Reckless through another world

Chapter 437 Shangguan Ziyun's Guess

Chapter 437 Shangguan Ziyun's Guess

Listening to Lu Suyao's guidance, Chen Mo has arrived at the research center. It is a more modern building than the modern one. It is made of steel and blessed with runes. After the formation at the gate verifies Chen Mo's identity, Chen Mo enters a long Long white corridor.

Walking to the end, I went through a gate again to come here, the space is very huge, quite a modern large-scale laboratory style, and there are many instruments in it, many things Chen Mo has never even seen before.

And the most important point is that many large crystals that Chen Mo has never seen are running slowly, and there are rows of data on them.

"Sure enough, with the development of this kind of technology tree, even if there is no computer, there will be other things to replace the computer." Chen Mo murmured in his heart. Data, or experiment analysis.

"Welcome, hello, you are Chen Xianzhi, the number one of the 36 court pillars in red clothes, you are indeed quite young." A woman in her 30s who was dressed in a purple robe walked up to her, with a graceful beauty on her face , with a faint smile.

"Well, I am." Chen Mo nodded, his token had already indicated his identity.

"I'm Shangguan Ziyun, you can also call me Chief Detective Shangguan. I'm in charge of the data of your evil spirits and the direction of promotion." Shangguan Ziyun nodded slightly and said.

"You came early enough. I thought you would spend a few days on the island before coming."

"Since you're here, let's just take a look and follow me." Shangguan Ziyun led Chen Mo through several large laboratories, and then brought Chen Mo to a relatively empty place.

"Don't be so nervous. Although we are also doing our best to study the evil spirits, we have obtained too little information, but we have also obtained many derivatives of evil spirits." Said, Shangguan Ziyun opened the crystal of a human head in his hand , the array in the room immediately began to scan Chen Mo's body.

And the crystals in Shangguan Ziyun's hand also began to show various data of Chen Mo. Although it is not as powerful as Chen Mo's attribute panel, and the data is not too stable, it has to be said that it is indeed impressive to be able to do this. With admiration.

"Release ghost transformation, ghost transformation in full state." Shangguan Ziyun said immediately.

The ghost energy in Chen Mo's body slowly gushed out, silky scales grew on Chen Mo's skin, and then the skin turned into ghost armor, the black cuticle spread rapidly, and even Chen Mo's face turned into a ghost face.

"Bada!" As the ghost eye on the top of the head opened, the rest of the scarlet ghost eyes opened from the gap in the ghost armor.

"Stab!" Four ghost hands grew out from Chen Mo's lower ribs.

Chen Mo's body was already tall, and with this heavy ghost armor, he was even more burly. He was three heads taller than Shangguan Ziyun. When his scarlet ghost eyes opened and closed, there was a creepy scarlet light.

"What a strong ghost. In this level of ghosting, your primordial spirit has not been impregnated much. No, you have just condensed the sense of consciousness and have not yet produced the primordial spirit." Shangguan Ziyun's eyes flickered With a curious light, he looked up at Chen Mo. While he was surprised by Chen Mo's will, he also wondered if it was a problem with Chen Mo's physique.

But Chen Mo just kept silent, his family knew his abilities, he was a demon with a very high degree of affinity contract, and at the beginning it was easy not to transform into a ghost, but to use ghost energy, now the degree of compatibility High, the fusion of the two sides is still harmonious, and naturally they have not been affected much.

"Also, the degree of ghosting is too high." Shangguan Ziyun looked at the data in his hand, and then looked at Chen Mo's current appearance, and felt very weird.

Not only is the degree of ghost transformation high, but the ability of this evil ghost seems to be very complicated.It can be roughly seen that all the data speeds of Chen Mo have been greatly improved. It seems that the evil spirits in Chen Mo's body did not focus on one school, but developed together.

"Can you take off the ghost eye?" Shangguan Ziyun asked.

"It should be possible." Chen Mo didn't try whether he could take off the ghost eye, but it seemed to be no problem, so Chen Mo tried it, and took a ghost eye ghost on his arm, and it was as expected. As I thought, I took it off very easily.

And it can be used normally, it’s not that it can’t be used after taking it off, Chen Mo can still see the scene seen by the ghost eye through this ghost eye, this time it’s even more amazing, not like the original 360 degrees, Rather, there is a partial overlap, but Chen Mo can clearly know that this is an overlap.

"Try cutting off your eyeballs."

Chen Mo tried to cut off the connection between the ghost qi and the ghost eye, and then Chen Mo found that he could no longer contact the ghost flame. With the cut off of the ghost qi, the whole ghost flame instantly shattered into black ghost qi Dissipate.

"It seems to be the same as other people's, and they all need ghost energy to maintain." Shangguan Ziyun recorded, beckoning at the same time.

"Boom!" Suddenly, countless sophisticated instruments appeared in the empty space.

Chen Mo already had a psychological burden, but now that this kind of precision instrument appeared, he even moved his feet and moved a little further away from the drill bit not far away.

"Do you mind if I collect some samples?" Shangguan Ziyun waved his hand, and the surrounding instruments gathered around Chen Mo, and the tiny drill seemed to be working.

"Yes." Chen Mo nodded and led you. Although it felt a little stressful, it was okay, because no matter whether it was the ghost armor that was cut off or the scales that were pried off, after Chen Mo's ghost energy disappeared, they all changed into fly ash.

"It does look the same. Although your evil spirit looks like a compound type, it is far superior to other ordinary compound type evil spirits in terms of strength, speed, and defense. Their evil spirits are very mediocre."

"If it wasn't that one person could only control one evil spirit, I would have thought that you would have combined evil spirits with outstanding characteristics." Shangguan Ziyun said with a smile, and the crystal in her hand was also rapidly changing. recorded.

Chen Mo's heart skipped a beat, and his heart skipped a beat, but Chen Mo's disguise was very good, and he was not discovered.

"It's really strange that the primordial spirit has only been infiltrated so little, but it's also a good thing. Slower impregnation of the evil spirit means slower collapse and greater combat effectiveness." Shangguan Ziyun mobilized Chen Mo The data, and then start to archive by category.

The faster you are impregnated by evil spirits, it means that the power of evil spirits becomes more and more uncontrollable. When you are soaked through, it means that you will be swallowed, and then the evil spirits will recover and become stronger .

"I heard that the strongest ghost of yours is Huangquan, let it out and have a look." Shangguan Ziyun waved his hand, and all the instruments around him were removed.


(End of this chapter)

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