Reckless through another world

Chapter 411 The Eve of the Test

Chapter 411 The Eve of the Test
Early in the morning, Chen Mo came to the hall of God's Catchment Gate without any delay. After all, Chen Mo himself is not a person who likes to procrastinate.

"Brother Chen came so early." Bai Zhanye was a little surprised, he felt that he had come early enough, Chen Mo was even earlier than him, there was no one else in the hall except Chen Mo.

"It's just a little earlier." Chen Mo nodded in response.

Bai Zhanye directly sat down on the seat next to Chen Mo, and then said, "Brother Chen, to be honest, when it comes to fighting, it's mostly a scuffle, and the rankings are drawn, so I thought, the two of us form an offensive and defensive alliance, so we can watch and help each other." no?"

"After defeating others like this, let's decide who is the best." Bai Zhanye's idea is very good. Of course, he has also read the files of the remaining 38 people. Basically, they are not easy to mess with. Among them, there are eight peerless sects As a disciple of the sect, if there is no helper, Bai Zhanye feels that his ranking will not be high.

And they will definitely think about forming an alliance. If they are a loner, they will be easily targeted, and then they will be out early.

"Huh? Brother Bai is really confident in his own strength." Chen Mo grinned, took a sip of his tea, and responded rather flatly.

"It's not my confidence in my strength, but confidence in your strength, Brother Chen." Bai Zhanye's expression was a little awkward, but it was an indisputable fact. Bai Zhanye could see that Chen Mo's combat power should be among the 39 people. First class.

"So, what can brother Bai offer me?" Chen Mo didn't expect that Bai Zhanye would be confident in him, but it was also expected, Chen Mo's power would never restrain himself.

Fear and coercion can be felt as long as you get close to Chen Mo's side. From these, you can infer the strength of Chen Mo's own combat power.

"I can help Brother Chen restrain other people." Bai Zhanye vowed, hoping to convince Chen Mo.

Tao Ran had already walked into the main hall while the two were talking. Of course, she saw Chen Mo at first sight, but what surprised her was that Chen Mo broke through again, and his aura increased even more.

"This concubine is late?" Tao Ran interrupted Bai Zhanye with a smile.

"It's not too late, we just arrived." Chief arrester Chu Kuangge had also arrived, and behind Chu Kuangge was Bei Zhansheng with a pair of knives on his back and a pink turban, with an air of arrogance in his indifference.

With the arrival of Mr. Chu, everyone sat quietly on the seats in the hall. Mr. Chu sat in the first place, with a relaxed expression on his face, he said, "I believe in everyone, and I hope that everyone will work hard to become Tingzhu-level." Hongyi, of course, it would be even better if he can become the top of the list."

"The capital of each ranking is the reserve Ziyi, who can get more resource support from the imperial court, and even allow Qin Tianjian to focus on developing the evil spirits in his body, so if possible, we should try our best to become the top of the list." Chu Chu Kuangge just gave a very brief introduction.

The rest depends on their own comprehension. As for forming an alliance, everyone is an adult and has their own preferences. As the chief arrester, he will not interfere. After all, the current situation is that he is in .

Could it be that Chu Kuangge should remind them from time to time when they are not around?
This is an unrealistic thing. After all, the god catcher still has to go out, and he must have his own judgment. It would be good if he suffered a loss this time, it would be better than losing his life outside.

"I wish you all a good result, let's go." Chu Kuangge stood up, came here to discuss to see if everyone can be here, and there is nothing particularly important to say, of course, he can't help but want to increase his subordinates Probability of Red Clothes forming an alliance.

In fact, the main thing is to take care of Chen Mo. Others have made friends within ten days, but Chen Mo has stayed at home for more than ten days. If he is alone, he will suffer in the melee.

"Brother Chen, what do you think?" Bai Zhanye walked to Chen Mo's side, and said with his true energy.

"I'm used to being alone, and I don't know how to make alliances with others." Chen Mo shook his head, his eyes didn't waver in the slightest, and he didn't even flinch in the slightest.

"What!" Bai Zhanye exclaimed, he never thought that Chen Mo wanted to be alone?Don't you know that one can't do anything at all?He would even be eliminated first, and he would not even be able to grab a good ranking, let alone the top spot.

"What's wrong?" Tao Ran looked back.

Bai Zhanye glanced at Chen Mo, and was about to shake his head to say something, but Chen Mo said calmly, "In the final battlefield, I will be alone and will not form an alliance with others. This is what Brother Bai asked just now."

Although what Chen Mo said was plain, not only Tao Ran was stunned for a moment, but also Bei Zhan's life was the same, and even President Chu was a little surprised that Chen Mo would not want to form an alliance with anyone.

"Okay, have ambition! But Xianzhi, you have to know that the final battle is not a one-on-one fight, nor is it a group arena." Chu Kuangge was quite impressed, but that was all, and finally persuaded Chen Mo.

"Chief arrest, I know." Chen Mo didn't make any excuses. With the strength of the four ghosts now, even a scuffle would be fine, but Chen Mo didn't intend to reveal his secret, he just wanted to do a bold thing, Just to get someone's attention.

Besides, unless they rush forward, Chen Mo is confident that he can deal with three or four people at once, and Chen Mo is confident that he can make great progress all the way.But this time, let's make a high-profile one!

"That's fine." President Chu nodded slightly, but this is indeed the path Chen Mo chose, and Chu Kuangge can't interfere.

Although Chen Mo had no plans to form an alliance, others did, not only Bai Zhanye, but most of the others were traveling together.They have already discussed it during this period of time, and some of them are good friends themselves, so naturally they have to work together to deal with others first.

Of course, it is not ruled out that some people specifically use their good friends for surgery.

"Chu Boss, come early." Yuan Bai also took his red clothes to the outside of the main hall. Today and tomorrow will be questioned and spiritually interviewed, so there are still two days of free time, and it will be the third day. , will fight.

Combining the three items together, they rank first on the list. Of course, if they can win the first place in the third day of battle, they will basically be set at the top of the list. Although policy questions and interviews are also important, they are not as important compared to combat effectiveness. So important.

"Of course I have to come earlier."

One after another, most of the reserve red dresses also arrived, and the three of them were the most threatening. One of them was a tall and beautiful woman, wearing a light yellow gauze skirt, and she looked very proud , followed by a woman in a black robe.

"Is this Tang Shenyue? The daughter of King Jing'an of Yuantaizhou." Chen Mo just took a look and then moved his eyes to others.

The man was full of sword intent, and the whole person seemed taciturn, just holding the sword box, his eyes seemed a little dull.

"Old man Tianjian's disciple, sword idiot Wu Que."

"That's it!" Chen Mo narrowed his eyes slightly. The person not far away was wearing a big red robe and a red hat. The embroidery needle in his hand was slowly embroidering an embroidery while the real air was circulating. .

"Dongfang Chongyang, male into female, heaven and man transformed into life, it's interesting!" Chen Mo grinned, the scarlet in his eyes gradually infected the entire pupil.

(End of this chapter)

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