Reckless through another world

Chapter 413 Mental Evaluation Interview

Chapter 413 Mental Evaluation Interview

Chen Mo really didn't know about these small thoughts of Bai Zhanye, but even if he knew, he would just laugh it off indifferently. After living for such a long time, what kind of person has he never seen before? That's why Chen Mo reminded him, otherwise, he would never have said this to a person with mental problems.

I had nothing to say all night, and when I woke up early in the morning, I had to queue up for a mental evaluation interview.

At the same time, Chen Mo has already got the ranking of his policy theory, and he is ranked third. The first one is Wei Hui, the woman who always holds light-colored crystals. She looks about seventeen or eighteen years old. Just know it's the nerdy type.

Although Chen Mo knew the answers to the seven questions, he still had to answer the three questions by himself. With Chen Mo's fighting style, the three questions about suppressing evil spirits must not score high. The reason why he was able to rank No.3 is because of those seven questions. The question gave a big score.

No.2 is Jian Chi, this surprised Chen Mo, Wu Que looked a little stupid, but he was able to achieve such a good result, which is really good, and Chen Mo is No.3, No.4 Tang Shenyue.

Among the people I met later on, Bai Zhanye had the best grades, and he even ranked sixth. I have to say that Bai Zhanye's comprehensive method is really good, but the comprehensive method is just a comprehensive method, and it can't keep up with what I have.

Maybe it's just good luck this time, and there will be no such good luck in the future.

The queuing time was not long, and there was not only one group of people for evaluation, but four groups of people were sent. As soon as Chen Mo arrived, he walked in directly, and then sat down on the empty seat.

There is only one table and chair in the room, and there are two people sitting opposite, who should be the evaluators. The space is a bit small and cramped, and it is a little dark.

"Chen Xianzhi?" The civil servant sitting on the left opposite to Chen Mo spoke first.

"That's right, I'm Chen Xianzhi." Chen Mo nodded, and said, looking at the two people at the opposite table, a man and a woman, both wearing court-level robes, but they only enjoy court-level treatment, but Without the fighting power of Tingzhu level, it seems that he should be the civilian god of Qin Tianjian.

"The two of us are the mental assessors of Qin Tianjian. My name is Qing Nan, and this is Mo Xun."

"Next, the two of us will evaluate your spirit, which can be regarded as an interview." Qing Nan said with a smile.

Chen Mo nodded, and then waited for the other party's question.

"Where does your family live, please explain in detail."

"Shendu, Chen's Mansion at No. 13 Street, Yujing Road, Third Ring Road."

"Can you think of the scenery in front of your house? Please describe it roughly." Qing Nan then asked.

"Yes, there are two stone lions, the threshold is not high, and the plaque is a bit worn out..." Chen Mo thought about it, although he hadn't carefully observed the scenery in front of the house, he could still describe it.


"You just need to answer the next question, yes, no, or something in between." Qing Nan nodded slightly. The few questions just now were all about evaluating Chen Mo's memory. However, if the memory is affected, it may become a big trouble when performing tasks.

Because there are some evil spirits, they can easily attack human memory.

"Do you think you are a kind person?"

"Somewhere in between." Chen Mo didn't know why he answered this way, but he felt that this was the answer he thought in his heart, and it was also the answer closest to himself.

After Chen Mo answered, Mo Xun on the side recorded something on the crystal board. Chen Mo couldn't see and didn't know what the other party recorded, but most of it was his answer, the method of answering the question, and his personal evaluation.

"Do you think that life has no pursuit and meaning?"

"No." Chen Mo shook his head.He is busy saving the world, so why would he feel that it is meaningless? Besides, even if it is world peace, for Chen Mo, this is more like a large-scale RPG game, which is very interesting in itself.

"Are you unable to control your own strength?"

"No." Chen Mo didn't have to think about it at all, all his powers were controllable and able to be controlled by him.

"Do you hate being weak?"

"Something in between."

"Can't you control your desire to kill?"


"Are you worried about the power of evil spirits?"


"Are you feeling anxious?"


Chen Mo shook his head with a smile. Although he doesn't know why he always tells the truth, it should be something like telling the truth here. For example, evil ghosts, Chen Mo said it openly, and didn't use his strength to resist other side.

"Do you think Omen is evil?"

"in between"

This answer surprised both Qing Nan and Mo Xun. Chen Mo's answer has been perfect until now. Although he is not a perfect good person, he definitely belongs to the decent category, but the current answer turned out to be like this.

But this kind of surprise is only fleeting. Many people don't even think that there is anything wrong with the arrival of the demon, and they will even welcome the descending of the demon, and there is a hidden party of descending demons. Such an answer is not something they can decide and call the shots. As long as they report Just go up.

"Do you think good and evil are opposites?"

"Something in between."

"Do you think force can solve the problem."


"Do you think it's right to kill a person and save a city?"

"Something in between."

"Do you believe in gods?"


"Do you think you are strong?"




After asking a lot of questions, Chen Mo didn't know which of them were evaluation questions and which ones were tentative questions. It didn't matter. Chen Mo was frank and frank, and never bothered to falsify on such questions.

"Your mental evaluation is normal, and you are not a contradictory person, and you are very decisive in doing things, but you don't recognize good and evil, only recognize strength, but maybe this is the reason why you are strong, a strong belief." Qing Nan Looking at Chen Mo, the smile now is even more sincere.

"If a fighter doesn't even trust his own beliefs, if he doesn't even have a single belief, then this fighter is not far from being destroyed. If he can't even control his own power, then there's no need to talk about saving the world." Chen Mo laughed He murmured.

"As for the so-called good and evil? It doesn't really matter. I don't know if you agree with my point of view."

"Farewell, see you again." Chen Mo walked out of the quiet room with fists in his arms, and looked up, the sundial docked in the main hall had already gone halfway. It seems that although it was just an interview evaluation, it also evaluated for an afternoon.

"I don't know what happened to big brother?" Chen Mo was still a little worried, what would happen if the letter was not delivered to Zhang Fengxiu, or what would happen if it was delivered, but Zhang Fengxiu didn't see it.

As for not paying attention to seeing it, Chen Mo doesn't think so, because he understands Zhang Fengxiu, not only he understands, everyone in the Earth Federation knew Zhang Fengxiu before, Zhang Fengxiu is like the Shu Han Zhuge in the romance Marquis Wu, he will never ignore this important military matter.

"Why don't you go back and ask? Forget it, let's wait with peace of mind." Chen Mo shook his head

(End of this chapter)

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