Chapter 428

"Chen Xianzhi, you are too reckless, how could you bring this up so easily?" Jing Chen said with a serious face.

"Chief arrest, the final result is good, isn't it?" Chen Mo said with a smile.

"Boss Jing, how about giving this old man some time?" Zhang Fengxiu said with a smile.

"Prime Minister, please." Although Jing Chen and Zhang Fengxiu belonged to two different departments and had no relationship at all, Jing Chen still respected the prime minister very much and naturally gave way.After speaking, he strode away, leaving only Chen Mo and Zhang Fengxiu.

"I don't know why the Prime Minister is looking for me?" Chen Mo said with a salute.

"Let's talk while walking." Zhang Fengxiu nodded slightly, then took a step and walked slowly.

Chen Mo also followed up, talking to Zhang Fengxiu, always feels like a spring breeze, and inexplicably trusts the person in front of him, maybe this is the so-called charisma.

"Although it is reckless, you actually managed to get things done. I have to say, it really impressed me." Zhang Fengxiu originally thought that Chen Mo would be a kind of deep-hearted person, but he didn't expect to meet him. It turns out that's not the case.

Chen Mo can be regarded as that kind of smart person, after all, he has lived for a long time, but he is used to relying on his own strength, so he is lazy to save the country with curves, that is, he is unwilling to twist around.

It is always better to be direct. In Chen Mo's view, the so-called human relationship society is slow in efficiency and has concerns. If everyone does business in business, wouldn't the society run better?

And ever since Chu Kuangge told him about the nature of the Shenchuangmen and Qin Tianjian, Chen Mo knew that he would not be able to go to the northwest border. These were all internal struggles in Shenzhou.

Chu Kuangge told him that it is okay to suppress evil spirits and defend Shenzhou, but there are some, so don't get involved.

"Some things, in fact, if I don't do it, someone will do it." Chen Mo grinned, with little light shining in his eyes, he was just following his own heart, everything has its own fate and its own destiny.

"I have ambition, but unfortunately many things in this world are not simply right or right."

"The ass decides the head, it's all like this." Chen Mo laughed dumbly. Whatever position he was in, he just did what the position should do. It is said that adults don't consider right or wrong, but they can't tell right from wrong. What else is there to be a human being? mean?
It is said that the body is involuntary, and the mind is involuntary, so how can the body be involuntary.Thinking of this, Chen Mo slightly shook his head, whether he lived a new life or came to this extraordinary world, it is not very important to Chen Mo, the important thing is to stick to the things that he did not stick to in his previous life.

"Right is right, wrong is wrong, don't care about the so-called position, don't go to dialectical observation, I, Chen Xianzhi, is this kind of idealist."

"As for prosperity and great work, that's something that your boss and the ministers and emperors should take care of. I'm Chen Xianzhi, a martial artist."

"I only know that I would rather die singing in the rain than live under the fence of others."

"For military generals, it is the best thing to be willing to fight to the death and lose the country, and never give up the country."

"In future national wars, people will inevitably die. Is it necessary to open the city and surrender?"

"Don't talk about the so-called "for the common people, for the country, for the country, and for the sake of saving lives, these are all high-sounding words. Ask the ancestors in the ancestral temple, do you agree with the future generations to hand over the land they fought for?"

"Ask all civil and military officials, are you sorry for those who follow them? Ask Your Majesty, are you sorry for all those who trust him?"

"No matter how bad it is, ask the other party, can Kaesong surrender without killing people?"

"My hero is his enemy. His hero is my enemy."

"Hahahaha!" Chen Mo laughed loudly. Since ancient times, national wars have been about life and death. When Kaesong surrendered, he was faced with raging bandits, raping and looting, doing all kinds of crimes, and the blood of the people was inexhaustible.

"I believe that you, Prime Minister, are wise enough to make your own decision." Chen Mo looked at Zhang Fengxiu who was standing beside him, and said.

"Hehe, at such a young age, it's not bad to see, and the Taoist heart is even more stable." Zhang Fengxiu stroked his beard with a smile, "This is to blame the old man, I think the old man should not have received your letter without the slightest concern. As a result, blame His Majesty for destroying the Great Wall himself."

"I dare not." Chen Mo cupped his hands.

Although he didn't say this, the tone was obviously bad.

In the final analysis, Chen Mo is the fusion of Chen Xianzhi and Chen Mo. For Dagan, he still has his own scholarly spirit. Seeing that he has become a court pillar and is about to leave Dagan, Chen Mo finally said these words.

Zhang Fengxiu didn't refute Chen Mo's words. Although he said that he could tell countless truths and shatter the beautiful blueprint drawn by Chen Mo, Zhang Fengxiu didn't. That would be great. If all warriors in the empire think so, it would be great. up.

There is blood and rain in the rivers and lakes, and there is a combination of hardness and softness in the temple. For the warriors of Qin Tianjian, their responsibility is even greater. Being able to say this is enough to show Chen Mo's heart and responsibility. Supervisor selected.

After a long time, Zhang Fengxiu said, "I heard that Detective Chen is about to go to Qin Tianjian?"

"Most likely to go to Qin Tianjian in the next few days." Chen Mo didn't know why Zhang Fengxiu said that.

"The old man's great-grandson will also go to the Qin Tianjian. At that time, I will look forward to taking a snapshot of Chen's arrest." Zhang Fengxiu said with a smile on his face.

Chen Mo's expression changed, "Prime Minister, isn't your great-grandson the number one scholar in this discipline? Send it to Qin Tianjian?" Zhang Fengxiu's family has a single lineage, if his great-grandson is sent to Qin Tianjian Doesn't it mean that the Zhang family's position in the court has been cut off?And Zhang Fengxiu cut it off himself.

"Yes, but it must be given away, because Lao He...can't last long." Zhang Fengxiu shook his head with a smile.

Chen Mo paused and looked at the back of Prime Minister Zhang Fengxiu with a look of astonishment. Suddenly, he felt that this back was very lonely and desolate, and felt stupid for his decision to give advice to His Majesty Dagan today.

After not staying for too long, Chen Mo followed. He finally realized that it was not because what he said moved His Majesty today, but because Zhang Fengxiu directly cut off the future road of the Zhang family and cut off the Zhang family's relationship in the court. Influence, blocking future power ministers, so His Majesty gave in.

Chen Mo's expression was complicated, he hesitated, and asked softly: "Prime Minister, is it worth it?"

"Isn't that what Chen Kuai said?" Zhang Fengxiu nodded slightly, his eyes were dull, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

Chen Mo suddenly discovered that there really is such a person, this kind of power who can give up a lot of his own things for the sake of the overall situation.

"The old man is just doing what he should do."

"Prime Minister Gao Yi." Chen Mo couldn't find any adjectives, but he just felt that the Prime Minister of Daqian deserves to be the Prime Minister of Dagan.

At the gate of Zhenghe Gate, Zhang Fengxiu got into the carriage, and Chief Jing Shen had already gone back. Chen Mo stood at the gate of Zhenghe Gate and looked back.

"My lord, what are you looking at?" Chen Sheng greeted.

"God's Catcher is more suitable for me." Chen Mo said with a smile, and got into the carriage after speaking.

Chen Sheng didn't think too much, and drove back to the Chen Mansion.

(End of this chapter)

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