Chapter 427
Chen Mo just came to accept the medal, not to argue with these big bosses in the temple.

"Your Majesty, there is one thing I want to tell you." Chen Mo suddenly realized that he didn't seem to think that way at all, he just said no to the emperor. It's not their Tang family's world.

"Chen Aiqing has something to say?" Emperor Renzhi lowered his raised arm, looking at Chen Mo with great interest.

Although Zhang Fengxiu's expression did not change, there were obviously slight ripples in his deep eyes.

"Your Majesty, this is against the rules. Detective Chen does not have the right to report to the higher level. If something really happens, he should report it to the arrester before making a decision." Jing Chen, the chief arrester of Shendu God's arrester, stood up and interrupted with a salute. .

As he spoke, he gave Chen Mo a wink.Obviously, Chen Mo was told not to talk too much. No matter what it is, it should not affect the current master, otherwise it will easily lead to an unstable situation in the temple.

And Chen Mo didn't seem to see it. Although Chen Mo knew that reporting to the emperor would have a great impact, and the court might be in turmoil, and even indirectly expose the position of Mrs. He, but Chen Mo still had to follow Emperor Renzhi said.

Curve to save the country?Chen Mo understands, but Chen Mo doesn't want to do this.

If you are not willing to save your own big cadres, if you can’t figure it out, then this big cadre is not worth saving by others.In the future, Chen Mo can completely support another country to annex and expand. Anyway, the world is still the original world, and Chen Mo himself is not a member of this country, so there is no reason to perish along with the country.

Even Qin Tianjian is detached and does not intervene in the fight.Ever since he knew this, Chen Mo realized that it doesn't matter whether it is the rise of Daqian, the rise of Dazhen, or the rise of Dasheng.

But after all, Chen Mo is also the former Chen Mo, the former talented scholar.

"Jing Aiqing, don't worry, Zhang Aiqing, what do you think?" Emperor Renzhi nodded slightly, signaling Jing Chen not to worry, it all depends on Chen Xianzhi himself.

"What do the two prime ministers think?" Emperor Renzhi said, looking at Zhang Fengxiu and Wang Jingchen.

"The old minister agrees with Mr. Jing's arrest." Zhang Fengxiu obviously didn't want Chen Mo to talk about it with Emperor Renzhi now. Everyone still understands the current situation in the northwest. If it is opened now, it will definitely explode tomorrow morning. up.

"The minister seconded the proposal." Although Wang Jingchen didn't know what was going on, he obviously didn't want Emperor Renzhi to take too much initiative.

"Your Majesty thinks it's ok. Chen Chen quickly started at the end of the day, and what he said naturally represents what the people said. It's okay for Your Majesty to listen to it." Seeing that Emperor Renzhi looked at him, Jiang Qi stood up and saluted.

"What do you think of Chen Aiqing?" Qian Shizong raised his hand slightly, signaling these people to sit down, then looked at Chen Mo and asked.

"I still want to say it." Chen Mo nodded. No matter what kind of heart he felt, the defense line in the northwest cannot be broken, and Chen Mo will not back down. , Chen Mo will not die together with Dagan.

At worst, I don’t want anything else, just transfer the whole family to Yunding Tiangong, where the Empress is.Furthermore, since Qin Tianjian has already expressed his opinion through Chu Kuangge, Chen Mo has nothing to worry about.

In a word, "Do your best and listen to the destiny. Whether you succeed or not, it is not up to Chen Mo."

"Then ask Chen Aiqing to talk." Emperor Renzhi nodded slightly and waved his hands. All the maids and eunuchs who were serving on the left and right were sent away. Since Chen Mo insisted so much, it seems that it should be an important matter.

Chen Mo pondered for a while, and continued to speak without surprise: "Your Majesty, Mrs. He, you can't die!"

Immediately, the faces of all the people in the hall changed. Even Emperor Renzhi's face had become neither happy nor sad. He looked at Chen Mo calmly, as if he was waiting for Chen Mo's next words.

"Northwest border, there must be no loss."

"God, Chu Kuangge, you kid wants to kill me, so I said you should come at this time." Jing Chen's calm face suddenly became serious, and he asked why Chu Kuangge didn't come. with him.


Chen Mo talked about the strategy, and how to annex the surrounding small countries. Although it was all on paper in his previous life, these are the materials perfected by countless experts in the forum, so it is very feasible.

Including Chen Mo, there were only six people in the hall, and the remaining five listened quietly to Chen Mo's speech for half an hour.

The five people were all silent. Zhang Fengxiu seemed to have expected this situation a long time ago, and although Chen Mo was a little reckless, but Chen Mo had to let Emperor Renzhi express his opinion.

And after Chen Mo finished speaking, there was no further text, obviously he was waiting for everyone's statement. Since Chen Mo did not ask for an order to go to the northwest border, the meaning was very clear, "Anyway, this is your family's country. If you love it or not, I will Just say it."

However, even if he asked for his order, Emperor Renzhi would not allow it. The situation was complicated, and Chen Mo didn't know the art of war. What would he send him for?Add to the chaos?
"Sure enough, a hero is born in a young age. I didn't expect Chen Aiqing to be able to see so many problems at such a young age." Emperor Renzhi sighed.

"General Jiang obeys orders."

"The minister is here!" Jiang Qi also had a serious face, stood up and saluted.

"I order you to dispatch [-] elite soldiers to support the Northwest Great Wall, and the chief general will be Deng Zhiren." Emperor Renzhi passed down half of the tiger talisman.

"The minister obeys the order."

"It seems that there is still salvation." Chen Mo nodded, with a smile on his face, anyway, the final result was good, and Emperor Renzhi did not reject Chen Mo's suggestion.

"This matter is kept secret. I will issue a decree. What do the two prime ministers think?" Emperor Renzhi looked at Zhang Fengxiu and Wang Jingchen and asked. At the same time, the meaning conveyed was also kept secret and could not be known to others.

"Your Majesty is wise." Both Zhang Fengxiu and Wang Jingchen praised.

"The next step is to award Chen Aiqing an honor." Emperor Renzhi said with a smile.

"Great array, get up!" Emperor Renzhi raised his hand slightly, the entire imperial capital shone brightly, and golden energy rushed towards Chen Mo from all directions.

"Buzz buzz!" The formation was not noticed by the world.

The sound of the voice was even more insignificant, but Chen Mo felt that the so-called imperial luck that blessed him had some familiar feelings.

Before he could get to the bottom of it, with a flash of golden light, Chen Mo found another title "Lin Shanbo" appeared on his attribute panel

【Lin Shanbo】

(Cultivation speed +15%)

(Compatibility speed with evil spirits +5%)

(Evil ghost strength increase speed +3%)

(Blessed by the fate of the great power, turning bad luck into good luck in the empire, blessed by good luck, and improved luck...)
Chen Mo was a little surprised that after the national luck, he could still improve a series of things of the evil ghost, but it was always a benefit.If it wasn't for the benefits, Chu Kuangge wouldn't let Chen Mo accept the blessing of the fate of the country.
As the fate of the country increased, Emperor Renzhi's face became a little tired, he waved his hand and said, "Retire, I'm tired."

"I'm waiting to retire."


(End of this chapter)

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