Chapter 417

At the same time, all the large water mirrors in Shendu began to project this battle, and all the red-clothed police officers were all ready to go, and the scuffle would start as soon as an order was given.

With the unfolding of Shuijing, Yiying Casino also closed the market. Ten days before the start of the game, bets had already been opened. Now that the group arena is about to start, it is natural to close the game so that they don't see who's fighting power If you are stubborn, you will suppress anyone.

"Are all the departments ready?" The purple-clothed civilian general arrester of the god arresting sect who controls the entire surrounding area confirmed through the star token.

"All mirrors are functioning properly."

"The battlefield formation is ready."

"The rune device has been activated, the radio device is in place, and the impact device is in place."


"The field is in order!"

"The location is good!"

"Then let's start!" The chief catcher in purple showed a smile on his face, picked up another god catcher's token and said, "It's ready, we can start the competition!"

"Now, I declare that the battle officially...begins!" Fei Yiduo took out a loudspeaker, stood up, and announced directly above the sky.

"Is it just that?!" Chen Mo grinned, took off the huge hatchet on his back, stood still and didn't move, because someone had already rushed towards him when the voice fell.

This person is the life of Bei Zhan.

"Bei Zhansheng was the first to take the lead. This position is actually going straight to Chen Xianzhi. It seems that Chen Xianzhi's situation is dangerous. Bei Zhanyisheng is a dragon-level celestial being. Chen Xianzhi, as the only evil-level demon in this scuffle, is actually in Are you going to be eliminated at the beginning?" Fei Yi explained passionately, but he was obviously not optimistic about Chen Mo's situation.

"Since you want to know my strength so urgently, I'll let you take a look!" The moment he spoke, Chen Mo moved.

"Shua!" Suddenly, Chen Mo's figure disappeared on the ground.

"Disappeared? Could it be that Chen Xianzhi has already used his ghost power?" Fei Yi was stunned, and Chen Mo disappeared directly from the ground.At this moment, this scene is played on all the water mirrors.

"I don't think so, I don't seem to feel any fluctuations in ghost energy." Huang Jiulang shook his head as a joke.

"What?" Bei Zhansheng's double swords were already in his hands, and he even rushed to Chen Mo's eyes, but Chen Mo disappeared in an instant, and when he came back to his senses, Chen Mo had already made a move.


The huge back of the knife was directly cut on Bei Zhansheng's stomach, and the zhenqi in the body was cut open by Chen Mo's big hatchet. Bei Zhansheng's eyes widened and at the same time, a mouthful of reverse blood was mixed with acid water and even fragments of internal organs. Spit it out.

"Boom!" Bei Zhansheng was thrown out by the big hatchet, fell to the ground after a few somersaults, and couldn't get up again.

"With the current strength, you dare to use your physical body to bear it. I have to admire your courage. If you challenge someone, it's better not to hold back." Chen Mo shook his head slightly. Bei Zhan was too careless in his life. Master, the other party actually only opened a layer of zhenqi body protection, and didn't take him seriously at all.

Therefore, he was directly hit by Chen Mo in the stomach and broke the spine at the same time. If it wasn't because Chen Mo used the back of the knife, this knife could directly cut him in half.

Just like what Chen Mo said, the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength, and the end result of saving skills is that he is seconded when he is careless. Afterwards, he will blame himself for being careless and reckless, and should not save skills.

As Bei Zhansheng fell in less than two breaths, and then was still for several breaths, everyone seemed to be stunned. A dragon-level celestial being was beaten and stood still without a single blow. I can't get up.

"It's unbelievable that Bei Zhan Yisheng was defeated by a sword. Chen Xianzhi is actually a dark horse, and he may become the biggest dark horse in this group arena." Fei Yiduo shouted passionately.

"Although it was due to the other party's carelessness, he was able to defeat a court-level ghost envoy with a single blow. I have to say, this session is very interesting." Tang Shenyue was dressed in a red fast-catching robe, and her beautiful eyes were full of fighting spirits. Intentionally, the single-edged halberd in his hand was quickly waved in his hand.

"Since we have to meet them anyway, let's clean them up one by one." Chen Mo thought about it, and the scarlet blood mist around his eyes gradually drifted away.

"Boom!" Chen Mo was like a hungry tiger entering a flock of sheep, unstoppable, and he chopped down two reserve court pillars, and both of them lost their fighting power with one blow. After all, he still didn't pay attention to it.

Since he didn't pay attention to it, Chen Mo rushed to kill more recklessly.

"This man is so fierce!"

"Yeah, there is no god catcher who is his all-in-one enemy. Why didn't he know about him before the game? Chen Xianzhi? Feeling unknown?"

The arena was full of voices talking about Chen Xianzhi, even in the outfield, who made Chen Mo lose the fighting power of three people in a row within ten breaths, and they were all red-clothed god catchers at the reserve court column level.

"Second brother is so powerful?" Chen Chuan was quite astonished, it didn't match the Chen Xianzhi in his impression at all.

"Vigorous and strong, it's a dark horse right? But wouldn't he have photographed someone else as a wedding dress? With such a powerful force, how good would it be to save up?"

"What you said is true. If I were on the field and confuse them with the evil level, I would definitely be able to win the top spot in one fell swoop, instead of the rampage of the stunned young man now."

Looking around, the battle situation was chaotic in an instant, but everything seemed to be in order. The four of them had a tacit understanding and started to clean up those red-clothed gods who were not as strong as them.

Whether it was Tang Shenyue, Wu Que, the sword idiot, or Dongfang Chongyang, they didn't confront the opponent first, but started to clean up the other red-clothed gods around him. Eliminate one person soon,
"My concubine pays attention to Chen Mo, why don't you and I make two moves first?" It was Tao Ran who blocked Chen Mo's eyes, and said with a smile.Ever since he accidentally lost to Chen Mo last time, Tao Ran has been looking for a fair and honest time to fight back, and now is just the right time.

"Heaven and Earth Compassionate Second Form, Falling Immortal and Heavenly God Strike!"

"The Immortal of Thousand Miles Sword Light kneels, and the Saint of Fallen God retreats!"

Chen Mo jumped up without any nonsense, and the ghost energy in his body surged out.

"Blessing of all attributes!" Chen Mo roared, and his body grew directly from 1.9 meters to 15 meters. With the addition of the first level of the evil level, the height increased from 15 meters to 16 meters. Under the blessing of the sword, it instantly enlarged to a length of 16 meters, and the blade alone was eight meters long.

At the same time, the ghost energy in the body overflowed directly, and the skin instantly turned into ghost armor, and Chen Mo was fully armed in an instant.

"So strong physical skills, so powerful coercion, is Chen Xianzhi really the dark horse that broke into the ring this time?" Fei Yiduo stared dumbfounded at Chen Mo's transformation. The opened scarlet ghost eyes.

Everything was so shocking, and it finally brought about a qualitative change in the battle between the gods.

"This is the battle of the ghost master!"

"Is this the Ghost Messenger? So strong!"

"To be able to become so ferocious at the level of a demon, is this the power of evil spirits?"

"Sure enough!"

"Is this Immortal?" Mother Chen pointed to Chen Mo in the field and asked.

"That's right, this is Xianzhi!" Father Chen stood up abruptly, and said with a look of relief.

For a moment, the atmosphere was like a gunpowder keg ignited by the small flame of Chen Mo. There were endless cheers in the arena, and shouts from outside the arena were everywhere.


(End of this chapter)

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