Chapter 422
"Fight!" Chen Mo obviously did not let go of the ten or so Tingzhu-level god arresters who were still standing. The huge figure appeared directly in front of Zhou Rong, condescending, and Zhou Rong saw the face of the evil spirit in the shadows. He only felt that Chen Mo's figure was too tall, and the ghost eyes all over his body were too terrifying. Seeing Chen Mo raised the big hatchet in his hand, he even forgot to resist.

"Plop!" He sat down on the ground, his eyes darkened.

Chen Mo frowned slightly, which made Chen Mo not even in the mood to slash him, and directly crossed and slashed at another god catcher.

"Boom!" After the sound of chopping and flying, Chen Mo didn't even look at it, and continued to attack.

"There's no need to fight." Wei Hui shook her head, she knew that Chen Mo would be the enemy, but she didn't expect to be so powerful, she could push more than 20 of them to nearly 30 people, and now it seems that Chen Xianzhi's condition seems to be pretty good .

Wei Hui was a little disheartened for a while, but it was also what she expected. After all, even without Chen Xianzhi, she would not be able to take the top spot.

"I can't beat it." Jian Chi also shook his head, and every time he felt that he could kill Chen Mo, he gave him another moth, and then Chen Xianzhi seemed to explode, and there was another scuffle, and he felt as if he had a chance After eating, it was another explosive meal.

Sword idiot Wu Que even wondered if he was stupid?Shaking his head, he planned to accept his fate. He didn't know whether others would accept him or not, but he accepted it anyway.

"Sigh." Dongfang Chongyang also sighed. She didn't bother to join forces with others, but after she had no choice but to join forces with others, she was still defeated. This is really frustrating.But everyone is a dragon-level celestial being after all, and they were not hit, and their Dao heart is still strong.

"Chen Xianzhi, do you dare to fight without the evil ghost?" Although Tang Shenyue was not convinced, but the ghost was too strong, so strong that she didn't know what to do, even though the field control skills hadn't been activated yet. , but the strongest attack has been blocked by others, what else can I use to fight against them.

"It's stupid to fight you without a ghost. This is the battle of the ghost warrior, right?"

"The battle of the ghost master is true? But Chen Xianzhi's body cultivation is not good, isn't this a recognized thing? I know that you think Chen Xianzhi is strong, it is only because his evil spirit is strong, give me such an evil spirit, I It’s the same as hammering those palace-level ghost emissaries.” One of the audience members swore.

"Actually, Tang Shizi's proposal is insignificant. Everyone knows that this is the battle of the ghost envoys. No one will compete with you in physical strength when encountering evil spirits, so in fact, you can not agree." Fei Yi racked his brains. explained.

This is a great situation for Chen Mo. One person pushes all the newly promoted court pillars horizontally. Although these court pillars have not been trained in the Qin Tianjian, it is not easy to defeat so many of them.

"In fact, Chen Xianzhi's strength is obvious to all." Huang Jiulang also added in a timely manner.

The people in the auditorium were very lively, and they were divided into countless factions to fight whether Chen Mo should use evil spirits or not, but the main ones were "I can do it too" and "Winners and losers". Mainly.

"As for Chen Xianzhi, that evil spirit, I can do it myself!"

"Hey? Are you capable?"

Whether it's the auditorium on the battlefield or the audience in front of the water mirror outside, it seems that most of them think "give me such a big ghost, I can do it myself."

"Isn't Chen Xianzhi relying on evil spirits to be so powerful? Are you capable of fighting with your own abilities?"

"That's right, if he can defeat Tang Shenyue, I'll eat this water mirror curtain on the spot."

"Damn it, if Chen Xianzhi can defeat them with his physical cultivation, I'll eat three catties of shit on the spot."

"I eat ten catties!"

"Look down on me? I eat a hundred catties!"

"Today Chen Xianzhi is free from evil spirits, I drank the septic tank in our back alley!"

"Don't lie about eating and drinking. It's still a question of whether they can fight?"

"Thinking about it, I don't dare to fight, but it's just because his evil spirit is so powerful. What does he have..."

"Yes!" Chen Mo nodded, and because of Chen Mo's two words, many people who wanted to swear were interrupted, but although they didn't say it, they still looked disdainful, as if Chen Mo had nothing to fear.

Everyone was stunned, not only those outside the arena, even everyone inside the arena was also stunned, they never thought that Chen Mo would agree.

"It's too reckless, isn't this going to give up the victory that was finally obtained?" Elder Ming sighed slightly, as long as Chen Xianzhi pushes all the reserve court pillars in the end, then even if it is a battle without a body how?This was originally a battle of the ghost guards, and in the end it was the winner and the loser.

Those who stand are the winners and the strong ones.If you really want to compete with one another, you can completely disregard life and death and fight a life-and-death battle. In the ring, you have to control your strength, why bother?Some people practice killing skills, and if they are allowed to enter the ring, they will definitely be restrained, afraid of killing people.

And Chen Mo is like this, his evil ghost is so powerful, what if his main body is slightly weaker?Evil ghosts are also an integral part of personal strength!

"I think it's good. Since someone is not convinced, then hammer it, don't care if it is a dragon-level celestial being, a fierce-level celestial being, or even an evil-level celestial being, or those above. If you are not convinced, then hammer it down If you are convinced, if you are not convinced, then hammer it to your mouth, in a word, whoever refuses to accept it, I will hammer whoever is convinced!" The empress stretched out her fist, clenched it slightly, and there were bursts of sonic booms.

"Our Yunding Tiangong likes to reason the most. Besides, Chen Xianzhi is already a member of Yunding Tiangong. If there is any objection, I will negotiate."

"And I believe in him, he can do it." The Empress waved her hand, signaling Elder Ming to be calm.

Elder Ming could only sit down helplessly.

"Here, is the second brother too reckless? If you miss a major event, you will have no chance." Chen Chuan clenched his fists and frowned slightly. Chen Mo now not only represents his personal honor and disgrace, but also represents Can the northwest frontier survive the period of weakness? If something goes wrong, it will be too late.

This time, Chen Xiang didn't express any opinion. Chen Mo's ability to control ghosts is indeed strong, but the combat power of the main body can be equal to that of ordinary dragon-level celestial beings, and it is impossible to suppress such fierce-level celestial beings like Tang Shenyue.

"Although I may lose, even if I have this old face, I still have to send Chen Xianzhi to Qin Tianjian for further study." Jin Pao Su said with his mouth open.

The cultivation base of the main body is easy to improve, so it is difficult to increase the strength of the evil spirits, and the evil spirits still have many puzzles that cannot be solved. The evil spirits on Chen Mo obviously have stronger potential. With this kind of power, they couldn't give up on Chen Xianzhi.

"Actually, you don't need to give up your old face. You can use a random name to introduce Qin Tianjian." Another old man said with a smile.


"Remove it!" Chen Mo directly removed the evil ghost from his body, revealing his body, and even the ghost armor on his body disappeared.

And Tang Shenyue also released the power of the evil spirit, but looking at Chen Mo's 16-meter height, Tang Shenyue shouted, "Aren't you still using the power of the evil spirit?"

"This is the result of my body training exercises."

"If you think I have used the power of the evil spirit, you can ask the referee and Mr. Su of the Qin Tianjian to see if I have used the power of the evil spirit or the exercise of body training." Chen Mo shook his head slightly, the big move is the What he relies on, with the blessing of his ultimate move, Chen Mo has the confidence to defeat the opponent even in his physical state.

"No need, I don't feel the slightest fear, coercion and ghostly aura. I admit defeat. I am no match for you in this state." Tang Shenyue, as the eldest son of King Jing'an in Yuantaizhou, still needs face.

Don't body training exercises count as part of strength?

If this is said, it would be too ridiculous!
"Then don't go if you have a water mirror!"

"Wait for the one who committed suicide by swallowing dung."

"The one who eats ten catties of dung, don't go, I saw you, why hide!"


"Mother, I fainted after eating a hundred catties."

"The one who drank the septic tank also fainted!"

(End of this chapter)

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