Chapter 408

Set aside 100 million for the Lord of the North to be promoted to three stars, and Chen Mo filled the remaining experience into the level, but it has only increased by one and a half levels. Chen Mo thought he could be promoted by two levels, but he did not expect more than 300 million experience It can only increase the progress of one and a half levels.

However, this is also expected by Chen Mo. The last time he killed the heavenly man, the experience gained has dropped. One is because the level has increased, and the other is that the evil spirits in the body have a greater demand for blood energy experience. The third is that he The body itself also needs to be strengthened by blood energy experience, so less is stored.

But these are all under Chen Mo's control. Now he kills the gods without evil spirits like slaughtering chickens and dogs, and the promotion of level is still not slow at all.

"Young master is out of customs." Chen Sheng guarded the door, and Chen Mo's pressure was even stronger. Standing beside Chen Mo made him feel oppressed, but seeing Chen Mo's cultivation base improved, Chen Sheng also Happy from the bottom of my heart.

"It's time to go out." Chen Mo collected all the oppression in his body, and Chen Sheng felt relieved. The feeling of being squeezed and unable to breathe just now was really hard to adapt to.

"Miss said to let the young master go to Xiaoting Lake to get together."

"When did it happen?" Chen Mo asked, and walked out of the quiet room, where Kui Er was playing with Ling Kui and Jin Ling in the small courtyard.

"I ordered you after the young master retreated, saying that the young master will go to the small lake to get together after leaving the customs." Chen Sheng didn't dare to hide it.

"Prepare a pen, ink, paper and inkstone for me, it will be useful when I come back." Chen Mo nodded slightly, and walked towards Xiaoting Lake after speaking.

Although Xiaoting Lake is not big, only 300 meters in length and width, it is not small. Xiaoxie Tower was built from the shore to the center of the lake. When Chen Mo came, he happened to see Chen sitting in the small pavilion in the center of the lake. Xiang.

Today Chen Xiang was wearing a red robe, and the weapons Sun Moon Golden Wheel were also placed on the shelf, as if she was waiting for Chen Mo.

The Sun Moon Golden Wheel is divided into two weapons, the Sun Golden Wheel and the Moon Golden Wheel, but they are combined into one weapon.The sun golden wheel is built according to the shape of the sun, while the lunar golden wheel is a crescent moon, at least seven feet long.

"Sister, this is...?" Chen Mo went to the other side of the table, looked at Chen Xiang's posture, and seemed to have guessed something vaguely.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do, so why don't you just come to discuss and exchange ideas?" Chen Xiang looked at Chen Mo with a light smile.

"I can't wish for it!" Chen Mo's eyes lit up. Chen Xiang is a true disciple of Shenxiufang. Although he is only a newcomer, his cultivation is absolutely solid. Let's fight to see how the overall strength of Shenxiufang is.

"Then show your weapon, otherwise how can you have fun fighting?" Chen Xiang nodded slightly, then stood up, raised his hand, and the moon golden wheel appeared directly behind Chen Xiang, and the curved crescent moon protected Chen Xiang inside , while the Rijin Wheel was spinning in Chen Xiang's hands.

"Sun Moon Golden Wheel, the disciples of Shenxiufang all know the art of defending soldiers, and I chose the Sun Moon Golden Wheel. The Sun Moon Golden Wheel is the main attack, and the Moon Golden Wheel is the main defense. One attack and one defense are all in the hands of the controller. "Chen Xiang is tall and tall, but against the background of the sun, moon and golden wheel, she looks like a fairy descending from the earth.

Although I don't know why Chen Xiang chose this weapon, but it is clear that the coercion emanating from Chen Xiang is definitely very powerful, far exceeding the coercion of ordinary dragon-level celestial beings, not to mention being a true disciple of a great sect , so how can Momen and other casual cultivators be compared.

"Knife kills the enemy by name. I use this heavy weapon very easily." Chen Mo took the big hatchet out of his mustard bag. He didn't carry the big hatchet on his back when he went home. Fortunately, there is no need to carry a big hatchet at home.

"This weapon is...strange." Chen Xiang also imagined a lot of Chen Mo's weapons, but he didn't expect it to be an enlarged version of the hatchet. It can be seen that this big hatchet is an epic weapon.

Originally, when Chen Mo just came back, he wanted to drag Chen Mo to discuss it, but at that time it seemed that he was about to break through, so Chen Xiang didn't mention it.

"Eagle Step!"


Chen Mo tapped his toes lightly, and he had already stepped out of the small pavilion, standing in the small pavilion lake, his feet completely stepped on the water without any fluctuation.

"Moon shadow!" Chen Xiang's figure appeared not far from Chen Mo in an instant, and Chen Xiang's phantom remained not far away. After Chen Xiang reached the water, those phantoms imitated Chen Xiang's movements were layer by layer, overlapping onto Chen Xiang's body like books overlapping.

"First of all, let me tell you, don't use the power of evil spirits, otherwise my sister will not be able to beat you." Chen Xiang said with a smile.

"Don't worry, it won't happen." Chen Mo shook his head, a faint mist of blood appeared around the corner of his eyes.With a bang, Chen Mo swooped in, and the big hatchet in his hand crossed the water, only to see the surging waves, Chen Mo's big hatchet had already slashed over.

"Shadow Moon Strike!" Yue Jinlun came out directly from Chen Xiang's side, and rushed towards Chen Mo in Chen Xiang's hands.

"You're so handsome, but, big sister, you're too careless!" Chen Mo really missed out. Although he didn't know what Chen Xiang's fighting power was, but his body skills were really powerful. The distance of 20 meters was far from Chen Mo's. Yan didn't even need half a breath, yet Chen Xiang responded at such a fast speed from Chen Mo.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a dragon-level celestial being from a great sect.

"Thousand cuts!" Chen Mo didn't have the slightest fear, the self-closing energy on his body directly separated the water surface in front of him, Chen Mo jumped up, and went straight to the Moon Golden Wheel.


"It's so powerful!" Yue Jinlun was chopped off by Chen Mo, and returned to Chen Xiang's back, wrapping around Chen Xiang's side.

Chen Xiang hadn't controlled the Moon Golden Wheel just now. If it wasn't because it was her weapon, she would have been connected with each other for a long time, and she might have fallen into the lake. Of course, it was precisely because of the connected mind that Chen Xiang could feel it. Chen Mo's tyranny.

"Yangshen Strike!" The Rijinlun in Chen Xiang's hand shot directly.

Not enough. Even under the attack of the Sun Moon Golden Wheel, Chen Mo is still slowly approaching Chen Xiang, and there is no flaw in his aura at all, but his momentum shows a trend of getting more and more fierce as he fights.

"The meaning of evil - Jinghong dragon fell!"

Chen Mo's figure sprinted, and the Dao Yiliu on the lake stagnated slightly, and Chen Mo had already rushed in front of Chen Xiang.

"Well, I really can't beat it." Looking at the big hatchet across his neck, Chen Xiang smiled and shook his head, and put the Sun Moon Golden Wheel back to his side.

Although he was surprised by Chen Mo's strength, but after all, it was the end of the competition, so Chen Xiang didn't make things difficult for Chen Mo too much.Of course, Chen Mo didn't use all his strength.

Although neither of them used all their strength, they already knew the general situation.

It's amazing that Chen Mo can suppress her, a dragon-level celestial being, at the evil level. At the same time, Chen Xiang also found that Chen Mo's strength is terrifying, and his system is very tyrannical. He definitely has a tyrannical body training method.Under the crazy suppression of the Sun Moon Golden Wheel, it can still move at a high speed, which shows the strength of the system.

(End of this chapter)

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