Reckless through another world

The winner is the king

The winner is the king

"Tang Shenyue surrendered, and all the gods were defeated."

"I declare that the final winner of the battle on the battlefield is Chen, Xian, Zhi. Let us give the warmest cheers for the birth of the new king." Fei Yiduo shouted loudly holding the megaphone, he Witnessed the birth of a new king, the birth of a preparatory Ziyi capable of fighting thirty court pillars.

"Salute to the coronation of the new king!"

"Boom boom boom!"

A series of salutes rose from the ground and rushed to the sky, and the brightest fireworks bloomed in the sky. The silky colored petals were bombarded with the salutes in the battlefield, and the entire battlefield was covered by small colored silks and satins for a while.

One by one, the civilian staff carried away the gods who fell on the ground. In the process, their actions were not so conspicuous, because now there is only one person left in the audience, and that is Chen Xianzhi!
"Boom boom boom!"

The salutes outside the battlefield also took off layer by layer. From today on, Chen Mo's title will be changed. As the youngest, strongest, and fiercest ghost warrior in history, he will be crowned king.


"Chen, Xian, Zhi!" Fei Yiduo took out the water mirror card that Shenchuangmen had prepared a long time ago, and the name of Chen Mo was recorded on it.

The God Catching Gate has already been prepared. No matter who wins the final top spot this time, they will be crowned with the title. If the winner this time is Tang Shenyue, Dongfang Chongyang, or Wu Que, the same is true. , even others.

Because this was prepared by the God Catch Sect long ago, no matter who it is, they have already prepared the title and the final reward, but whether they can get it or not depends on God Catch's own means.

The God Catchment Sect will not interfere. In the final analysis, the God Catchment Sect is just a department born purely to suppress evil spirits, and it is their responsibility to be fair and just.Everything speaks by strength, by the strength of the ghost master to control the evil ghosts.

"Yan Wang, Chen Xianzhi!"

"Yan Wang, Chen Xianzhi!"



The cheers rang out from the seats in the battlefield, roaring past like waves, of course, of course, it was inevitably fueled by the God of Catchment, after all, this is the name valued by the world.

"Xianzhi won!" Chen Chuan's face was full of joy. Although it felt like a dream, the reality was like this, and the voices around him couldn't be fake. This time it was indeed Chen Xianzhi. This is the winner of the battlefield, and he brother.

"That's right, Xianzhi won!" Chen Xiang's face was full of relief, this younger brother was considered to be grown up by her, but Shenxiu Fang did not accept male disciples, otherwise, Chen Xiang would have to take it with him to death +
Chen Mo went to Shenxiufang.

Although Chen's father and Chen's mother were still worried about whether Chen Mo was injured, they had no way to go down now.


A smile appeared on Chen Mo's face. At this moment, he is the ultimate winner and the ultimate strongman on this battlefield.

"Boom!" The body was magnified to the limit, and a ghostly aura emerged from his body. Four arms emerged from Chen Mo's lower ribs. The boundless ghostly aura swirled, but Chen Mo's appearance inside could still be clearly seen.

Chen Mo's body was dressed in a pitch-black devil's armor. Scarlet lines appeared on the armor, and under the gaps were scarlet ghost eyes with a touch of scarlet.


Holding six large machetes in six arms, Chen Mo raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

With Chen Mo's transformation, the atmosphere has been pushed to another level.

Tang Shenyue looked envious, she was thinking, if she defeated Chen Mo, then she would be the one who received the cheers from the people of God City in the center of the battlefield, but unfortunately, she did not defeat Chen Mo, so she was a little regretful .

"It's a pity, but he is indeed very strong." Wu Que also stood beside Tang Shenyue and sighed. Although many people said that they didn't care about fame and fortune, when faced with such a situation, who could do it? Can you hold it?

"Next time...!" Dongfang Chongyang turned directly into the arch, left the battlefield, and murmured as he left, "Maybe I should really agree to their request."

Different from other people, Bai Zhanye is more happy than envious and disappointed, as he expected+, these people are all going up to deliver food, they are not Chen Mo's opponent at all, Bai Zhanye is very lucky that he didn't fight Chen Mo Just got on, otherwise, he is probably one of the people lying down now.

Take a look at the earliest Donglinzhou god catchers, there were four in total, two of them wanted to challenge Chen Mo, but they were all held down by one move, and there was no news after that.

"Anyway, everyone lies down in this scuffle. It's good to be out of the top of the list. There is no need to work hard." This is Bai Zhanye's truest thought.

"As expected of him!" The empress nodded slightly, with a slight smile on her face, she knew the details of Chen Mo, and knew more about Chen Mo's fighting power. Now this is just a small scene.

Although Elder Ming was surprised, he had to admit that Chen Mo was indeed a miracle. He was able to control such a powerful evil spirit with a demon-level body cultivation base. The future was limitless, and his rejection of Chen Mo was much less.

"If Chen Xianzhi can become Ziyi, there is a possibility that he can be worthy of the Lord." Elder Ming thought secretly, but she didn't know. She didn't know when, she had already subtly accepted Chen Mo. up.

It's not at all like the firm opposition at the beginning, and even the idea of ​​killing Chen Mo came up.If it wasn't for the empress, maybe the elders of Yunding Tiangong would really kill Chen Mo to avoid future troubles.

Elder Ming suddenly had an idea, if Chen Mo had been growing up at such a high speed, maybe one day, they, the top management and mainstays of Yunding Tiangong, might really bow their heads to Chen Mo.

"Let's go." The empress stood up from the seat, tall and enchanting, but she was more domineering in the Yuanlong python robe. The corners of her mouth were always smiling confidently. Although her eyes were beautiful, most of them were domineering.

"Don't the Lord meet Chen Xianzhi?" Elder Ming thought that the Empress would stay and meet Chen Mo. If she leaves now, wouldn't it be impossible to be by his side when he was in glory?

"If the relationship lasts for a long time, how can it be day and night?" The empress shook her head. Chen Mo didn't talk to her about such an important matter. Instead, she came here by herself. Even the empress had something to say The little emotion of the name.



Following the sound of reports, many important figures in Shendu also received the reports, knowing of Chen Xianzhi's existence, and knowing of this ruthless man who fought against all heroes alone.

"This is Ziyi, the newly promoted reserve soldier. Will he be the top of the list this time?" Zhang Fengxiu and others don't need to be reported at all. There is a huge water mirror curtain in the imperial city, but they didn't It's just how much you pay attention, after all, no matter how much you pay attention, you are just a warrior.

There may be some small waves for the military officer system, but there is not much change for the entire court.The reason why Zhang Fengxiu paid attention to Chen Mo was because Chen Mo passed the letter from Chen Chuan.

It explained in detail the weakness of the Northwest and the lack of support of the Great Wall garrison. If they did not provide support quickly, there would be even greater troubles in the Northwest at any time.And because of it, it threatens Dagan's rule and stability.

Zhang Fengxiu knew the general situation at a glance, but as the prime minister, he did not hold military power, so he paid less attention.It was only then that the Minister of the Ministry of War was recruited overnight, and after asking about it, all the layout ideas in Zhang Fengxiu's mind suddenly became clear.

(End of this chapter)

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