.

"The young master has surpassed Chen Fu now." Chen Fu raised his head slightly, and he found that he couldn't bend down at all. The cultivation base of the young master in front of him has already surpassed him by a long way, and the aura emitted is also a powerful aura above innate.

"I think Master Fu, you have to break through your innateness. I have some elixir to help you." Chen Mo smiled, and sent the auxiliary elixir in the mustard bag to Chen Fu's hands.

"Old slave must not take it." Chen Fu was surprised again when he saw this, the words on the porcelain bottle all showed that it was a panacea that was overwhelmed by martial arts outside, and there was even a breakthrough pill.

"The treasures of heaven and earth in my body are enough for me to break through heaven and man three or four times by myself. This is just a drop in the bucket, so let me keep it." Seeing that Chen Fu was about to be sent back to Chen Mo, Chen Mo waved his hand to explain road.

More than three or four times, Chen Mo's accumulated family fortune is enough to pile up three or four heavenly beings with resources.

Seeing that Chen Mo really didn't care, and thinking about Chen Mo's identity, Chen Fu also accepted it.

"Master and Madam are waiting for the young master." Chen Fu put away the elixir and looked at Chen Mo. He was dressed in a red police uniform. Although he knew it a long time ago, he still couldn't help feeling shocked after seeing it.

Shen Du Nei took great care of the family of Shen Zhang, and after Chen Mo was promoted to the rank of court pillar red clothes, those who were hostile to the Chen family stayed away, and even came to apologize in person.

These are all dependent on the person in front of him, the second young master of their family, Chen Mo and Chen Xianzhi.

"Okay, I'll go see you now." Chen Mo nodded.

"My lord, you are back." Chen Sheng hurriedly saluted, and then ran to Chen Mo's side.

"Not bad, half a year's effort has already reached the peak of the snake level." Chen Mo glanced, before Chen Sheng was just an ordinary person who was not a bug level, but now he has reached the snake level.

"Let's go, talk while walking." Seeing more and more people gathered, Chen Mo took the lead and walked forward.

"It's thanks to the young master, and it's also thanks to these two." Chen Sheng hurriedly followed and said with a smile.

"The second young master is back."


"It's the second son."

Along the way, I met servants in the mansion, most of them were newly added, Chen Mo didn't know him, and the other party didn't know Chen Mo, but they knew Chen Sheng. Seeing Chen Sheng's attitude towards Chen Mo, they listened to the mansion again. Chen Mo's identity can also be guessed through the noise.

"Why is there such a commotion?" Father Chen frowned slightly, and the mansion seemed to be in chaos, full of people's voices.

"Master, it's the Second Young Master who has returned." Coincidentally, at this time, a butler also hurried into the study and reported to Father Chen.

"Xianzhi is back?" Father Chen's face showed joy. Chen Mo's return could indeed cause such an uproar in the Chen residence. As he spoke, Chen Mo stood up slowly and walked out of the study.

"Ma'am, the second young master is back." A maid also reported to Mother Chen.

"My son is back." Chen's mother also had an unconcealable joy on her face, she hurriedly got up and wanted to see Chen Mo sooner.

There are only two sons in total. The eldest son, Chen Chuan, is an official in Shendu, and he couldn’t go back home during the Chinese New Year. Now that he has finally moved to Shendu, the eldest son can go home every day, but the younger son is no longer at home. After walking away for more than half a year, Chen's mother is also very worried.

If there were no letters back and forth, Chen's mother would probably let Chen Mo come home. Now that I think about it, I really regret it. At that time, I should not have supported Chen Mo to go out of this world to pursue martial arts. Ferocious, specialized in cannibalism and harm.

Although I used to think that I should follow my son's wishes, but when I heard that it was dangerous again and again, I still couldn't help worrying. After all, Mother Chen was reasonable and didn't stop her. After all, this is her little son's own choice. way.

"The Immortal has returned to the mansion?" Chen Mo's second uncle is not in the mansion, but the second uncle's family is in the mansion. Hearing the news of Chen Mo's return to the mansion, the one who is most excited is Chen Mo's eldest sister Chen Xiang. This time, Chen Mo was not in the mansion, but this time when he heard that Chen Mo was coming back, Chen Xiang returned to the mansion.

"I'm back." After Chen Mo had finished greeting him, Father Chen opened his mouth. Although his face was full of joy, he still suppressed it, not wanting to let Chen Mo see anything.

"Let mother take a look, she's grown taller and stronger, isn't she hurt..." Chen's mother left her seat and walked quickly to Chen Mo's side, asking with concern, and at the same time looking for him, as if she was afraid of coming back. Chen Mo is short of arms and legs.

"Don't worry mother, I'm already very strong now, if you want to hurt me, you have to do it." Chen Mo turned around with a smile.

"Although you have become powerful, you must also be humble and careful. I heard that the death rate of the God Catcher is very high. You must be careful in everything, no matter how careful you are." Although I really want to maintain my dignity as a father, but see Seeing that his son was promising, Chen's father was still satisfied and talked a lot about it.

Today, although it has only been half a year, Chen Mo has indeed changed a lot, and his current cultivation level is obviously much higher than his.

(End of this chapter)

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