Reckless through another world

Chapter 425 Sorry, I've Been Bought

Chapter 425 Sorry, I've Been Bought
Day two...

"In the morning, I will be Tian Shelang, and in the evening, I will go to the Tianzitang."

"There is no such thing as a general, a man should be self-improvement."

Chen Mo recited the child prodigy poems from his previous life, stood outside the Zhenghe Gate, and waited for the call of the Dagan Shengshang. Of course, this time, he would also meet the head arrester of the Shendu Shenzhangmen, as well as many important figures in the imperial court. .

They absolutely attach great importance to the reserve purple clothes. Although Chen Mo has just reached the evil rank, but his combat power is strong, he may be promoted from the reserve purple clothes to purple clothes in a few years, and become a frontier official.

So they have to pay attention.

Although it is said that these bigwigs in the empire are people who manage everything every day, but for the respect of the future feudal officials, they will still take time to meet Chen Mo at this time, which is the meaning of the convention.

What Chen Mo was wearing was the arresting uniform of the chief arrester of the Tingzhu class. Compared with the red clothing, the more delicate color was not only red, but also mixed with purple.

Although it was a Tingzhu-level police uniform, it bore the title of Preparing Purple Clothes.

It's just a few more permissions and resources, but no real power, and many of the permissions will be restricted, so the reserve Ziyi, to put it bluntly, is only a relatively favored member of the Tingzhu class.

If Qin Tianjian provides resources and develops the ability of evil spirits, if the final strength does not improve, the title and authority will also be taken away, and it will not last forever, so the final result still depends on whether he can be promoted or not. Purple clothes shall prevail.

Looking up at the tall Zhenghe Gate in front of him, Chen Mo was suddenly in a daze. In half a year, he had been promoted from a worm-level martial artist to the current evil-level, and he was about to enter the dragon-level heavenly being.

The evil spirits all over the body subdued four of them, and they were all powerful evil spirits. Even his own template became a big boss, and Chen Mo really felt the power of being a big boss. With great power, he overwhelmed all the reserve court pillars.

Although after these servants enter the Qin Tianjian for a period of time, they will be able to live up to their name.However, their current strength can still be compared with some weaker Tingzhu.

"Please, God Catchment, Reserve Ziyi chief arrester, Lin Shanbo, Chen Xianzhi, see you!" The eunuch at the entrance of the main hall recited loudly. There were bursts of echoes.


"Please, God's Catchment, chief arrester in purple robes, Lin Shanbo, Chen Xianzhi, see you!" The eunuch in the outer hall heard it, and repeated what the great eunuch said.

The voice reached the door of Zhenghe Gate, and the eunuch waiting at the door of Zhenghe Gate also chanted loudly.

"I invite you, the god arrester, the reserve chief arrester in purple, Lin Shanbo, Chen Xianzhi, see you!"

Chen Mo tidied up the collar of the god catcher's costume, and then stepped up.

What Chu Kuangge said to him still appeared in his mind.

Time forward one day.

Chief arrester Chu Kuangge found Chen Mo after the match, and expressed his joy that Chen Mo was able to win the top spot.

"Thank you chief arrester." Chen Mo replied with a smile.

"Hey? You don't need to thank me, and there is nothing to thank me for. These are all your own hard work, and I didn't play any role." Chu Kuangge waved his hand, this is indeed his true temperament, no merit Not being paid, Chu Kuangge has a straightforward temperament, so I didn't care about it.

"I don't know why you always hunted me down?" Chen Mo asked.Chu Kuangge definitely couldn't just congratulate him, there must be something important to tell Chen Mo.

"I'm looking for you this time to tell you about the nature of God's Catchment." Chu Kuang Singer's true energy turned.

"Boom!" Many files were presented on the table.

Chu Kuangge picked up a copy, and then read it as if he was following the script: "The God Catchment Sect is a neutral organization, affiliated to the Qin Tianjian, and the Qin Tianjian is where the elders and the great saints of the human race sit..."

"Boss, can't you recite the lesson and then tell me?" Chen Mo smiled, then picked up the file and read it carefully.

"Damn it, my head hurts from reading so many files. How can I memorize them? With this time, I might as well kill two more demons." Chu Kuangge threw the files to Chen Mo again, and then continued to talk.

"Although the Zhenyi Division is nominally a subordinate organization of the Qin Tianjian, in fact the Zhenji Division only serves the court and the stability of the generals. As for who those people turn to, the elders in the Qin Tianjian don't care."

"Well, I understand." Chen Mo nodded. In fact, many people in many neutral organizations are not completely neutral, and they also have biases.

"But our Shenchuangmen is different. If Zhenyisi is the son adopted by Qin Tianjian, then our Shenchuangmen is the existence of his own son."

"So, as a transcendent department, the Qin Tianjian is actually an independent department. Among them, there are nineteen old masters on the surface to maintain the operation of the Qin Tianjian, while the rest of the great saints and old masters are hidden."

"To put it bluntly, the God Catchment Sect doesn't need to rely on anyone, but they need to rely on us, because the idea of ​​the elders in the Qin Tianjian is to protect the land of Shenzhou, not to fight for power." Chu Kuangge looked at this deeply. Chen Mo took a look.

"I know, basically you don't meddle in the rivers and lakes, you only resist foreign invasion, and you are always arrested to tell me not to rely on anyone, right?" Chen Mo grinned, he is not a fool, Chu Kuangge said so Yes, that's definitely what it means.

"Smart, in fact, after you passed the interview and assessment, you have already been accepted by the Qin Tianjian. When you come back from the imperial city after being awarded the honor, I will take you to the headquarters of the Qin Tianjian." Chu Kuangge laughed and patted Patted Chen Mo on the shoulder.

Chen Mo couldn't help but feel helpless, he always felt that his chief arrester Chu Kuangge treated him as a fool, explaining everything in detail, or else it was a very explicit hint.

"I'm really not a fool." Chen Mo can only sigh in his heart, it seems that not only his chief arrester, but also many people have a relatively naive impression of Chen Mo.

"I know, I don't need to be attached to anyone, I don't need to rely on anyone. The old boss of the human race is my biggest backer, and then I will defend Shenzhou." Chen Mo nodded and said.

"That's right, your interview results are very good. If it weren't for the fact that you are the number one and need to go to the imperial city, you would already be on your way to Qin Tianjian." Chu Kuangge nodded in satisfaction.

"Actually, it's too late to arrest you, I've already been bribed by others." Chen Mo looked at Chu Kuangge with a smile.

"Damn it, who pried the corner of my wall?!" Chu Kuangge was already ready to lift the knife, but instead smiled and said: "It's okay, Qin Tianjian can give you more."

"He made a promise with his body, and he also gave the entire Yunding Tiangong as a gift." Chen Mo said jokingly.

Hearing Chu Kuangge's explanation, Chen Mo really felt that the mountains and rivers were full of doubts and there was no way out, and there was another village in the shadows of the willows. He could definitely ask Qin Tianjian to support the northwest, as long as it was a little support, and he could even directly ask Qin Tianjian's old man "" Good words to persuade" the holy majesty who will do a good job.

In this way, the situation in the Northwest became clear at once.

"Empress? Impossible?" Chu Kuangge asked in surprise.

"That's what happened..." Chen Mo explained.

"I see, I didn't expect you to be favored by that person. Tsk tsk, I have to say, my vision is definitely at the level of a master." Chu Kuangge laughed. After Chen Mo explained this, Chu Kuangge also knew that Chen Mo actually Still represents himself.

"There's something I want to tell the chief arrester." Chen Mo rubbed his hands together.

(End of this chapter)

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