Reckless through another world

Chapter 433 A Different Qin Tianjian

Chapter 433 A Different Qin Tianjian

"Let's go, I just took you with me, otherwise, you may be sent up one by one." Singer Chu Kuang swept the giant ship away, and then walked onto the sea first. plank road.

"Hey, who is this? Isn't this my big brother Chu?" The two red-clothed court pillars on the plank road laughed and hurried up to answer.

"Stop doing this, I will beat anyone who dares to ask my people to borrow money." Chu Kuangge scolded with a smile.

"Little ones, don't be dumb, and follow."

"It feels like entering some secret organization." Bai Zhanye waited and watched curiously, and after hearing Chu Kuangge's call, he hurriedly followed. This person is not familiar with the place, if he gets lost, he might get lost.

The rest of the catchers also followed.

Chen Mo looked at the sea water next to the plank road, and saw that it could reflect the light blue sky and the stars, but because it was too clear, he couldn't see what was at the bottom of the sea water.

"Wow!" After reaching out his hand to fiddle with it, Chen Mo smelled it and tasted it.

"This is not sea water." Wei Hui said.

"Well, I have tasted it." Chen Mo nodded. This place is indeed very fantasy. Even when playing games before, there was no map here. It seems that many players who joined the God Catch Gate did not concentrate on climbing.

Maybe it's because of the game, so the requirements for strength are more.And more masters, they disdain to join this kind of official organization, and prefer to be an individual, which is why they didn't open the map here before.

Or maybe it's because someone has already opened the map here, but because they want to monopolize the resources, they haven't made it public.

"Don't fall. If you fall like this, you won't come up. If you get entangled in the water, you may die inside."

"Otherwise, you will sink crazily. At that time, it will be equivalent to falling from a height of tens of thousands of meters. It will be difficult for you to survive." Seeing Youshenzhu curious, Chu Kuangge explained in his rough voice over again.

The gods who were still curious immediately leaned towards the middle, and when they came, they saw the huge skeleton, and there were not a few of them. They didn't look like things like that lying in the dark sky for a long time. region.

Following Chu Kuangge, they passed the plank road, and when they reached the beach, there were already people waiting for them.

"They'll leave it to you. I still have something to do, so I'll leave first." Chu Kuangge didn't even count as handing over, but just gave an order, and then flew away directly.

"My mother, we are not being sold, are we?"

"Could Mr. Chu be so like a kidnapper?"


Among the 36 god catchers, quite a few of them were whispering. Although it was said that they could also transmit voices with true energy or ghost energy, they obviously didn't do so, and they seemed to want to test these people's ideas.

"First of all, welcome to the headquarters of Qin Tianjian. I am Wen Zheng. We are just your guides. After this journey, it will be up to you in the future." Tingzhu-level red-clothed god catcher.

Of course, Chen Mo also saw several soldiers in black armor behind him, all exuding aura above the heavenly level.

"Entering the gate of Qin Tianjian, there are all kinds of martial arts, martial arts, and rare treasures. Of course, all you need is the merits in your tokens to exchange. If you want to improve your authority, you must work hard to suppress the evil spirits."

"We, Qin Tianjian, don't care much about the affairs of the secular world. Most of them are resisting outside the territory. Of course, if there are any strange things in the secular world, we will investigate them, and we will suppress them if there is a big danger."

"Of course, Qin Tianjian is a general term, and you are still members of the God Catchers, so please come with me now." Wen Zheng made a gesture of invitation, and then walked in the front, while those black armor People also followed.

"Let's go, since everyone knows something about Qin Tianjian, they should know what's going on." Tang Shenyue glanced at everyone, and then followed with Wei Hui.

"Brother Chen?" Bai Zhanye leaned against Chen Mo and asked in a low voice.

"Just follow. Where can we sell it to us?" Chen Mo joked with a smile, and then followed up, while Bai Zhanye walked up without thinking deeply.

The rest of Tingzhu Hongyi also followed. Although Tao Ran still pays attention to hitting Chen Mo, she feels that it is impossible to always get so close, so she doesn't talk to Chen Mo.

As for Bei Zhan's life, it's even more interesting. He feels guilty when he sees Chen Mo now, so he can only say that Chen Xianzhi deserves to be Chen Xianzhi.

As for the other chief arresters, most of them just take it one step at a time. However, those who can pass the assessment and interview are basically trustworthy, that is, they don't have any messy ambitions.

Some people may simply want to become stronger, or want to protect their family members, or want to be a hero,... and so on. As for the defense of Shenzhou, among them Although there are such, but very few.

Those large-scale god catchers on the land of Qianyuan are all recruited by the god catchers among the people, and the elites will be screened out, and then the good-natured elites will be selected from the elites. It is possible to join the Qin Tianjian rightly.

It was also done in the same way when the God Catchment Sect was not rising. However, the God Catchment Sect was also something that Qin Tianjian had planned for a long time, so it was able to be established so quickly.

As for those who have controlled the evil spirits before, they have naturally been controlled by the Qin Tianjian long ago. You must know that although the evil spirits are difficult to suppress, you need a ghost warrior to fight against them, but the ghost warrior can easily deal with them .

Of course, those above Tingzhu level and in bad spirits will also be sent to Qin Tianjian.The red-clothed evil spirits are already a powerful threat, not to mention the court-level red-clothed, if it revives among the people, it will definitely make people miserable again.

"You live in this pavilion first, and I will make specific arrangements for you tomorrow." Wen Zheng led the crowd to a huge attic.

The tube building was built on flat ground, close to the cliff, about six stories high, and there were people sticking out their heads to look at them.

As Wenzheng said, someone had brought in a shelf, and there were 36 signs on it.

"This is the house number. Of course, it doesn't matter if you like two people living together. This is just a place to rest at the beginning. Only the top floor is a good room, and the middle floor is slightly worse. The rest are either air leakage or Leaking." Wen Zheng said with a smile.

"There's a good show to watch."

"Come on, every year old people take this opportunity to teach newcomers."


"Okay, you can come up to get the badge." Wen Zheng said with a smile.Usually at this time, although it is not considered a fight, there will always be friction, and naturally it is time for him to teach others a lesson.

But obviously, he miscalculated this year. None of these people came forward. After looking at each other, everyone's eyes turned to a young god who stood in the front.Among them, there was one who was going to go forward first, but the people beside him pushed him, and then his footsteps also stopped.

"Huh? Is the sun coming out from the west?" Wen Zheng was taken aback for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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