Chapter 434
Chen Mo also walked up very consciously, and then took down the house number hanging on the top.

This made Wenzheng even more astonished. Although everyone looked at this young man, he took away the house plate so easily. At the top of the list, there will always be people who are dissatisfied.

This time it was good, and they were all honest.

Of course, to be honest, Chen Mo has hammered them all, who dares to step forward and make trouble?
After taking out the signs, Chen Mo didn't go in directly, but looked back and said, "Take them in order, check out those unusable rooms, gather the rest and squeeze them together."

"Brother Chen, Brother Chen, can I share a room with you?" Bai Zhanye hurried up.

"Yes." Chen Mo nodded, and did not refute. Since the leader said that two or more people can live in one room, it means that the rest can be discarded, and then the big guys squeeze together.

"What about Dongfang Chongyang? Is she a man or a woman?" You Shen Catch asked in a low voice.

"It should be a woman, I heard that this martial arts book she practiced will make me completely a woman." Another whispered.

Dongfang Chongyang turned his head sharply, and gave them a cold look.The gods who consciously slipped their tongues immediately shut their mouths, but they also had doubts about whether Dongfang Chongyang was a man or a woman.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, everyone chose the room very consciously, and basically there are two people in one room, and there may be three people in one room if there are more.After asking Wen Zheng, even a room for four people is more than enough, so there is no need to worry.


"Be careful at night, I heard there will be a surprise attack." One of them reminded in a low voice.

"Surprise attack? Could it be possible to use ghosts to surprise us?" Another god catcher laughed, and then walked into his room.

Because it is a Tongzilou, it is the first time for everyone to live, and most of them share a room with two people, so they live very close to each other, not far away.

"Go to bed early, there may be some tasks tomorrow." When Chen Mo arrived in his room, he found that it was really a four-person bed. When getting on and off the bed, Chen Mo slept directly on the lower berth.

"Brother Chen, they said there will be a surprise attack at night." Bai Zhanye asked.

"It's okay. At most, it's the stalking of the gods. Everyone is no longer a child. They will definitely be able to save their lives. As for whether they will be scared or not, that is their own business." Chen Mo shrugged. Reluctantly lay down.

If Chen Mo came, he would definitely not let everyone fall asleep so easily, because as a catcher, he must be vigilant at all times.

Although they knew that someone would come tonight, many of them fell asleep directly, and the ghostly aura slowly covered them up. Anyway, as long as someone or a ghost came, they would definitely wake them up.

"Huihui, do you think someone will attack at night?" Tang Shenyue looked at Weihui who was in another shop and asked.

"It's [-]% likely to come. It's something that most old people will do." Wei Hui said with certainty, "As for how many people will come, I don't know."

"Forget it, anyway, I don't care if Chen Xianzhi goes to the top anyway." Tang Shenyue curled her lips, she finally had a chance to take the top spot, but who would have thought that she would directly give her a heavy hammer and meet Chen Xianzhi who turned out to be out of nowhere.

"He..." Wei Hui paused slightly, and then said, "His combat power is a bit weird. It should be a very heavy burden to control that kind of monster, but he doesn't seem to be affected at all. .”

In the end, Wei Hui concluded: "It's a weird person."

"Don't think about him. He looks like a martial idiot. Do you want this kind of person to be corrupted by a big ghost? It's difficult!" Tang Shenyue shook her head, but her tone was quite envious, as if It's like a scumbag envious of a top student. People are naturally fond of learning and have high talents, so there is really no trick at all.

Tang Shenyue also envied Chen Mo, a martial idiot and fighter madman, who could devote all his time to cultivation.

Naturally, there were those who didn't sleep. For example, Wu Que, the sword idiot, sat cross-legged on the bed, with the sword across his lap, and his true energy slowly circulated.


Into the night
"Crackling!" Chen Mo was woken up by a creaking sound, and frowned slightly. Although he said he was asleep, he was practicing lying down, and he didn't feel sleepy at all. Like just waking up.

Walking lightly from the bed, Chen Mo pushed Bai Zhanye.

"What... what's wrong?" Bai Zhanye rubbed his eyes, then woke up suddenly, his eyes widened suddenly.

Because there was a knock on the door.

"Dong Dong." Bai Zhanye's primordial spirit swept over, but he didn't find anything, so he felt something was wrong.

Chen Mo put his index finger on his lips, signaling "shh", then tiptoed to the door, and slowly put his eyes on the crack of the door.

There is darkness outside the door, deep and vast, it seems that there is nothing to see at all, but Chen Mo can feel that there is something standing outside the door, maybe it is a person, maybe it is a ghost.

But not long after, an eyeball was pasted on the opposite side, with traces of blood red and deep malice.

"Ghostly eyes."

"Bada!" The scarlet ghost eyes on Chen Mo's forehead opened suddenly.

"Whoosh!" The eye on the crack of the door disappeared immediately.

"Crack!" After that, Chen Mo pushed the door open, and the corridor was in a hazy, pale white. The kerosene lamp above his head emitted a faint light, which did not achieve the effect of lighting, but instead added a new light to the circular corridor. A sense of gloom.

"Want to leave?" Chen Mo murmured, his body stepped directly into the darkness, and the billowing black smoke instantly drowned Chen Mo's figure.

"Don't be reckless, Brother Chen!" Bai Zhanye wanted to greet Chen Mo, but it was obviously too late, and Chen Mo's figure disappeared directly at the door.

Chen Mo also ignored Bai Zhanye's cry, he had to adapt by himself.But what surprised Chen Mo was that after he entered the corridor, he couldn't find the door to go back. It seemed that there was a thick layer of black smoke separating him.

"If you use Ghost Domain, wouldn't it be too boring." Chen Mo grinned, his eyes were very kind, four arms grew out from his side ribs, and then Chen Mo jumped suddenly, six arms and two The feet are firmly fixed on the wall.

"Whoosh!" With a bang, he crawled up quickly, and rushed towards the thing that Chen Mo saw with his ghostly eyes.

"Damn it, I'm scared to death, what the hell?!" The god catcher with a lantern in the front really felt uncomfortable after eating a dead fly. He wanted to scare Chen Mo and Bai Zhanye just now, but he Just as he was about to take a look at the situation inside, a scarlet ghostly eye stuck to his face.

If it weren't for his strong psychological quality, he might have yelled out on the spot. Then, another ghost exuding terrifying fear and coercion chased after him. Seeing that posture, he was even more like a ghost than a ghost. Fleeing indiscriminately.

"No, no, no, I will be caught up sooner or later. A dead fellow Taoist will not die a poor daoist. This ghost thing is not easy to deal with. Let everyone help me share it." It's so fucking oppressive.

(End of this chapter)

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