Reckless through another world

Chapter 432 Sea of ​​Sky

Chapter 432 Sea of ​​Sky
The empress left, came suddenly, and left very suddenly. After talking to Chen Mo, she stayed for about a day and left with her troops on a giant ship.

On the day of leaving, Chen Mo stood on the pier to see him off, watching the empress's Tianyun giant ship slowly leave, Chen Mo's expression was a little complicated for a while, Chen Mo himself couldn't tell what was mixed in, so he simply shook Shaking his head, he suppressed everything.

"Have controlled all the evil spirits that can be controlled, and went to Yunding Tiangong?" Chen Mo murmured, with a smile on his face again, "Waiting for me for a while, I will become stronger and will not be suppressed by you anymore. "

"Buzz." At the same time, Chen Mo's God Detective Order sent a ringing sound.

"Chief arrest." Chen Mo greeted.

"It's time to go, you have already explained it, this time you leave, you don't have much vacation, maybe you can only come back once a year, or even a few years." Chu Kuangge's voice came from the token over here.

"It's already been arranged, and I'm ready." Chen Mo threw his hands together, and Ling Kui jumped out of his arms, shrinking to the size of a palm, while Jin Ling crawled in Chen Mo's sleeve robe , and then jumped from Chen Mo's arm to his shoulder.

Chen Mo didn't choose to go back to the Chen Mansion, because today is the day when these reserve Tingzhu go to the Qin Tianjian, and after entering the Qin Tianjian, they will be scattered to various places to carry out suppression tasks, and there is no way to come back in a short time.

This is also what Chen Mo needs. If he is always imprisoned in the God City, not only will he not have high-quality suppression of evil spirits, but even the promotion of the level will be slowed down.Killing time is fine, but for Chen Mo, this is not the life he likes, it is slow suicide.

Without getting into the carriage, Chen Mo used his Gang Qi and quickly approached the direction of the catcher's door.

"It seems that this is coming." Chu Kuangge who was seated at the head said.A person came out of the light at the entrance of the lobby, and he saw clearly that it was Chen Mo, and there were about a dozen court-level chief arresters in the lobby, all of whom had fought against Chen Mo.

Although each of them still had some bruises and swollen faces, the injuries all over their bodies were obviously not serious, and they were able to move around now.

With Chen Mo's entry, the originally active lobby suddenly became cold, and everyone stared at Chen Mo who came in with cold faces.

Chen Mo was neither nervous nor afraid at all, he would just fight again at worst, just a group of defeated opponents.

Chen Mo sat in the front seat without hesitation. This place was originally prepared for him. No one would sit here except for others to find fault with him. Moreover, with the establishment of the first battle on the battlefield, no one in the lobby dared to find him. Chen Mo is in trouble.

After waiting for less than a quarter of an hour, all 36 god catchers arrived.

Although Tang Shenyue, Wu Que, Dongfang Chongyang and others also saw Chen Mo's, they didn't come up to talk to them, they just sat aside and waited quietly.

"Since everyone is here, let's get ready to go." Chu Kuangge stood up and walked out of the lobby.

All the god catchers got up, walked out of the lobby, followed Chu Kuangge to the apse of the god catcher gate, and boarded a relatively small giant ship.

"Departure!" Chu Kuangge raised his hand slightly, and the giant ship rose up, and then quickly sank into the clouds, with a fast speed, and even passed through the defensive barrier in the capital of God unimpeded.

In a quarter of an hour, the giant kung fu ship was already out of the range of Shendu, and even the huge pillars that reached to the sky felt much smaller. At the same time, the giant ship accelerated towards the sky and flew up.

"Next, I will take everyone to the mysterious Qin Tianjian." Chu Kuangge laughed, and the giant ship turned into a meteor and disappeared with a swish.

"Plop!" The giant ship seems to have plunged into the water, swimming quickly to the depths, like a submarine, Chen Mo can't even tell whether it is the sky or the sea.

A faint golden light formation appeared on the outer layer of the giant ship, blocking the surrounding water.

Everyone was horrified. They looked at the continuously squeezed water around them, and even the darker and deeper surroundings.This giant ship looks very small in such a deep and dark place like the bottom of the sea.

It was as inconspicuous as throwing a grain of rice into the water tank.

But for the god catchers on the huge ship, this is indeed very scary. If there are people with deep sea phobia, they might faint on the spot.

"Chief arrest, is this the sea?" Bai Zhanye asked, swallowing his saliva.

"This is not the sea." Chu Kuangge shook his head with a smile.

"Is this the sky?" Wei Hui asked very calmly, and she was still looking at it carefully.

"Smart, here is the sky, but it's just a sea of ​​sky." Chu Kuangge nodded slightly. It has to be said that this little girl is indeed very smart, and Chu Kuangge cast her approving gaze.

"What's that?" one of the catchers exclaimed.

Everyone then saw that it turned out to be a huge skeleton floating in the sky like a deep sea, not just this one, but many, many, thousands, countless skeletons floating in the water.

There are even many skeletons that are much larger than giant ships, and some are even hundreds of meters high, but in this vast ocean, they are still like a flat boat.

"You will know in the future." Chu Kuangge said calmly.

"Plop!" After the giant ship broke through the water and emerged, everyone felt that they had already arrived at another place with a blink of their eyes.

The light blue water surface stretches as far as the eye can see.

The sky is light blue, and all the stars in the sky can be seen through the sky.

What shocked everyone the most was the floating islands that formed a large area.

No, it can't even be called an island anymore, but land, a huge piece of land that stretches as far as the eye can see.

"Get off the ship, we've arrived at the Qin Tianjian." The giant ship slowly approached the harbor, and everyone also got up from the giant ship with curious eyes.

"Hey, it looks like a newcomer!" The chief executive who was dressed in a court-level red dress on the plank road not far away shouted with a smile.

"The quality of this batch of rookies is very high. I heard that there is also a ruthless man who single-handedly defeated [-] reserve court pillars and won the top spot." Another chief executive in red said with a smile. .

"So powerful. The rookie king."

Everyone who disembarked from the giant ship was shocked by the scenery, the aura around them became more intense, and there was a fresh breath coming from their nostrils.

Even Chen Mo thought that the Qin Tianjian would be that kind of gloomy place, but the reality is different. The Qin Tianjian is actually a huge land, and the scenery here is also very different, quite a kind of paradise in the comics a feeling of.

(End of this chapter)

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