Reckless through another world

Chapter 426 Dealing with Smart People Makes My Head Hurt

Chapter 426 Dealing with Smart People Makes My Head Hurt

Chu Kuangge said that he would report it, so that Chen Mo didn't need to worry. The old man in Qin Tianjian would definitely be able to find a solution for these things.

However, Chen Mo was not so optimistic. If it could be resolved, Grand Master He would not have died in battle on the Northwest Great Wall.

Although Chen Mo was thinking about something in his heart, his feet were very calm. He walked step by step from the corridor of Zhenghe Gate, through the outer hall, and then walked through a corridor made of pure white marble that was about 300 meters long.

Chen Mo didn't calculate it carefully, but it took about 900 steps in total, and what appeared in front of Chen Mo was a huge hall, with the letter "Qianhe"

Chen Mo walked into the hall calmly, although he was a little nervous, but after all, he was a person who had seen the world, and the ability of autism to nourish qi was really strong, Taoism was naturally in operation, and Chen Mo's heart gradually relaxed. calmed down.

Take a step and walk into the hall.

"Chen Xianzhi, the chief arrester in red at the rank of god arrester, pays his respects to His Majesty." Chen Mo just bowed and saluted, crossing his thumbs and intervening.

Dagan is not prosperous to kneel and worship, and a man has gold under his knees, how can he kneel and worship at will?What's more, so many players in the previous life are all from the new century, kneeling down is an insult to them.

"No gift to be flattened!"

Listening to the voice revealed vicissitudes and even a little weakness.

Chen Mo raised his head, and what caught his eyes was a middle-aged man, dressed in a red dragon robe and wearing a crown on his head. A feeling of being stuck.

But a pair of deep eyes felt that this person was unfathomable, and he couldn't see the depth of it.

This is the emperor Qian Shizong "Tang Rong".

Chen Mo used to think that Qian Shizong died in battle, but seeing Qian Shizong's current figure, it seems that his body can't fight for a long time. Although the momentum and coercion are above heaven, it always feels a little ostentatious.

However, if you want to say that Qian Shizong is not strong, you can't say that. With the blessing of a country's national fortune, the emperor's own combat power will definitely be greatly increased.

Chen Mo also saw several court elders sitting there, including the right prime minister Zhang Fengxiu.This boss is exactly the same as Chen Mo remembers, without any change, wearing a purple robe, embroidered with a hornless python dragon.

Zhang Fengxiu fully satisfies anyone's fantasy of being a prime minister. Although he is not a feather fan and scarf, he can point out the country while talking and laughing, as if everything is under control.Seeing Chen Mo looking over, his expression was neither happy nor sad, and he didn't show any emotion, like a gentle gentleman.

Zuo Prime Minister Wang Jingchen, an old monk, seemed to be in a sedation, with his eyelids drooping, and he was full of momentum.When Chen Mo looked over, there was no reaction at all.

"Although I can't say too much, it's still a judgement." Chen Mo couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The legendary Prime Minister Zuo was not worthy of his name, but his demeanor was as intelligent as smoke. Although he was not as good as Zhang Fengxiu, he still had Coming out is also a resounding figure.

On the opposite side of the left and right prime ministers is a general, with a face like a jujube, with a gleam in his eyes, a burly figure dressed in a unicorn robe, with big earlobes, and his lingering eyes are slightly closed.Seeing Chen Mo looking over, he nodded towards Chen Mo, obviously affirming Chen Mo's combat power.

"General You Xiaowei, Jiang Qi who commanded [-] elite soldiers in the imperial city." Chen Mo knew this person.General Jiang is not arrogant, on the contrary, he is very forthright, and he grew up with the younger generation of Dagan Shengzong, so he can gain the trust of Emperor Qianzong.

Of course, speaking of it, the emperor actually didn't trust anyone. Although everyone in the house could rely on it, it would be ridiculous to talk about trust.

Apart from these three, the remaining one is the chief arrester in purple, who is also the chief arrester of the Shendu God Catchment Sect. This chief arrester smiled at Chen Mo, apparently to release Good intentions.

Of course, as far as the God Catchers are concerned, they are all from their own family. If Chen Mo is sitting there, and now he is standing with someone else, Chen Mo will also smile. .”

Although it seemed like a long time, Chen Mo already had a lot of ghost eyes, and it only took a few breaths to process these messages, and Qian Shizong did not urge Chen Mo, but waited for him to finish reading before speaking.

"Speaking of which, Chen Aiqing is still a great Lin Shanbo." Zhou Shizong said with a kind smile.

"Thank you for your promotion, Your Majesty, I'm terrified." Chen Mo was helpless. Sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot, and the emperor was not a fool for nothing. Just such a sentence made Chen acquiesce in the word "Minister", because Chen Mo's Lin Shanbo was a big cadre. Those who canonize will naturally become ministers.

In the beginning, Chen Mo obviously just called himself "God Catch Men Tingzhu".

"I just said that I don't want to deal with these people, and I always use various means to manipulate people's mentality. Who can stand it?" When Chen Mo saluted, he sighed helplessly in his heart. Since they want to take advantage of this, Chen Mo There is no need to twist.

"Chen Aiqing doesn't need to be too polite. Today I invite Chen Aiqing to talk while being crowned and honored." Qian Shizong said with a smile.

"I intend to make Chen Aiqing a marquis. I wonder what the two prime ministers think about this matter?" Shizong Qian looked at the two prime ministers. Sejong's mind is his mind.

Zhang Fengxiu got up slowly, and then saluted: "The old minister thinks it's not right. One is that Chen Xianzhi is still young, and the other is that he will not be awarded the title for no merit. Even if he won the first place in the battlefield, this move is not in accordance with the rules. We should wait until Chen Xianzhi is promoted to Ziyi and gets meritorious service."

"I also think it's inappropriate. I need to have corresponding meritorious deeds for breaking the rules." Although Wang Jingchen didn't want to speak, seeing Qian Shizong's eyes looking at him, he naturally got up.

"Then I can only wrong Chen Aiqing. In my opinion, the meritorious service in the Battle of Donglin can actually be a marquis. Considering what Prime Minister Zhang and Prime Minister Wang said, I can only let it go." Qian Shizong seemed to look at Chen Mo helplessly and said. .

"Nice criticism!" Chen Mo silently watched the big drama in his heart. Although it was created by him, it was not aimed at him, but at Zhang Fengxiu.

It's just that Chen Mo doesn't like to delve into the meaning of it, but it doesn't mean that 40 years of experience are in vain. The meaning of Gan Shizong clearly makes Chen Mo feel wronged, and he is already working hard for Chen Mo. It was the two prime ministers who tried their best to stop them before giving up.

Moreover, Chen Chuan has already moved closer to Zhang Fengxiu. If Chen Mo is a narrow-minded person, he will definitely persuade his brother to stay away from Zhang Fengxiu. Even if he fails to persuade him, he will stumble.

And saying this also prevents Chen Mo from being able to make friends with the two prime ministers.

"If it wasn't for Zhang Fengxiu, who I asked my brother to rely on, I would really believe it. It's just this kind of thinking. It's so tiring to think about it. It's not refreshing." Chen Mo didn't want to think too much at all. So, even if he wanted to get rid of it, it would be difficult.

"Don't be wronged, a great chivalrous man, for the country and the people, these are what I should do." Chen Mo decided not to follow the other party's train of thought, and directly called himself, anyway, Qin Tianjian's backer, he has already entered door, the emperor did not move.

Then go straight ahead and break the game.

"It's a good sentence for the country and the people, so let's start blessing Chen Aiqing's national fortune." Qian Shizong said loudly, nodding his head slightly, without showing the slightest expression of joy or anger.

(End of this chapter)

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