Reckless through another world

Chapter 414 The article is very good, but this poem is really bad 【Subscription】

Chapter 414 The article is very good, but this poem is really bad 【Subscription】

It is said that in the mansion of Zhang Fengxiu, the Prime Minister of Dagan, it is very luxurious, without a hint of simplicity, there are many kinds of rare treasures, and there are also a dazzling array of antiques and famous paintings.

But when we arrived at Zhang Fengxiu's study, everything was very simple and simple, without luxury at all, which was very strange.

It's already midnight now, and Zhang Fengxiu's study room is still lit. Zhang Fengxiu, who has just finished all his official duties, is drinking tea and thinking about some things. Fu, who delivered the note today."

"Master, Chen Baigui from the Hanlin Academy sent me a note, Mr. Wang from the Procuratorate handed me a note..." Zhang Fu, the chief follower beside Zhang Fengxiu, talked about more than ten people in one breath. Many people handed over notes, but because of status issues, they did not report to Zhang Fengxiu when he was free.

"The Imperial Academy tried to talk about Chen Baigui. It's time to go out. I really have to hand in the note. I didn't expect it to be handed to the old man." Zhang Fengxiu didn't wonder why Zhang Fu ranked Chen Baigui first, don't look at Chen Baigui The current official position is low, but the Imperial Academy does not care about the official position, but whether it can become a great Confucianist and how much national fortune it can carry.

Zhang Fengxiu naturally also paid attention to the Hanlin Academy, and knew about Chen Chuan. He thought that Chen Chuan would join other factions. After all, Zhang Fengxiu has a lot of masters in his school. It is several times more difficult than other factions to open up the sky. .

Therefore, Zhang Fengxiu did not extend an olive branch to Chen Chuan, because his status was not necessary, and there were countless talents in the imperial examination every year, so naturally there was no need to extend an olive branch for one of the champions.

"That's right, Mr. Chen will be going out soon." Zhang Fu said with a smile.

This going out is naturally the gate of the Imperial Academy. Chen Chuan has been in the Imperial Academy for six years. After six years of accumulation, he is already a great Confucian in the reserve service. When the wind rises in the same day, it soars up to [-] miles.

As long as you are smarter, your official career will be prosperous, and you will enter the center of the empire in ten or even a few years.

Don't think that it takes a long time, everyone is a martial artist, and with the blessing of Yunchao, their cultivation base has improved by leaps and bounds. Even if the talent is really insufficient, they can prolong their lives. They are still young at 70 years old, and they will retire at 150 years old.

Therefore, a short ten years or even a few years is indeed a manifestation of great potential for a great Confucian who has stepped out of the door.

"Then let's read the letter from the number one scholar first." Zhang Fengxiu ordered the chief beside him to follow Zhang Fu to find the letter from Chen Chuan.

After receiving Chen Chuan's letter, the title at the beginning was very common, "The imperial pillars are in danger", but Zhang Fengxiu is naturally a person who has experienced great storms, and he will not be frightened by such alarmist words. After all, some students have delivered them before this kind of correspondence.

I always say that this is dangerous, that and that are dangerous, and then I look at it later, it’s just sensationalism, but it’s inferior, it’s better to honestly write a letter of your own sincere advice, or a sincere letter of refuge. Letters come.

But as he watched more and more, Prime Minister Zhang Fengxiu frowned, and it didn't seem like the original meaning of watching children joking, but was very serious, looking over and over for a quarter of an hour.

Zhang Fengxiu put the letter on the table and took a bite out of it. If it is really as said in the letter, this matter will be difficult. The barriers in the northwest are likely to collapse in one day. Even the situation in the entire three continents in the Northwest would deteriorate in an instant. Even if the empire sent troops to restore it, the final result would definitely be unsatisfactory.

Zhang Fengxiu has never led a soldier in his life, but not having led a soldier does not mean that he does not know how to fight, and the overall situation is even more blurred.

"Let Zuo Shanming, the servant of the Ministry of War, come to see me." Zhang Fengxiu looked calm, but his heart was not at all calm.

"Let Chen Bai come back at the same time, and the two of them will diverge."

"It's the master." Zhang Fu nodded and walked out quickly.

"The old man said that so many transfer orders were sent out in a row. It turned out that the soldiers who were transferred were all soldiers from the Northwest Great Wall garrison. Soldiers." When only Zhang Fengxiu was left in the room, Zhang Fengxiu frowned slightly and murmured.

"Old Master He, Your Majesty is so afraid of you, and wants to use the land of the Three Continents to deal with future troubles."

"No, if Mrs. He made a mistake, Dazhen should be as strong as the letter said..."


Chen Chuan just didn't rest, when he heard that Prime Minister Zhang Fengxiu wanted to see him, he straightened his clothes and hurried out.

Chen Chuan was quite disturbed. He felt that it should be the role of Chen Mo who wrote the letter that asked him to hand over to the prime minister. Most of the reason he was looking for him was because he wanted to ask him about his further views on the Northwest. After all, what was written in the letter was still Not comprehensive enough.

Of course, Chen Chuan guessed right.That's what Zhang Fengxiu meant.

"Your official, Chen Chuan and Chen Baigui, pay homage to the Prime Minister." Chen Chuan hurriedly saluted. He is a Qingliu official in the Qingshui Yamen, and he has seen the Prime Minister Zhang Fengxiu many times, but it is the first time he has come into contact with his idol so closely. once.

"This work is well written and has unique insights, but the last poem I wrote is really not very good." Zhang Fengxiu joked.

Zhang Fengxiu also didn't play as a striker. For Chen Chuan, who is a late learner, there is no need to play as a striker, and with so many official duties, there is no need to waste time playing as a striker.

"This is actually not written by a subordinate." Chen Chuan didn't read it either. He believed in his younger brother. Of course, it was also because Chen Mo said it, so the written one must be better, so Chen Chuan didn't read it either. Instead, he handed it over directly with his own name post.

"Oh? I don't know who did it?"

"It was written by the lower official's Yudi, because Yudi had experienced the Battle of Donglin, so he knew that the troops sent to support were the Great Wall garrison on the northwest border, coupled with his careful investigation, that's why he concluded this letter. "Chen Chuan shook his head slightly. He didn't want to take credit, let alone his brother's credit, and there was no need to preempt it.

"I don't know who Chen Shidao's younger brother is?" Zhang Fengxiu was really interested in this character, and Chen Chuan didn't take credit for it at all. This is a good quality in Zhang Fengxiu's opinion. Let's look at Chen Chuan's speech And posture, etc., are also very calm, it is indeed a talent to create.

"His name is Chen Xianzhi, he is a red-clothed god arrester, and he is currently participating in the assessment of the Tingzhu-level red-clothed god arrester." Chen Chuan explained.

"I see."


After leaving the prime minister's mansion, Chen Chuan breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he couldn't help laughing for a while, "If Xianzhi knows that the prime minister said his poem is really not good, I don't know what it will be. reaction?"

"Ah!" Chen Mo rubbed his nose, and sneezed for no reason just now: "I don't know if the Prime Minister saw it?"

"The prime minister may be surprised when he reads my articles, but he will be astonished when he reads my poems. After all, I am such a great talent, and there are not many more!" Chen Mo touched his chin, thinking deeply. natural look.

(End of this chapter)

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