Reckless through another world

Chapter 429 The Empress Is Here

Chapter 429 The Empress Is Here
"Master and Madam, it's not good, it's not good!" The butler Chen Congee hurried into the lobby with a flustered expression on his face.

"What's the matter, so flustered?" Father Chen frowned slightly. He always told his servants to be calm and calm in doing things. Normally, his housekeeper and long-term follower would do the same, but now so flustered?

"Young Master's fiancée is here." Chen Congee said hastily.

"Nonsense, the eldest is married and has children, and the second is young..." Father Chen suddenly realized something in the middle of speaking.

"Master, maybe it's really Xianzhi's fiancée who has arrived." Mother Chen nodded and said, "Didn't you send a letter last time? What if it's true?"

"It's okay if it's fake, but if it's true, something big will happen."

"Please!" Father Chen hurriedly asked the butler to invite someone in.

Chen's mother thought about it: "Master, should we go invite her, after all, she is the empress."

"Well, if Xianzhi really marries the empress in the future, we as elders, forget it, I'd better go with my wife." Father Chen stood up, after all, he was a king with a different surname, even if it was the way of hospitality, he should do it in person. Go please.

"Master, don't treat her as Xianzhi's fiancée, but treat her as a king with a different surname. In this way, we should also invite her." Mother Chen also stood up as she spoke.


But Chen Mo didn't know all this, he just sat in the carriage, and practiced exercises silently, accumulating experience.

"Huh? What a big ostentation and a carriage? Is there any big person coming to our house?" As Chen Mo got off the carriage, he happened to see a huge chariot pulled by eight dragon horses opposite. It was dressed in black and embroidered with golden patterns. .

"Young master, you will be here." Chen Congee had been waiting at the door for a long time, and he was looking forward to Chen Mo's return quickly, it was almost hopeless.

"What's the matter? I'm as anxious as an ant on a hot pot." Chen Mo felt quite relaxed, after all, there will be no problems in the northwest for the time being. Dagan's land is basically stable.

And the recent time can also be free, can take a rest, take a breath, and then go to Qin Tianjian to receive special training and increase the strength of evil spirits.Speaking of it, Chen Mo was quite satisfied.

However, Chen Congee's next sentence left Chen Mo at a loss.

"Master, your fiancée is here, she is in the lobby now, go and have a look." Chen Congee whispered.

"What?!" Chen Mo was taken aback, "My fiancee? In the lobby?"

"You didn't lie to me?" Chen Mo grabbed Chen Congee's shoulder and asked very seriously.

"Master, how dare I lie to you, it's really here, right in the lobby." Chen Congee spoke earnestly.

"It's coming, it's coming, it's really coming..." Chen Mo spun around on the spot, hurried to the side of the frame, and asked a woman in scale armor, "Is the Empress really here?"

Chen Mo felt that he could still rescue her, maybe it was just the messengers who arrived, not the empress herself.

"That's right, the lord came here in person." Although she didn't want to talk to Chen Mo, she heard what Chen Congee said just now.

Chen Mo suddenly calmed down, anyway, he was already here, so it was just a chance to meet him.Thinking of this, Chen Mo stepped into the Chen Mansion.


"..., my lord, please drink tea." Father Chen didn't know what to say, and he didn't know what the other party was thinking, and the other party had a big background, so he was a little cautious for a while, but with a stiff smile, he looked up. Give way.

The empress nodded, sat on the seat, and picked up the teacup beside her.

Elder Ming stood beside the empress, not looking sideways.

"Xianzhi went to the imperial city to receive an honor. Counting the time, it's probably time to come back. Please wait a moment, my lord." Mother Chen was the empress who had been sizing up for a long time.

"Aunt Wuhai, I'll just wait for him." The empress nodded with a smile.

Although Chen's mother was not satisfied, there was nothing she could do. She wanted to find a wife for Chen Mo who was a little bit of jade, well-educated, and at the same time docile as water. Obviously, the Empress was not in her expectation.

When we first met, this tall height surprised Chen's father and Chen's mother, and the aura of the whole body made them even more difficult to figure out. Besides, the empress is also a king with a different surname who is good at force, so she must have a high level of cultivation.

Although she is very beautiful, it is not the kind of gentle beauty, but the implied domineering, even the eyes are extremely aggressive.

The most important point is the attire. The Yuanlong Mangpao is imposing, but with dragon armor as the scales and phoenix feathers as the material, it is even more dignified.

All in all, there is a huge gap between the Empress and Mother Chen's ideal daughter-in-law.

But it all depends on what Chen Mo means. Chen Mo has been very self-reliant since he was a child. Although the views of the two of them are used as a reference, it still depends on Chen Mo's own meaning.

With the appearance of the empress, there is no need for makeup, she is a beauty, and most importantly, she has an imposing manner that no woman can imitate.

It's difficult if others can't imitate it. Doesn't it look real?
"We met for the first time, and I have prepared some small gifts, and please accept them from my uncles and aunts." The empress waved her hand.

Afterwards, Elder Ming took out many gift boxes from the mustard bag.

"It's too expensive." Father Chen hastily declined. The gift from Wang with a different surname must be very expensive, how could they accept it, and after accepting it, it would be too shabby to return the gift, so they should simply reject it.

"I'm back." Chen Mo's voice came from outside the lobby.

Hearing Chen Mo's voice, the empress in the lobby also stood up slowly.Chen's father and Chen's mother breathed a sigh of relief. It will be fine when Chen Mo comes back. Let him handle the rest. The two old people really don't know what to do.

The moment he walked into the lobby, Chen Mo saw the empress, she hadn't changed at all, she was exactly the same as in memory, but the difference was that the things contained in her eyes were different, if it was curiosity before, now all that remains is tenderness .

"I'm back." The Empress asked.

The voice was still so pleasant, and there was a feeling of being addicted to it. Chen Mo was in a trance for a moment, as if he felt that it should be like this.

"Well, I'm back." Chen Mo nodded, with a smile on his face. Now that the matter in the northwest is over, the only thing left in Chen Mo's eyes is the Empress.

The two simply greeted each other.

"Talk with the two of you first." Father Chen and Mother Chen hurriedly made room for them, and then left from the inner hall.

"Elder Ming, go out and be vigilant." The empress waved her hand and said.

Elder Ming nodded, and then took a look at Chen Mo. Although he had seen it many times, it was the first time he saw it at such a close distance. Among them, what made Elder Ming feel the most palpitation was the fear and coercion in Chen Mo's body.

(End of this chapter)

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