Reckless through another world

Chapter 407 Saving the World Step 1

Chapter 407 The first step to save the world

"Time is slowly catching up. It seems that during this time period of the court-level assessment, you should enter the evil level." Chen Mo nodded secretly. The return of Qinglong is the fuse of the national war. If it can be stopped also can.

But if Qinglong is prevented from returning to heaven, will the emperor who has worked hard die?
Chen Mo didn't know this, but even if the emperor of Daqian would not die, in the hands of Zhang Fengxiu, the opposition between the power of ministers and the power of the emperor had already appeared. As far as Xiu is concerned, it is the same whether he is the so-called minister of power or not.

But if he can let it go, Chen Mo feels that he can fish in troubled waters. His combat power is composed of the points added by the level, the second is the bonus brought by the cultivation base, the third is the evil spirits, and the last is the system. Can extract the characteristics of monsters for his use.

This fourth, although it seems to be the weakest, and the power it exerts is also the weakest, but it is only limited to the situation where Chen Mo did not kill. If he can fish in troubled waters, then Chen Mo's characteristics will accumulate and continue to grow .

Even if one day Chen Mo's cultivation reached the peak, his level reached the end point, and all the card slots of evil ghosts were filled, the advantage brought by the system would slowly accumulate.

It's just that the accumulation is not fast. Even if you kill a monster at the celestial level, it is too small compared to your practice and level.

But thinking of the consequences of Qinglong's death, Chen Mo couldn't help but shook his head. After all, he still couldn't get over this hurdle in his heart. It was unwise to trade chaos for combat power after all.

"Old Master He, I hope there will be no trouble over there, otherwise the death of Old Master He will cause a war between the two countries." Chen Mo put the teacups in front of him. The teapot represents the location of the gods, and one of the tea bowls represents This is the current position of Grand Master He.

And the dynasty "Dazhen" adjacent to Daqian.

Dazhen is in the northwest direction of Daqian, and the governor guarding the northwest is the current Mr. He Laotai.Because of the many wars in various places, many soldiers and horses were recruited from the Great Wall garrison in the northwest. Not only Chen Mo knew that the strength in the northwest was weak, but many people also knew that the strength in the northwest was starting to weaken.

In the northwest, there is also a neighboring country "Dazhen" that is much smaller than Daqian. Dazhen, which is on the rise, will definitely not miss this opportunity. If the opponent learns that the strength of the Great Wall's garrison has declined, it will definitely attack aggressively. , Break through the barriers in the northwest, and grab big things.

Chen Mo sighed slightly. If the northwest front collapses, Daqian will not only have internal and external troubles, but also deal with foreign visitors. In the future, a large dynasty will rise. Since then, Shenzhou has grown from one to many powerful The era has entered a tripartite confrontation.

"If Daqian is damaged and the three legs stand together, and the outside world breaks through the barrier with Shenzhou in the future, it will inevitably be used to rule the human race. Dazhen and the yet-to-rise Dasheng may fall into their control instead."

"So, if you want the situation to stay in order, you must keep the front line. Mrs. He can't die, and the big green dragon can't die." Chen Mo took out another teacup representing himself. Of course, his strength is not that great Sufficient, but he has another power, the power of his fiancée Empress.

If the strange forces of Beiyunzhou are willing to enter the northern border and make up for the weak links, then as long as the recruits arrive in Dagan, the strength of the Great Wall garrison will increase, and the country will surely be stabilized.

This is the best way Chen Mo can come up with, and it is also the way to keep the Shenzhou Continent from chaos.

"If you want to fully defend against foreign forces, you must ensure that China is not chaotic, so you can concentrate your strength. If it is chaotic, it was possible to resist it with the help of players before. Now it is completely on their own. Before long, this world will be empty. Devour and assimilate, then more people will die." Chen Mo had to consider the consequences.

If the plane of Shenzhou is pulled into the void and crushed to powder, what should Chen Mo do?Even Chen Mo couldn't survive in the void, even if Chen Mo could survive, neither could his family.

Therefore, in order not to destroy the world, we must find a way to stabilize the power and let the great powers unify the many countries on Shenzhou, so that we can further accumulate power.

"I just don't know if I persuade the empress, will the empress agree, but should I also write a letter?" If you come up with such an argument that there is no egg under the nest, maybe it is possible, but the empress's mind , Chen Mo didn't know either.

I don't know what the mentality of the Dagan court is, but the Dagan sage doesn't want to let the military power fall by the wayside.So even if it was written, it should be written a secret letter to Prime Minister Zhang Fengxiu.

Brother Chen Mo is a representative of the imperial court after all, a Qingliu in the Hanlin Academy, a great Confucian in the reserve service, the current prime minister would have seen the letter.

The matter of the letter is not in a hurry, Chen Mo plans to wait a few days to talk about it, it would be best to catch up with his assessment.

"Today, let's break through the realm and enter the evil spirit first." Chen Mo has already prepared, and has adjusted his state to the best in the past two days, and the time to break the realm is today.

"Chen Sheng, I won't see anyone during my retreat. Don't let anyone disturb me." After Chen Mo ordered Chen Sheng, he went straight to the secret room. Other methods.

And if he wants to participate in the incident of Qinglong's death, Chen Mo has to get a good result in the assessment of the Tingzhu level, so that Chen Mo can choose the identity of the Tingzhu level by himself, whether to become a wandering type or a fixed catcher .

"Yes, young master." After Chen Sheng nodded, he hurried out of the small courtyard and quietly opened the formation in the small courtyard.

"Going home?" Tao Ran frowned slightly at the gate of Shendu. She wanted to visit Chen Mo in the past few days, but she didn't expect to get the answer from Lu Suyao that Chen Mo had gone home. Although Lu Suyao I know where Chen Mo's house is but it's inconvenient to disclose.

Tao Ran did feel a little regretful, but if he wanted to go home, he couldn't stop him, and it would be too rude if he chased him to his house, so Tao Ran didn't bother too much.

Although she valued Chen Mo, she would not put all her heart on Chen Mo. For a person like her, Chen Mo was equivalent to a Shi Quan Da Bu Pill, but it was a pity that she didn't take it.

"Retreat when I get home." Chen Xiang shook her head slightly. She didn't seem to realize that Chen Mo was such a diligent person before. He will devote all his thoughts to practice.

Chen Mo naturally didn't know about these things. Now that he has completely settled down, the five top exercises have been integrated into the Autism Kungfu, and the innate chapter of the Autism Kungfu has finally been completed.

With the completion of self-closing skills, the black dragon in Chen Mo's body was slowly filled, and a pair of dragon horns came out from the top of the dragon's head.Ganglong slowly opened his eyes, his scarlet eyes flashed with agility, he crawled out from Chen Mo's lower dantian, and wrapped around Chen Mo's body.

"It's done." Chen Mo's eyes opened sharply, and the black dragon returned to Chen Mo's body.

"Buzz buzz!" The air valve vibrated, and the protective qi appeared outside Chen Mo's body, and the substance was squeezed out directly, even sweeping away the surrounding air domineeringly, now even if someone wants to approach Chen Mo's body Everything is difficult.

(End of this chapter)

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