Reckless through another world

Chapter 410 Azure Dragon of the Empire, hold on and don't die 【Subscription】

Chapter 410 Azure Dragon of the Empire, hold on and don't die 【Subscription】

Time flies, today is the eve of the test, and the assessment will probably start tomorrow morning. From the written test to the interview, the process is still going on.

So Chen Mo has already written the letter to the Prime Minister Zhang Fengxiu, it is a letter of opinion, he did not mention the power of the empress, etc., but focused on the importance of the northwest border, and The northwestern border is currently weak, and more forces should be sent there.

At least if there are no soldiers available, the old man of Qin Tianjian should go to guard the northwest, and then he will slowly map the plane of Shenzhou and some insights into the future.

Just copy these things from the previous forums of the Earth Federation era. If you can’t write good articles, it’s no problem. Take out the analysis of the Northern Great Wall garrison in memory, and copy over the large-scale "Longzhong Opposition" strategy, although It may not be able to convince Zhang Fengxiu, but it will definitely make Zhang Fengxiu see the problems in the northern border.

Although it is said that Dagan's military power has always been controlled by Dagan's sage, whoever moves this cake will suffer. Originally, Dagan's sage thought that Mr. He, who had 20 soldiers in his hand, was not pleasing to the eye, so he was transferred to the north. The Great Wall garrison in the northern border went to the rescue, but now it is obvious that they have been deployed so much that the northern border is empty.

What if, no, not even what if.The opponent will definitely attack, and the Heavenly Demon must have found this weakness. Those who have taken refuge in Chaos will definitely find out the location of Mrs. He, and come out fierce.

Although this is a very taboo thing, some things always need to be done by people. Otherwise, if you wait slowly, you will only die slowly, and you will be the one who suffers in the end.

After writing a few letters, Chen Mo felt dissatisfied, but after finally attaching a poem of his own, he felt much more satisfied.

"Boom!" Chen Mo knocked on the door of the eldest brother's study.

"It's the Immortal." Chen Chuan stopped writing. In fact, there are not many places where he needs to work in the Qingshui Yamen of the Imperial Academy. Where I think there are loopholes and where reforms are needed, I listed them one by one.

"Brother, it's work." Chen Mo sat on the chair in the wing room outside the study.

"There are not many official duties, and most of them are sorting out the classics. I have already done it in the yamen." The eldest brother Chen Chuan was on the other side of Chen Mo. Chen Mo came to him at this time, it must be because of something, so he put it down what was on hand.

"Brother, do you know about the problems on the northwest border?" Chen Mo asked straightforwardly without being polite, let alone making detours.

"Northwest border? Where is Mrs. He? Xianzhi is interested in things there?" Chen Chuan nodded slightly. He didn't know much about the affairs of the northwest border. After a period of time, you can ascend to the third rank, or even ascend to the second rank, but Chen Chuan has not yet left the Imperial Academy.

But it's coming soon. Since it has already been involved which faction Chen Chuan belongs to, it naturally means that Chen Chuan is about to walk out of the Imperial Academy. Don't think about it, it's also possible to be a secondary rank outsider. If you want to be promoted to Shangshu, it's impossible to operate without more than ten years or decades.

"It's not that I'm interested in the things over there, but because the defenses over there are now empty. Brother, you know about the last battle to the east, right?" Chen Mo paused slightly, he didn't know much about the situation over there. few.

"I know, during the Battle of Donglin, it was because of you, Xianzhi, that you turned the tide and prevented the invasion of races from other planes. You made great contributions." Chen Chuan nodded slightly. Participated, so I went to understand.

I don’t know, I don’t know, but when I knew it, I was shocked, his own brother actually guarded the big gap by himself, and he was able to withstand the arrival of the reinforcements. It was a boundless army of dead beasts. Originally, he thought that Chen Mo would be just a person who could Even a well-known martial artist, who would have imagined that he would suddenly become a unparalleled fierce general who is one man and one man can do nothing.

"It's also my credit, but the most important thing is the reinforcements, because they can wipe out all the dead beasts, but brother, do you know where the reinforcements are mobilized?" Chen Mo nodded slightly, but he didn't mean to Show off yourself, but there is a more important problem.

"Could it be the Great Wall garrison in the northern region?" Chen Chuan immediately reacted when he heard that Chen Mo clicked on the phone.

"That's right, the Great Wall garrison in the northern border. The 20 garrison was mobilized to all parts of the country. Now it is probably less than [-] to [-]. This is still a good situation. If you don't count the old and weak, you have to reduce it by two more." Ten thousand."

"That is to say, the Great Wall garrison now has less than [-] troops. If it is attacked by Dazhen, and the creatures from the other plane open the portal in the northern border, the northern border will collapse overnight, and the situation in the entire northwest will be in jeopardy." It will become a pot of porridge." Chen Mo looked at the water in the teacup and spoke carefully, talking about what he remembered.

"This..." Chen Chuan stood up abruptly, with a tremor in his voice, "If this is the case, then the portal of Dagan will be opened, and the entire three continents in the northwest will be swept away in an instant. If the guests take root there and continue to send troops, wouldn't it cause Shenzhou to collapse."

"Look, there is never a shortage of smart people, and it seems that the matter of persuading Prime Minister Zhang Fengxiu is a little more sure, but I can only do my best, after all, I don't have a single soldier in my hands."

"No, I have to tell the Holy Master about this as soon as possible." Chen Chuan suddenly became nervous and wanted to go out while talking.

"Brother, the Holy Majesty must never know about this matter." Chen Mo grabbed Chen Chuan, and then shook his head firmly, "The Holy Majesty's idea now is to take back the military power of Mr. He, but if there is no Mr. He Who will be useful in guarding the northern border?"

"It's still the same in the end, and the Holy Majesty has been notified. Tomorrow, the court will be in chaos. People are in panic for a while. If the other party knows the news, they will definitely attack the northern border, so they can't go." Chen Mo shook his head and stood. Here comes the benefit of being in God's perspective, the situation is all in the mind.

"Then what should I do, why wait?" Chen Chuan tried to pull it, but the wrist grabbed by Chen Mo didn't move at all.

"I have a secret letter here. I hope that my elder brother can give it to the prime minister. For the sake of the people and the common people in the world, our prime minister will definitely keep Mrs. He." Chen Mo took the superstitious letter he had written long ago. Come out and put on the table.

"That's right." Chen Chuan nodded, "Tomorrow I will find an opportunity to hand it over to the Prime Minister, so you can rest assured and take the assessment."

"Naturally, I will also start. If I win the first place this time, I will find an opportunity to talk to the prime minister when I enter the palace." Chen Mo said confidently.

But the eldest brother Chen Chuan is not so optimistic, "I heard that there are many strong masters, little brother, you..."

"Don't worry, even if I don't get the first place, I will make a big event, and I will definitely find an opportunity. If you and I split up, we will definitely succeed." Chen Mo said solemnly.

"Okay! Be careful with everything."

After listening to the elder brother's instructions, Chen Mo walked out of Chen Chuan's study and looked at the moon in the sky.

I said in my heart, "I, Chen Xianzhi, have put in a lot of effort to keep Mrs. He, Imperial Qinglong, you must hold on, don't die!"

(End of this chapter)

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