Reckless through another world

Chapter 424 Two Newbies Who Don't Know How to Date

Chapter 424
The battle on the battlefield has ended, and Chen Mo also entered the arch of the battlefield.

Walking slowly under the shadow of the arch, Chen Mo took out the token that the empress had given him, which he had kept close to him, and walked, listening to the cheers that were fading away, Chen Mo slightly frowned.

If it is really about engagement, it is not wrong to rely on the power of the empress, but Chen Mo thinks it is not the case, and he is very entangled in his heart. However, Chen Mo does not have a better way to keep the Qinglong of the empire Immortal.

Coupled with the fact that the emperor of Daqian deliberately took back the military power of Mrs. He, it would be very troublesome if he wanted to mobilize the soldiers and horses in the empire. In this way, it seemed that Chen Mo could only resort to the power of the empress.

But with Chen Mo's behavior style for so many years, now, he finds that he can't make up his mind at all.

Although Yunding Tiangong belongs to the empress, the strange forces in Beiyunzhou are indeed very huge, and it is also under the command of Yunding Tiangong, but if Chen Mo really asked the empress to help him, he would not be able to say anything.

"Although it is said that people will inevitably bow their heads to reality and admit their mistakes to fate, shouldn't they make up their own minds after all?"

"The feet are growing on my body. Whether I can walk or not, and which way to go, naturally I have to choose by myself."

"I, Chen Xianzhi, have been proud all my life. I have never asked for help. This time, it is still no exception." Chen Mo laughed. He doesn't understand love. Maybe he likes it. Since he likes it, he shouldn't drag the empress into the water. , the creatures in Yunding Tiangong are also creatures.

But the Northwest cannot be lost, once the Northwest is lost, the entire Shenzhou Continent will really fall into turmoil, like a sky collapse, no one can stop it, there is no Nuwa here who will sacrifice her life to mend the sky, and the future situation will be even worse.

After ten years, Chen Mo didn't know whether he could reach the end of martial arts, let alone whether he could save the world even if he reached it.

Now there is an opportunity. If the Northwest can hold it, with the ability of the Northwest Great Wall, it can increase opportunities for the development of Shenzhou.

"Even if I, Chen Xianzhi, died in the Northwest Great Wall, the world should have remembered me, Chen Xianzhi!" Chen Mo smiled, walking step by step.

There is a heroic dream hidden in everyone's heart, maybe it is to turn the tide, or it may be to fight to the death.

Knowing the result, if you still want to back down, this is not Chen Mo's style, and it is not what a fighter should do.

Just like what Chen Mo said, "The world always needs someone to stand up, why not me?"

Chen Mo played with the personal token given to him by the empress, and then input the qi into the token.This is indeed a sound transmission token, and Chen Mo already knew it, but he couldn't find anything to talk about, so he kept it on.

The empress had already set foot on the giant ship, but immediately the token in her arms rang.

"My lord, set sail?" Elder Ming asked.

"Wait first." The empress shook her head slightly, stood on the deck of the giant ship, and connected the token in her hand.

"Is it the Empress?" Chen Mo asked.

"It's my seat."

Although there are only three short words, the voice is as masculine and sexy as ever, with a kind of confidence, and the slightly hoarse sound quality has raised the level of the voice a step further, listening to it is a kind of enjoyment.

Chen Mo's footsteps stopped, and when he heard what the Empress said, Chen Mo couldn't help laughing, but he didn't know what to say, it seemed that he should ask if it was good?But the empress is the emperor of Yunding Tiangong, and her combat power is even more superb, so how can she live a bad life?

I want to talk about what happened around me again, but she should already know about it, after all, she said she was here.

It was silent for a while.

Chen Mo didn't speak, neither did the Empress, the two of them reached a consensus at this moment, they didn't move, their eyes looked into the distance.

Although Elder Ming was a little strange, he didn't bother, and even cleaned up the deck, and there was no one around the empress.

"I..." Chen Mo couldn't help laughing, then walked briskly again, and said as he walked, "I won the first place in the battlefield, became the purple clothes of the reserve, and my cultivation has reached the evil level."

"Oh? Are you reminding me that your marriage contract with me should be put on the agenda?" The Empress burst out laughing, listening to Chen Mo's stammering words, she suddenly felt better.

The empress stretched out her hand, and the butterfly transformed by true energy stayed on the empress' fingers, and then slowly danced, circling around the empress's suet-like fingers.

"No way." Chen Mo was taken aback for a moment, but his face turned red, and he quickly retorted.

After that, he held the token to his ear and walked slowly in the corridor, which can be completed in half a quarter of an hour on weekdays. When he reached Chen Mo's feet, in half an hour, it seemed that he had just opened his head. There is still a long way to go.

"What do you want from me? Are you in trouble?" The empress asked with a smile after listening for two or three breaths, but she didn't hear Chen Mo's reply.

"It's not that I only think of you when I'm in trouble. Speaking of which, I'm also the son-in-law of Yunding Tiangong." Chen Mo also let go a little, so he joked.

"I'm just telling you. In my current situation, I have become a reserve member of Ziyi. I plan to improve my strength first, and then suppress some evil spirits. Then... let's talk about it."

"Well, let's talk again," Chen Mo's eyelids moved, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes. No matter how the marriage contract started, Chen Mo really took it seriously at this moment, but this time, he might not come back after going to the Northwest Great Wall. , Chen Mo didn't know what to say.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want. Although the situation is difficult, there is still a bit of pure land. If you are tired, come to Beiyunzhou." Although she sensed that there was something hidden in Chen Mo's words, the empress did not elaborate. Asking, but listening quietly.

As if afraid of Chen Mo's concerns, the Empress added: "My seat, I am very strong! Stronger than you can imagine."

"Well, I know, but I'm also very strong." Chen Mo nodded, I have to say that just listening to the empress's voice is a kind of enjoyment.

Both Chen Mo and the empress are fighting madmen, and they are more confident in their own strength.But at this time, both parties are only gentle, just talking about romance.


With the appearance of the light, Chen Mo had already walked out of the tunnel in the battlefield unknowingly, and both sides had hung up the sound transmission tokens in their hands.

The noise filled his ears again, and he couldn't help murmuring: "I really hope this road can be longer."

"Xianzhi, are you injured?" The Chen family hurried up to meet him.

Mother Chen seemed to be afraid that Chen Mo might be injured, she looked at it, and was relieved to see that it was complete, "Check carefully again, what if it is an internal injury?"

"Don't worry, it's fine." Father Chen signaled not to be so worried. Although he was also worried, there was no way Wuxiu would not fight.

Chu Kuangge was also waiting for Chen Mo. He showed a big smile and gave Chen Mo a thumbs up.

"Sure enough!" Big brother Chen Chuan couldn't help but sized him up, and patted Chen Mo's shoulder with a smile.

"Yes!" Chen Xiang praised with a smile

"Second Uncle?" Xiao BuDian called out timidly.

"Hey, Guang'er, let Second Uncle come here." Chen Mo beckoned.

"Guang'er will become a great hero like Second Uncle in the future." Chen Guang admired him.


(End of this chapter)

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