Reckless through another world

Chapter 416 Chen Xianzhi, see above

Chapter 416 Chen Xianzhi, see above
"Here we come, the second brother is here!" Chen Ying happily stood behind the crystal wall and stared at the huge shadowed arch.

"Mother, who is here?" A little doll asked the beautiful and gentle woman beside her.

"It's the second uncle." The beautiful and gentle woman is Chen Chuan's first wife, and they came together today.

"I don't know if the second brother's fighting power is so strong, can it compare to those other arresters?" Chen Chuan was a little worried. If Chen Mo couldn't compete with the rest of the red-clothed chief arresters, how would he answer in front of the palace? .

"Brother, don't worry, Xianzhi's strength is at the top even among the younger generation, not to mention that there are only 35 prepared court pillars here." Chen Xiang is very confident in Chen Mo's strength, after all, she made a move to test With Chen Mo's strength, he is naturally very confident.

"Here we come!" Father Chen murmured.

A tall figure came out of the arch. Compared with the huge arch, Chen Mo's figure was indeed a little small, but he couldn't hold back the momentum. The majestic momentum poured out, and the fear and coercion of his body was like a Mountains generally come horizontally.

"I've heard that Xianzhi has become a red-clothed man, but now I see him, he is really imposing. It's better to be educated by the elder brother." Chen Mo's second uncle Chen Yanmu said with a smile and nodded.

"Where, Xianzhi has had his own opinions since he was a child. Apart from providing some resources, he has not given any advice since he started practicing martial arts." Father Chen shook his head. Even so, it still made Father Chen very happy. After all, his son is promising. up.

"This is Chen Xianzhi?!" The first two people to appear on the stage were Wei Hui and Jian Chi Wu Que. Both of them focused their attention on Chen Mo's body. It made them, the tingzhu-level candidates, feel fear.

"Sure enough, I didn't misjudge him, he is really strong!" Wei Hui seemed to have expected this, but even though it was expected, she was still very surprised by Chen Mo's combat power.

"Please, chief arrester in red in Yuantaizhou, Tang Shenyue!"

Along with the shout, Wei Hui and Wu Que's line of sight was also interrupted, and Wu Que turned his gaze away from Chen Mo. Although Chen Mo posed a great threat to him, a great threat does not mean a strong combat power. People like gold and jade, they will release all the coercion, and even use ghost energy in different ways to increase the coercion of fear.

"Who is this? What are you doing with so much fear?" Tang Shenyue felt Chen Mo release the fear as soon as she walked out of the arch, and it could affect her at a distance of 300 meters, which really made Tang Shenyue It feels like a stagnation, but it doesn't matter if you turn it around. It's the same sentence, strong coercion does not mean strong combat power.

It's just that Chen Mo didn't use any means to increase it. What gathered around him was the fear and coercion of the four big ghosts. He usually felt tired when restrained, but now he relaxed his mind. Although it was refreshing, it was obvious that many people didn't test should.

Perhaps in the eyes of Jian Chi, Tang Shenyue and others, Chen Mo is just a clown who uses ghost energy to increase his fear and coercion, and he will clean it up in a while.

As one by one the ghost warriors walked out of the arch and came to the arena, the shouts of the people outside were like waves of the sea.

"It seems that the ranking is about to change this time. This Tang Shenyue, the daughter of King Jing'an of Yuantaizhou, is undoubtedly the No. 1 in this arena." In the box representing Qin Tianjian, among them The elders seemed quite friendly.

"Yuan Ge, none of us old guys are capable of fighting, what do you think? Who deserves our attention the most in this match." An old man asked Yuan Ge who was sitting not far away.

The other masters of Su all turned their heads and looked over. In the final analysis, they only use data to do things. Although they are lighter than fighting, their strongest is their wisdom. Through their wisdom, they can research more powerful things.

And this time there are only three elders, one is to observe the talents that can be created, and the other is to take a look at the fighting style of the leader. After all, the leader returns to the Qin Tianjian for training, and will train evil ghosts for him alone , after all, it is necessary to observe first.

"Yuan Ge feels that the outcome of this round is still unknown." Yuan Ge shook his head, his eyes fell on Chen Mo, and he turned to others after staying for less than half a breath.

"Oh? It seems that Yuan Ge has a different opinion from us old men." The old man in a splendid robe smiled and looked at the two elders beside him, and the other two elders also laughed. As an interesting thing.

"Isn't he looking for death? Doesn't he let others notice him by releasing his breath?" Naturally, other gods also noticed Chen Mo.

"It's really courting death. How dare you release all your aura. It's provocative. Let's wait and see what happens, and keep a low profile first." There were not only one group of people whispering, but they all planned to see Chen Mo's joke.

Disdain flashed in Chen Mo's eyes. If he had to suppress his aura with all his strength on the battlefield and not release it, then what is the purpose of cultivating this combat power?

Pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger?Aren't you afraid that if you pretend to be a pig, you will really become a pig?
Those who entered first naturally hugged together quickly, and even those who entered later quickly hugged together.Chen Mo seemed a little lonely, but it was okay, in this huge battlefield, even though the other party deliberately stayed away, they were not so close to each other.

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Although it's a bit different, it's really a lot stronger." The empress crossed her legs, her body was fully stretched, and she was lying obliquely in the box, looking at Chen Mo through the glass wall in front, and sent the grapes beside her to the entrance middle.

"My lord, Chen Xianzhi seems to be alone. In this situation, he is not dominant, or even disadvantaged."

"It's okay, let him do it, he can do whatever he wants, and let me consider the rest!" The empress slowly stood up, with a calm smile, her delicate eyes seemed to be able to bear the weight of the burden. Rivers, mountains, lakes and seas.

"Yes." Elder Ming was also very helpless. Why did the lord decide that this kid is not good, but it doesn't matter to anyone. They are not afraid of anyone in Yunding Tiangong, nor does it matter to the son of a prince, nor does it matter to the prince of the empire, even if it is It doesn't matter if an ordinary person is so ordinary that he doesn't have a trace of cultivation, as long as the empress likes it, that's enough.

Yunding Tiangong does not need to marry anyone at all. As one of the ten kings, the empress has never shown her combat power, and has always been in the third position. What does the cultivation base look like, but it is absolutely terrifying.

So it doesn't matter who they are, the power and structure of their Yunding Tiangong will not change, it's just because the opponent is too weak, so the high-level people are not used to it, so they will stop it.

"Welcome everyone to watch this battle for the pillars. I'm commentating Fei Yiduo."

"I'm explaining Huang Jiulang."

Fei Yiduo and Huang Jiulang were sitting in a huge device directly above the battlefield. They observed the status of all the players directly from the sky, and they had personal contact.

"Please, 36 water mirrors are here!"


A series of huge water mirrors appeared around the huge installation of the commentary. The current state of the 36 god catchers was played on it, and it was also able to receive audio, so even whispered words would still be heard and amplified.

(End of this chapter)

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