Reckless through another world

Chapter 409 Mental Problems Are Big Problems

Chapter 409 Mental Problems Are Big Problems
"I didn't expect, little brother, that you didn't enter the sect, but you have honed your combat power." Chen Xiang said with a sigh. Back then, she was already innate, and Chen Mo was still a young man with no blood. Now But in just half a year, he has already caught up with her, and his combat power has even surpassed her.

Chen Xiang was brought to Shenxiufang to practice martial arts since she was a child. Although she also became a celestial being at the age of 20 and became a true biography, compared with Chen Mo, it really seems that her talent is not so sufficient.

Chen Mo's family knew their own abilities, so he just started it. It should be said that he didn't go through a long period of hard training, and he even spent this time suppressing evil spirits.

"I just got a little chance." Chen Mo picked up the teacup, smiled, and looked at the tea in the teacup, but no matter what, these were the strengths that Chen Mo had worked hard for, without any fraud.

"Everything in this world is not completely fair. Why don't I sigh when others lament me?" Chen Mo murmured in his heart. Thinking of this, he took a sip and then put down the tea bowl.

"This is the dossier of 38 people you will face in the future. Including yourself, there are 39 people in total." Chen Xiang pushed the dossier in the mustard bag to Chen Mo's eyes. Chen Xiang looked at it calmly and calmly from beginning to end. To Chen Mo.

Speaking of which, this time it was also because he wanted to see Chen Mo's strength, so Chen Xiang took the initiative to test it out. If her younger brother couldn't even beat her, then he might have to eat on the battlefields of those reserve soldiers who were all at the level of celestial beings. Big loss.

Fortunately, after probing for a while, Chen Xiang found that Chen Mo could suppress her with all his strength. Coupled with the huge fear and coercion he saw at the beginning, Chen Xiang knew that his younger brother would probably pass the assessment of the gods, so Also bring out the dossiers she collected.

"These." Chen Mo flipped through the dossiers of those 38 people, and they were very complete. Chen Mo couldn't help looking at Chen Xiang in astonishment. The information about their arrest was kept secret. Why did so much information arrive? In Chen Xiang's hand?

"How is it? It's pretty complete." Chen Xiang said with a smile.

"Well, I only know a few, but it's very comprehensive. I don't know where the eldest sister got this file?" Chen Mo just now focused on looking at the gods who came with him from the east. almost.

When Chen Mo thought about this, he also felt that their information had been leaked out to let others know. Now that there are martial arts hunting ghost emissaries, if the information is leaked again, wouldn’t the situation of many ghost emissaries be in danger? .

"There is a senior sister in the big sister's door who works in the arresting door of the gods. I asked her to come here, and they are all legitimate ways. Moreover, there is no record of what their evil spirits are like. So you don't have to worry, Xianzhi." Chen Xiang seemed to have seen through Chen Mo's thoughts.

After all, it is true, Chen Mo is not a person who does not display emotions, and the question just now is also very easy to guess.

"Thank you big sister, these are really useful to me." Chen Mo nodded, some things will happen sooner or later, there is a saying that goes "Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes", although people who say big things seem to be quite Unity, but people's hearts will change, and what cannot be stopped is the change of people's hearts.

So Chen Mo didn't think too much about it, as long as it comes, it's useless to think about it, it's just something that can't be changed.

"It's good if it's useful." Chen Xiang smiled very calmly.

Although she was indifferent, Chen Mo naturally knew that her elder sister must be very happy now, and she didn't know how to cultivate her character. On the contrary, the happier Chen Xiang was, the calmer she became.


"Senior Sister, you have quite a few strong enemies this time." A woman in a black robe said while sitting by the hot spring pool, soaking her feet.

"Oh? Who is there? Let's hear it. If it's too idle, it's too boring." The graceful woman swimming gently in the hot spring stood up slowly, and pulled Wrapped a bathrobe around her body.

"Dong Linzhou's Tao Ran, she has reached the fierce level of heavenly beings, and with her ability to control ghosts, she should be Dong Linzhou's No. 1 this time, but I heard that she lost to a fierce level kid." Hei The robed woman took out a crystal panel with the message of Tao Ran written on it.

"There are some threats, but it's nothing to be afraid of. After so many years of nurturing her, she still doesn't make progress. She can even lose to a kid of the Li class. The method of collecting yang and replenishing yin in a cloudy sky made her forget the hard work of practicing alone. , I’m really going back as I live.” The tall and beautiful woman shook her head slightly, as if she was very disappointed.

"All the eight peerless sects have disciples participating in this court column class."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. The sons and daughters of this lineage of the Eight Great Peerless Sects will not come out. This time, the first name of the court column, the reserve Ziyi, will be in my pocket." The woman smiled and stretched out her hand, and finally squeezed it fist.

"Then there is Jianchi, the disciple of the old man Tianjian, 21 years old, dragon level, unknown evil spirits, but most of them are sword ghosts."

"Sword mad? It's indeed a threat." The woman nodded slightly.

"The last one is also the one who threatens the most. This person is named Dongfang Chongyang, a 20-year-old celestial being. He was originally a man. He was killed when he was young. His sister was also killed in order to protect him."

"He actually brandished a knife from the palace, and practiced an evil technique to forcibly transform himself into a woman, and also changed his name from Dongfang Boyu to his sister Dongfang Chongyang."

"I used my own strength to kill three dragon-level celestial beings in a row without using evil spirits, and her strength is very strong. As for what her evil spirits are, except for the information records of the gate arrest, no one has ever seen her. All of them should be dead already." The black-robed woman said solemnly.

"Dongfang Chongyang? Can she pass the psychological test?" The tall and beautiful woman frowned slightly. Such a person would be hired by the arresting gate. Isn't she afraid of her distorted mind?
In fact, Dongfang Chongyang's xinxing has already been distorted.

"I can't help it. It's time to employ people." The black-robed woman shook her head slightly and said helplessly.

"But I still pay more attention to one person." Then the woman in black robe said.

"Which one?"

"Chen Xianzhi is the god catcher who only has the Li level. I always think he is weird. He was recommended with the Li level. He even defeated Tao Ran in the sparring. People really care about it." The black-robed woman frowned slightly.

They couldn't see Chen Mo's file, but the news that Chen Mo broke through five realms in half a year could not be concealed. Anyone who is interested will know it after checking.

"Then deal with it carefully, the left and right are just a young man of the highest level, that's all, it's probably the chief arrester Chu who brought him a lot of knowledge." The tall and beautiful woman's eyes fluttered but she didn't pay much attention to it.

The conversation was divided into two parts. Chen Mo was also looking at the records of these people. For several of them, Chen Mo felt that they could not even pass the mental evaluation, but they still came here. It seems that the arrest is indeed at a difficult time.

"No matter how urgent it is, mental problems are a big problem." Although Chen Mo disagreed, he could only complain. At least in this situation, mental problems are better than mass death.

(End of this chapter)

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